25 Publications
Grassland Bird and Butterfly Responses to Sericea Lespedeza Control via Late-Season Grazing Pressure
Ogden, SarahOgden, SarahOgden, SarahHaukos, David AHaukos, David AHaukos, David AOlson, K COlson, K COlson, K CLemmon, JackLemmon, JackLemmon, JackAlexander, JonathanAlexander, JonathanAlexander, JonathanGatson, Garth AGatson, Garth AGatson, Garth AFick, Walter HFick, Walter H and Fick, Walter H
The American Midland Naturalist, vol. 181, (no. 2), pp. 147-169, Apr 2019. | Journal Article
Influence of maternal protein restriction in primiparous heifers during mid- and/or late-gestation on meat quality and fatty acid profile of progeny.
Webb, M JBlock, J JFunston, R NUnderwood, K RLegako, J FHarty, A ASalverson, R ROlson, K C and Blair, A D
Meat science, vol. 152, pp. 31-37, February 13, 2019. | Journal Article
Feeding and Watering Beef Cattle During Disasters.
Waggoner, Justin W and Olson, K C
The Veterinary clinics of North America. Food animal practice, vol. 34, (no. 2), pp. 249-257, July 2018. | Journal Article
Evaluation of human chorionic gonadotropin as a replacement for gonadotropin-releasing hormone in ovulation-synchronization protocols before fixed timed artificial insemination in beef cattle.
Burns, M GButtrey, B SDobbins, C AMartel, C AOlson, K CLamb, G C and Stevenson, Jeffrey S
Journal of animal science, vol. 86, (no. 10), pp. 2539-48, 2008/Oct. | Journal Article
Prepartum Supplementation Influences Response to Timed Artificial Insemination by Suckled Mature Beef Cows
Thomas, M.D.Olson, K CStevenson, J.S.Jaeger, J.R.Bolte, J.W.Sproul, N.A. and Linden, D.A.
Report of progress., (no. 995), pp. 31-32, 2008. | Journal Article
Effect of supplementation frequency and supplemental urea level on dormant tallgrass-prairie hay intake and digestion by beef steers and prepartum performance of beef cows grazing dormant tallgrass-prairie.
Farmer, C.G.Farmer, C.Woods, B.Woods, B.C.Cochran, Robert CCochran, R.Heldt, J.S.Heldt, J.Mathis, C.P.Mathis, C.Olson, K COlson, K.Titgemeyer, EvanTitgemeyer, E.Wickersham, T. and Wickersham, T.A.
Journal of animal science., vol. 82, (no. 3), pp. 884-894, 2004. | Journal Article
Effect of increasing proportion of supplemental N from urea in prepartum supplements on range beef cow performance and on forage intake and digestibility by steers fed low-quality forage.
Köster, H HWoods, B CCochran, R CVanzant, E STitgemeyer, E CGrieger, D MOlson, K C and Stokka, G
Journal of animal science, vol. 80, (no. 6), pp. 1652-1662, June 2002. | Journal Article
Effects of supplemental degradable intake protein on utilization of medium- to low-quality forages.
Mathis, Clay PMathis, C PCochran, R CCochran, R CHeldt, J SHeldt, J SWoods, B CWoods, B CAbdelgadir, I EAbdelgadir, I EOlson, K COlson, K CTitgemeyer, E CTitgemeyer, E CVanzant, E S and Vanzant, E S
Journal of animal science, vol. 78, (no. 1), pp. 224-232, January 2000. | Journal Article
Undegraded intake protein supplementation: I. Effects on forage utilization and performance of periparturient beef cows fed low-quality hay.
Sletmoen-Olson, K ECaton, J SOlson, K C and Reynolds, L P
Journal of animal science, vol. 78, (no. 2), pp. 449-455, February 2000. | Journal Article
Undegraded intake protein supplementation: II. Effects on plasma hormone and metabolite concentrations in periparturient beef cows fed low-quality hay during gestation and lactation.
Sletmoen-Olson, K ECaton, J SOlson, K CRedmer, D AKirsch, J D and Reynolds, L P
Journal of animal science, vol. 78, (no. 2), pp. 456-463, February 2000. | Journal Article
Effects of level and source of carbohydrate and level of degradable intake protein on intake and digestion of low-quality tallgrass-prairie hay by beef steers.
Heldt, J.S.Cochran, Robert CMathis, C.P.Woods, B.C.Olson, K CTitgemeyer, EvanNagaraja, T. GVanzant, Eric S and Johnson, Dallas
Journal of animal science., vol. 77, (no. 10), pp. 2846-2854, 1999. | Journal Article
Effects of ruminal administration of supplemental degradable intake protein and starch on utilization of low-quality warm-season grass hay by beef steers.
