145 Publications (Page 1 of 6)
APT01 Daily precipitation amounts measured at multiple sites across konza prairie. Environmental Data Initiative
AWE01 Meteorological data from the konza prairie headquarters weather station. Environmental Data Initiative
Grass leaf structural and stomatal trait responses to climate gradients assessed over the 20th century and across the Great Plains, USA
LTM01 Herbarium and grassland sites leaf trait measurements at Konza Prairie. Environmental Data Initiative
PBG03 Disk pasture meter measurements to estimate plant standing biomass in the Patch-Burn Grazing experiment at Konza Prairie. Environmental Data Initiative
Physiological responses to drought stress and recovery reflect differences in leaf function and microanatomy among grass lineages
Save or spend? Diverging water‐use strategies of grasses and encroaching clonal shrubs. Journal of Ecology
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SRM01 ShRaMPs (Shrub Rainout Manipulation Plots): interactive effects of drought and fire on grass and shrub physiology and productivity at Konza Prairie. Environmental Data Initiative
African savanna grasses outperform trees across the full spectrum of soil moisture availability. New Phytologist
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APT01 Daily precipitation amounts measured at multiple sites across konza prairie. Environmental Data Initiative
APT01 Daily precipitation amounts measured at multiple sites across konza prairie. Environmental Data Initiative
AWE01 Meteorological data from the konza prairie headquarters weather station. Environmental Data Initiative
AWE01 Meteorological data from the konza prairie headquarters weather station. Environmental Data Initiative
Drier streams despite a wetter climate in woody-encroached grasslands. Journal of Hydrology
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Evolutionary lineage explains trait variation among 75 coexisting grass species. New Phytologist
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Intermittent streamflow generation in a merokarst headwater catchment
Hatley, Camden M.Armijo, BrooklynAndrews, KatherineAnhold, ChristaNippert, Jesse B. and Kirk, Matthew F.
Environmental Science: Advances, vol. 2, pp. 115–131. | Journal Article
Intermittent streamflow generation in a merokarst headwater catchment. Environmental Science: Advances
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PAB01 Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on core LTER watersheds (001d, 004b, 020b) Environmental Data Initiative
PGT01 Konza prairie grass species trait. Environmental Data Initiative
Remotely sensed soil moisture can capture dynamics relevant to plant water uptake
Feldman, Andrew F.Gianotti, Daniel J. ShortDong, JianzhiAkbar, RuzbehCrow, Wade T.McColl, Kaighin A.Konings, Alexandra G.Nippert, Jesse B.Tumber-Dávila, Shersingh JosephHolbrook, Noel M.Rockwell, Fulton E.Scott, Russell L.Reichle, Rolf H.Chatterjee, AbhishekJoiner, JoannaPoulter, Benjamin and Entekhabi, Dara
Water Resources Research. | Journal Article
The effects of floods, droughts and elephants on riparian tree mortality in a semi-arid savanna. Forest Ecology and Management
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Trajectories and state changes of a grassland stream and riparian zone after a decade of woody vegetation removal
Dodds, Walter KRatajczak, ZakKeen, Rachel MNippert, Jesse BGrudzinski, BartoszVeach, AllisonTaylor, Jeffery H and Kuhl, Amanda
Ecological Applications, vol. 33, (no. 4), Jun 2023. | Journal Article
Using root and soil traits to forecast woody encroachment dynamics in mesic grassland
Climate Change in Grassland Ecosystems
Nippert, JesseBachle, SetonKeen, Rachel and Wedel, Emily
(pp. 65–100). CRC Press
Climate variability supersedes grazing to determine the anatomy and physiology of a dominant grassland species
Bachle, Seton and Nippert, Jesse B.
Oecologia, vol. 198, pp. 345–355. | Journal Article