57 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Enhancing Spatial Ability Assessment: Integrating Problem-Solving Strategies in Object Assembly Tasks Using Multimodal Joint-Hierarchical Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling. Journal of Intelligence
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Building Up: Educational Habits That Nurture Spatial Talent. Gifted Child Today
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Mental Rotation Performance: Contribution of Item Features to Difficulties and Functional Adaptation. Journal of Intelligence
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Spatial Thinking Across the Curriculum: Fruitfully Combining Research and Practice. Gifted Child Today
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The Importance of Identifying Spatial Skills in Talented Students. Gifted Child Today
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WIP: Collaborating to Introduce Second-Life Battery Technology Research in an Informal STEM Learning Environment
WIP: Rural Water Education (RWE) Partnership for Place-Based STEM Learning in Out-of-School Programs
Exploring the Influence of Item Characteristics in a Spatial Reasoning Task. Journal of IntelligenceShi, Qingzhou⋅Wind, Stefanie A and Lakin, Joni M.
| Journal Article
Give and gain: Black engineering students as near‐peer mentors. Journal of Engineering EducationTaylor, Leonard⋅Mastrogiovanni, Margaret⋅Lakin, Joni M. and Davis, Virginia.
| Journal Article
Navy STEM Challenges: Innovative Labs and Activities with SONAR
The Design of an Out-of-School Program Focused on Community-Centered Engineering ChallengesLakin, Joni M.⋅Marghitu, Daniela⋅Davis, Edward W. and Davis, Virginia A.
Asset-Based Decision Making to Address Inequity in Gifted Education Services
Gifted Child Quarterly. | Journal Article
Developing Student Aptitudes as an Important Goal of Education
Gifted Child Quarterly. | Journal Article
Framing Engineering as Community Activism for Values-Driven Engineering (RFE Design and Development - Year 2)
Getting Everyone to the Fair: Supporting Teachers in Broadening Participation in Science and Engineering FairsLakin, Joni M.⋅Ewald, Mary Lou⋅Hardy, Emily E.⋅Cobine, Paul A.⋅Marino, Janie G.⋅Landers, Allen L. and Davis, Virginia A.Journal of Science Education and Technology.
| Journal Article
Introducing Engineering as an Altruistic STEM CareerLakin, Joni⋅Lakin, Joni⋅Marghitu, Daniela⋅Marghitu, Daniela⋅Davis, Virginia⋅Davis, Virginia⋅Davis, Edward and Davis, EdwardThe Science Teacher, vol. 88, (no. 4), pp. 29-35, Mar/Apr 2021.
| Journal Article
Poster: Use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality(VR) to tackle 4 amongst the “14 Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century” identified by National Academy of Engineering
Water Purification and Ocean Salinity: The Colligative Properties and Engineering Naval Solutions
Culturally De-Centered Test Design for Pictorial Reasoning Assessments
Running the STEM Gauntlet: The Complicity of Four-Year Universities in the Transfer Penalty
Elliott, Diane C and Lakin, Joni M
Research in Higher Education, vol. 61, (no. 4), pp. 540-565, Jun 2020. | Journal Article
Spatially gifted, academically inconvenienced: Spatially talented students experience less academic engagement and more behavioural issues than other talented students
Lakin, Joni M. and Wai, Jonathan
British Journal of Educational Psychology. | Journal Article
Assessing barriers and increasing use of immunization information systems in independent community pharmacies: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trialHastings, Tessa J⋅Hastings, Tessa J⋅Hastings, Tessa J⋅Hastings, Tessa J⋅Ha, David⋅Ha, David⋅Ha, David⋅Ha, David⋅Fox, Brent I⋅Fox, Brent I⋅Fox, Brent I⋅Fox, Brent I⋅Qian, Jingjing⋅Qian, Jingjing⋅Qian, Jingjing⋅Qian, Jingjing⋅Lakin, Joni⋅Lakin, Joni⋅Lakin, Joni⋅Lakin, Joni⋅Westrick, Salisa C⋅Westrick, Salisa C⋅Westrick, Salisa C and Westrick, Salisa CResearch in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2019-10-00.
| Journal Article
Board 117: Work in Progress: Impact of Teaching Engineering Summer Academy on Teacher Efficacy and Teaching BeliefsLakin, Joni⋅Ewald, Mary Lou⋅Blanco, Nancy and Gilpin, JessicaASEE Conferences. | Conference Proceeding
Fidelity of Implementation: Understanding Why and When Programs Work
Lakin, Joni M and Rambo-Hernandez, Karen
Gifted Child Today, vol. 42, (no. 4), pp. 214, 20191000. | Journal Article
Getting Everyone to the Fair: Who Participates in and Benefits from Science and Engineering Fairs (Evaluation)Lakin, J.M.⋅Lakin, Joni⋅Ewald, M.L.⋅Ewald, Mary Lou⋅Davis, V.A. and Davis, VirginiaASEE Conferences.
| Conference Proceeding