Olson, K CCochran, Robert CJones, T.J.Vanzant, Eric STitgemeyer, Evan and Johnson, Dallas
Journal of animal science., vol. 77, (no. 4), pp. 1016-1025, 1999. | Journal Article
Impacts of increasing amounts of supplemental soybean meal on intake and digestion by beef steers and performance by beef cows consuming low-quality tallgrass-prairie forage.
Mathis, C.P.Mathis, C PCochran, Robert CCochran, R CStokka, G.L.Stokka, G LHeldt, J.S.Heldt, J SWoods, B.C.Woods, B COlson, K.C. and Olson, K C
Journal of animal science, vol. 77, (no. 12), pp. 3156-3162, December 1999. | Journal Article
Prediction of pasture availability and nutritive value of tallgrass prairie forage in beef cattle production systems (Dissertation)
Olson, K C (1998).
Elucidation of factors associated with the maturity-related decline in degradability of big bluestem cell wall.
Titgemeyer, EvanTitgemeyer, E CCochran, R.C.Cochran, R CTowne, E.G.Towne, E GArmendariz, C KArmendariz, C.K.Olson, K.C. and Olson, K C
Journal of animal science, vol. 74, (no. 3), pp. 648-657, March 1996. | Journal Article
In vivo and in situ measurements of forage protein degradation in beef cattle.
Vanzant, Eric SCochran, Robert CTitgemeyer, EvanStafford, S DOlson, K CJohnson, Dallas E and St Jean, G
Journal of animal science, vol. 74, (no. 11), pp. 2773-84, 1996/Nov. | Journal Article
Influence of forage level and naloxone injection on feed intake, digestion, and plasma hormone and metabolite concentrations in dairy heifers.
Burgwald-Balstad, L ACaton, J SBurke, V I and Olson, K C
Journal of animal science, vol. 73, (no. 9), pp. 2677-2686, September 1995. | Journal Article
Influence of crambe meal as a protein source on intake, site of digestion, ruminal fermentation, and microbial efficiency in beef steers fed grass hay.
Caton, J SBurke, V IAnderson, V LBurgwald, L ANorton, P L and Olson, K C
Journal of animal science, vol. 72, (no. 12), pp. 3238-3245, December 1994. | Journal Article
Influence of yeast culture supplementation and advancing season on steers grazing mixed-grass prairie in the northern Great Plains: I. Dietary composition, intake, and in situ nutrient disappearance.
Olson, K CCaton, J SKirby, D R and Norton, P L
Journal of animal science, vol. 72, (no. 8), pp. 2149-2157, August 1994. | Journal Article
Influence of yeast culture supplementation and advancing season on steers grazing mixed-grass prairie in the northern Great Plains: II. Ruminal fermentation, site of digestion, and microbial efficiency.
Olson, K CCaton, J SKirby, D R and Norton, P L
Journal of animal science, vol. 72, (no. 8), pp. 2158-2170, August 1994. | Journal Article
Reproductive response of yearling beef heifers to a melengestrol acetate-prostaglandin F2 alpha estrus synchronization system.
Jaeger, J RWhittier, J CCorah, L RMeiske, J COlson, K C and Patterson, D J
Journal of animal science, vol. 70, (no. 9), pp. 2622-2627, September 1992. | Journal Article
Studies on muscarinic binding sites in human brain identified with [3H]pirenzepine.
Lin, S CLin, S COlson, K COlson, K COkazaki, HOkazaki, HRichelson, Elliott and Richelson, E
Journal of neurochemistry, vol. 46, (no. 1), pp. 274-279, January 1986. | Journal Article
Biosynthetic 20-kilodalton methionyl-human growth hormone has diabetogenic and insulin-like activities.
Kostyo, J LCameron, C MOlson, K CJones, A J and Pai, R C
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 82, (no. 12), pp. 4250-4253, June 1985. | Journal Article
Purified human growth hormone from E. coli is biologically active.
Olson, K CFenno, JLin, NHarkins, R NSnider, CKohr, W HRoss, M JFodge, DPrender, G and Stebbing, N
Nature, vol. 293, (no. 5831), pp. 408-411, October 1, 1981. | Journal Article
Systemic effects of 2-isovaleryl-1, 3-indandione.
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.), vol. 91, (no. 1), pp. 86-88, January 1956. | Journal Article