57 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Enhancing Spatial Ability Assessment: Integrating Problem-Solving Strategies in Object Assembly Tasks Using Multimodal Joint-Hierarchical Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling. Journal of Intelligence
. | Journal Article
Building Up: Educational Habits That Nurture Spatial Talent. Gifted Child Today
. | Journal Article
Mental Rotation Performance: Contribution of Item Features to Difficulties and Functional Adaptation. Journal of Intelligence
. | Journal Article
Spatial Thinking Across the Curriculum: Fruitfully Combining Research and Practice. Gifted Child Today
. | Journal Article
The Importance of Identifying Spatial Skills in Talented Students. Gifted Child Today
. | Journal Article
WIP: Collaborating to Introduce Second-Life Battery Technology Research in an Informal STEM Learning Environment
WIP: Rural Water Education (RWE) Partnership for Place-Based STEM Learning in Out-of-School Programs
Exploring the Influence of Item Characteristics in a Spatial Reasoning Task. Journal of Intelligence
Shi, QingzhouWind, Stefanie A and Lakin, Joni M
. | Journal Article
Give and gain: Black engineering students as near‐peer mentors. Journal of Engineering Education
Taylor, LeonardMastrogiovanni, MargaretLakin, Joni M. and Davis, Virginia
. | Journal Article
Navy STEM Challenges: Innovative Labs and Activities with SONAR
The Design of an Out-of-School Program Focused on Community-Centered Engineering Challenges
Lakin, Joni M.Marghitu, DanielaDavis, Edward W. and Davis, Virginia A.
Asset-Based Decision Making to Address Inequity in Gifted Education Services
Gifted Child Quarterly. | Journal Article
Developing Student Aptitudes as an Important Goal of Education
Gifted Child Quarterly. | Journal Article
Framing Engineering as Community Activism for Values-Driven Engineering (RFE Design and Development - Year 2)
Getting Everyone to the Fair: Supporting Teachers in Broadening Participation in Science and Engineering Fairs
Lakin, Joni M.Ewald, Mary LouHardy, Emily E.Cobine, Paul A.Marino, Janie G.Landers, Allen L. and Davis, Virginia A.
Journal of Science Education and Technology. | Journal Article
Introducing Engineering as an Altruistic STEM Career
Lakin, JoniLakin, JoniMarghitu, DanielaMarghitu, DanielaDavis, VirginiaDavis, VirginiaDavis, Edward and Davis, Edward
The Science Teacher, vol. 88, (no. 4), pp. 29-35, Mar/Apr 2021. | Journal Article
Poster: Use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality(VR) to tackle 4 amongst the “14 Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century” identified by National Academy of Engineering
Water Purification and Ocean Salinity: The Colligative Properties and Engineering Naval Solutions
Culturally De-Centered Test Design for Pictorial Reasoning Assessments
Running the STEM Gauntlet: The Complicity of Four-Year Universities in the Transfer Penalty
Elliott, Diane C and Lakin, Joni M
Research in Higher Education, vol. 61, (no. 4), pp. 540-565, Jun 2020. | Journal Article
Spatially gifted, academically inconvenienced: Spatially talented students experience less academic engagement and more behavioural issues than other talented students
Lakin, Joni M. and Wai, Jonathan
British Journal of Educational Psychology. | Journal Article
Assessing barriers and increasing use of immunization information systems in independent community pharmacies: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Hastings, Tessa JHastings, Tessa JHastings, Tessa JHastings, Tessa JHa, DavidHa, DavidHa, DavidHa, DavidFox, Brent IFox, Brent IFox, Brent IFox, Brent IQian, JingjingQian, JingjingQian, JingjingQian, JingjingLakin, JoniLakin, JoniLakin, JoniLakin, JoniWestrick, Salisa CWestrick, Salisa CWestrick, Salisa C and Westrick, Salisa C
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2019-10-00. | Journal Article
Board 117: Work in Progress: Impact of Teaching Engineering Summer Academy on Teacher Efficacy and Teaching Beliefs
Lakin, JoniEwald, Mary LouBlanco, Nancy and Gilpin, Jessica
ASEE Conferences. | Conference Proceeding
Fidelity of Implementation: Understanding Why and When Programs Work
Lakin, Joni M and Rambo-Hernandez, Karen
Gifted Child Today, vol. 42, (no. 4), pp. 214, 20191000. | Journal Article
Getting Everyone to the Fair: Who Participates in and Benefits from Science and Engineering Fairs (Evaluation)
Lakin, J.M.Lakin, JoniEwald, M.L.Ewald, Mary LouDavis, V.A. and Davis, Virginia
ASEE Conferences. | Conference Proceeding