145 Publications (Page 2 of 6)
Elevated CO2 counteracts effects of water stress on woody rangeland-encroaching species
O’Connor, Rory CBlumenthal, Dana MOcheltree, Troy W and Nippert, Jesse B
Tree Physiology. | Journal Article
Embracing the dynamic nature of soil structure: A paradigm illuminating the role of life in critical zones of the Anthropocene
Sullivan, P.L.Billings, S.A.Hirmas, D.Li, L.Zhang, X.Ziegler, S.Murenbeeld, K.Ajami, H.Guthrie, A.Singha, K.Giménez, D.Duro, A.Moreno, V.Flores, A.Cueva, A.KoopAronson, E.L.Barnard, H.R.Banwart, S.A.Keen, R.M.Nemes, A.Nikolaidis, N.P.Nippert, J.B.Richter, D.Robinson, D.A.Sadayappan, K.Souza, L.F.T.Unruh, M. and Wen, H.
Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 225, pp. 103873. | Journal Article
Impacts of Riparian and Non-riparian Woody Encroachment on Tallgrass Prairie Ecohydrology
Keen, Rachel M.Nippert, Jesse B.Sullivan, Pamela L.Ratajczak, ZakRitchey, BrynnO’Keefe, Kimberly and Dodds, Walter K.
Ecosystems. | Journal Article
Intra-canopy leaf trait variation facilitates high leaf area index and compensatory growth in a clonal woody encroaching shrub
Tooley, E GregNippert, Jesse BBachle, Seton and Keen, Rachel M
Tree Physiology. | Journal Article
Kernel weight contribution to yield genetic gain of maize: a global review and US case studies
Fernández, Javier AMessina, Carlos DSalinas, AndreaPrasad, P V VaraNippert, Jesse B and Ciampitti, Ignacio A
Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 73, pp. 3597–3609. | Journal Article
Linking resource- and disturbance-based models to explain tree–grass coexistence in savannas
Holdo, Ricardo M. and Nippert, Jesse B.
New Phytologist. | Journal Article
N and P constrain C in ecosystems under climate change: Role of nutrient redistribution, accumulation, and stoichiometry
Rastetter, Edward BRastetter, Edward BRastetter, Edward BKwiatkowski, Bonnie LKwiatkowski, Bonnie LKwiatkowski, Bonnie LKicklighter, David WKicklighter, David WKicklighter, David WPlotkin, Audrey BPlotkin, Audrey BPlotkin, Audrey BGenet, HeleneGenet, HeleneGenet, HeleneNippert, Jesse BNippert, Jesse BNippert, Jesse BO'Keefe, KimberlyO'Keefe, KimberlyO'Keefe, KimberlyPerakis, Steven SPerakis, Steven SPerakis, Steven SPorder, StephenPorder, StephenPorder, StephenRoley, Sarah SRoley, Sarah SRoley, Sarah SRuess, Roger WRuess, Roger WRuess, Roger WThompson, Jonathan RThompson, Jonathan RThompson, Jonathan RWieder, William RWieder, William RWieder, William RWilcox, KevinWilcox, KevinWilcox, KevinYanai, Ruth DYanai, Ruth D and Yanai, Ruth D
Ecological Applications, vol. 32, (no. 8), Dec 2022. | Journal Article
N and P constrain C in ecosystems under climate change: Role of nutrient redistribution, accumulation, and stoichiometry
Rastetter, Edward B.Rastetter, Edward B.Kwiatkowski, Bonnie L.Kwiatkowski, Bonnie L.Kicklighter, David W.Kicklighter, David W.Plotkin, Audrey BarkerPlotkin, Audrey BarkerGenet, HeleneGenet, HeleneNippert, Jesse B.Nippert, Jesse B.O’Keefe, KimberlyO’Keefe, KimberlyPerakis, Steven S.Perakis, Steven S.Porder, StephenPorder, StephenRoley, Sarah S.Roley, Sarah S.Ruess, Roger W.Ruess, Roger W.Thompson, Jonathan R.Thompson, Jonathan R.Wieder, William R.Wieder, William R.Wilcox, KevinWilcox, KevinYanai, Ruth D. and Yanai, Ruth D.
Ecological Applications. | Journal Article
Poor relationships between NEON Airborne Observation Platform data and field-based vegetation traits at a mesic grassland
Pau, StephanieNippert, Jesse B.Slapikas, RyanGriffith, DanielBachle, SetonHelliker, Brent R.O’Connor, Rory C.Riley, William J.Still, Christopher J. and Zaricor, Marissa
Ecology, vol. 103. | Journal Article
Post-silking 15N labelling reveals an enhanced nitrogen allocation to leaves in modern maize (Zea mays) genotypes
Fernandez, Javier A.Nippert, Jesse B.Prasad, P.V. VaraMessina, Carlos D. and Ciampitti, Ignacio A.
Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 268, pp. 153577. | Journal Article
Reintroducing bison results in long-running and resilient increases in grassland diversity
Ratajczak, ZakCollins, Scott L.Blair, John M.Koerner, Sally E.Louthan, Allison M.Smith, Melinda D.Taylor, Jeffrey H. and Nippert, Jesse B.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 119. | Journal Article
Root traits reveal safety and efficiency differences in grasses and shrubs exposed to different fire regimes
O’Keefe, KimberlyBachle, SetonKeen, RachelTooley, E. Greg and Nippert, Jesse B.
Functional Ecology, vol. 36, pp. 368–379. | Journal Article
Satellites capture soil moisture dynamics deeper than a few centimeters and arerelevant to plant water uptake
Soil N enrichment mediates carbon allocation through respiration in a dominant grass during drought
Meng, BoLi, JunqinYao, YuanNippert, Jesse B.Williams, David G.Chai, HuaCollins, Scott L. and Sun, Wei
Functional Ecology, vol. 36, pp. 1204–1215. | Journal Article
A preliminary evaluation of ecohydrological separation in a semi-arid riparian area
Gokool, S.Moody, J.E.Nippert, J.Swemmer, A.Chetty, K.T.Magombeyi, M. and Riddell, E.S.
Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, vol. 21, pp. 271-279. | Journal Article
AWE01 Meteorological data from the konza prairie headquarters weather station. Environmental Data Initiative
Consumer roles of small mammals within fragmented native tallgrass prairie
Hope, Andrew GHope, Andrew GGragg, Sabrina FGragg, Sabrina FNippert, Jesse BNippert, Jesse BCombe, Fraser J and Combe, Fraser J
Ecosphere, vol. 12, (no. 3), Mar 2021. | Journal Article
Fire and browsing interact to alter intra-clonal stem dynamics of an encroaching shrub in tallgrass prairie
Wedel, Emily R.Nippert, Jesse B. and Hartnett, David C.
Oecologia, vol. 196, pp. 1039–1048. | Journal Article
Fire frequency, state change and hysteresis in tallgrass prairie
Collins, Scott L.Collins, S.L.Collins, Scott LNippert, J.B.Nippert, Jesse BNippert, Jesse B.Blair, John M.Blair, J.M.Blair, John MBriggs, J.M.Briggs, John MBriggs, John M.Blackmore, PamelaBlackmore, PamelaBlackmore, P.Ratajczak, ZakRatajczak, Z. and Ratajczak, Zak
Ecology Letters, vol. 24, pp. 636-647. | Journal Article
Is a Prescribed Fire Sufficient to Slow the Spread of Woody Plants in an Infrequently Burned Grassland? A Case Study in Tallgrass Prairie
Nippert, Jesse B.Telleria, LizethBlackmore, PamelaTaylor, Jeffrey H. and O’Connor, Rory C.
Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 78, pp. 79–89. | Journal Article
Spatial variation in soil microbial processes as a result of woody encroachment depends on shrub size in tallgrass prairie
Kent, Connell RNippert, Jesse B and Blair, John M
Plant and Soil, vol. 460, (no. 1-2), pp. 359-373, Mar 2021. | Journal Article
Spatio-temporal differences in leaf physiology are associated with fire, not drought, in a clonally integrated shrub
Wedel, Emily RO’Keefe, KimberlyNippert, Jesse BHoch, Braden and O’Connor, Rory C
AoB PLANTS, vol. 13. | Journal Article
State changes: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network
Zinnert, J.C.Zinnert, Julie C.Nippert, J.B.Nippert, Jesse B.Rudgers, J.A.Rudgers, Jennifer A.Pennings, S.C.Pennings, Steven C.González, G.González, GrizelleAlber, MerrylAlber, M.Baer, S.G.Baer, Sara G.Blair, J.M.Blair, John M.Burd, A.Burd, AdrianCollins, Scott L.Collins, S.L.Craft, C.Craft, ChristopherDi Iorio, D.Iorio, Daniela DiDodds, Walter K.Dodds, W.K.Groffman, P.M.Groffman, Peter M.Herbert, EllenHerbert, E.Hladik, ChristineHladik, C.Li, FanLi, F.Litvak, M.E.Litvak, Marcy E.Newsome, SethNewsome, S.O?Donnell, J.O’Donnell, JohnPockman, William T.Pockman, W.T.Schalles, J.Schalles, JohnYoung, D.R. and Young, Donald R.
Ecosphere, vol. 12. | Journal Article
Bridging the Flux Gap: Sap Flow Measurements Reveal Species‐Specific Patterns of Water Use in a Tallgrass Prairie. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
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Browsing and fire decreases dominance of a resprouting shrub in woody encroached grassland. Ecology
. | Journal Article