2 Publications
Effect of hay type on cecal and fecal microbiome and fermentation parameters in horses
Sorensen, Rachel JDrouillard, James SDouthit, Teresa LRan, QinghongMarthaler, Douglas GKang, QingVahl, Christopher I and Lattimer, James M
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 99, (no. 1), pp. 1-10, Jan 2021. | Journal Article
Effects of sodium caseinate on hindgut fermentation and fiber digestion in horses
Jordan, Katie VJordan, Katie VDrouillard, James SDrouillard, James SDouthit, Teresa LDouthit, Teresa LLattimer, James M and Lattimer, James M
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 97, (no. 2), pp. 813-819, Feb 2019. | Journal Article