- Investigation of nanostructured materials, with emphasis on the controlled fabrication and synthesis of novel structures, manipulating and probing their surface and interface properties, and exploring potential applications. Implementation of a multidisciplinary approach, interfacing chemistry, materials science, physics and biology.
- Materials for information technology, in particular spintronics (spin-based electronics)
- Nanostructured materials for biomedical applications, with emphasis on magnetic oxides
Areas of Research:
- Assembly of Nanomaterials
- Controlled Synthesis
- Nanostructures
Dr. Arunava Gupta’s group focuses on controlled synthesis and assembly of nanomaterials and nanostructures, with emphasis on the exploration and manipulation of materials’ physical and chemical properties and their potential applications.
We focus on the controlled synthesis and assembly of nanomaterials and nanostuctures, with emphasis on the exploration and manipulation of materials' physical and chemical properties and their potential applications. Most of our work Implements a multidisciplinary approach, including chemistry, materials science, physics and biology.
We are interested in a wide variety of materials, such as metals, oxides, and chalcogenides, with different electrical, magnetic, optical and semiconducting properties.
- Spintronics
- Nanoparticles and Nanoclusters
- Biotechnology in Nanomaterials
Research Focus
- Assembly of nanomaterials, controlled synthesis, nanostructures
Dr. Arunava Gupta's research group specializes in the precise synthesis and assembly of nanomaterials and nanostructures, focusing on exploring and manipulating the physical and chemical properties of materials for various applications. Their interests span the controlled growth and characterization of magnetic thin films, employing techniques like chemical vapor deposition and pulsed laser deposition, to create devices such as magnetic tunnel junctions and spin-based semiconductors for storage, memory, and logic-based applications.
Additionally, the group is actively involved in the synthesis of functional oxides and chalcogenides in nanoparticle and nanostructure forms, with careful control over shape, size, and structure.
Subject areas:
- Materials Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry.
Expertise: Nano Engineering