
His research efforts focuson the effects of environmental and habitat changes on wildlife populations.

His primary focus is on wetland habitats especially High Plains playas, Gulf coastal marshes, and western riparian areas, with additional investigations in prairie ecosystems

I primarily focus on wetland habitats especially High Plains playas, Gulf coastal marshes, and western riparian areas, with additional investigations in prairie ecosystems.  I principally concentrate on the influence of habitat quality and quantity on population dynamics of migratory waterbirds, prairie grouse, and grassland passerines.  Of particular interest is the role of wintering and migratory stopover locations in future reproductive success of migratory birds, which includes assessment of cross-seasonal effects and multi-spatial scale modeling.  In addition, I am involved in long-term development and assessment of novel models for environmental education.

Area(s) of Specialization

  • Wetland Ecology; Avian Population Dynamics; Migration Ecology; Waterfowl; Natural Resource Policy; Environmental Educatio

My research program focuses on plant systematics, the evolutionary study of plant diversity. 

Research Focus:

  • Wetland ecology; Avian population dynamics; Migration ecology.

Subject areas:

  • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Past Affiliations

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources Management, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University (past)

Department of Zoology, College of Arts and Sciences, Oklahoma State University - Stillwater (past)

Biological Science
PhD, Texas Tech University, Wildlife Science, 1991
MS, Texas Tech University, Wildlife Science, 1988
BS, South Dakota State University, Wildlife and Fisheries Science, 1986