8 Grants
Correlated Electrochemical and Optical Imaging of Physical and Catalytic Activities of Single Plasmonic Nanorods
Pan, Shanlin
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien, Division Of Chemistry (ID: 2404357), $373,894USD, 2024-09-01 -- 2027-08-31
RII-BEC: Individual Based Talent Bridge from Minority-Serving Institutions to Graduate School and Energy Industry
Lodree, EmmettPan, ShanlinDai, QilinBoykin, Karen and Liu, Yinghui
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office Of The Director, OIA-Office of Integrative Activities (ID: 2225852), $998,670USD, 2022-08-15 -- 2027-07-31
RII Track-2 FEC: Feeding and Powering the World - Capturing Sunlight to Split Water and Generate Fertilizer and Fuels
Pan, ShanlinSchmehl, RussellHammer, NathanHollis, Thedford and Webster, Charles Edwin
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office Of The Director, Office of Integrative Activities (ID: 1539035), $3,000,000USD, 08/01/2015 -- 07/31/2019
Understanding Redox Reaction Mechanism and Dynamics at Single Nanoparticles Using ECL and Scanning Nanoelectrode with Improved Spatial and Spectral Resolution
Pan, Shanlin
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien, Division Of Chemistry (ID: 1508192), $326,699USD, 07/15/2015 -- 06/30/2018
Surface-Enhanced Solar Energy Conversion System for Advancing Alternative Energy
Gupta, Arunava and Pan, Shanlin
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences, Division of Chemistry (ID: 1153120), $402,000USD, 06/01/2012 -- 05/31/2015
Collaborative Research: Geopolymeric Nanocomposite, A Next Generation Material For Infrastructure Sustainability
Wang, Jialai and Pan, Shanlin
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Engineering, Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (ID: 1000580), $305,999USD, 05/01/2010 -- 04/30/2014
Single-Molecule Spectroelectrochemistry of Interfacial Charge Transfer Dynamics In Hybrid Organic Solar Cell
Pan, Shanlin and Pan, Shanlin
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), BES Materials Sciences and Engineering Division (ID: DE-SC0005392), $542,115USD, 2010-08-15 -- 2015-08-14
Single-Molecule Spectroelectrochemistry of Interfacial Charge Transfer Dynamics In Hybrid Organic Solar Cell
Pan, Shanlin and Pan, Shanlin
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), BES Materials Sciences and Engineering Division (ID: DE-SC0005392), $542,115USD, 2010-08-15 -- 2015-08-14