20 Publications
Helping clients overcome barriers to physical activity: a theory-based approach for mental healthcare providers. Psychology, Health & Medicine
. | Journal Article
A qualitative exploration of park-based physical activity in adults with serious mental illness: Insights from peers and peer counselors. Mental Health and Physical Activity
Mental health practitioners represent a promising pathway to promote park-based physical activity
Mental Health and Physical Activity. | Journal Article
Promoting Strength Training Among Baby Boomers: Message Framing Effects on Motivation and Behavior
Mailey, Emily LGasper, Rebecca and Besenyi, Gina M
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 28, (no. 4), pp. 499-510, Aug 2021. | Journal Article
Advancing Uterine Cancer Survivorship Among African American Women
Coughlin, Steven SCoughlin, Steven SWilliams, Lovoria BWilliams, Lovoria BBesenyi, Gina MBesenyi, Gina MJackson, Lorraine WJackson, Lorraine WAnglin, Judith and Anglin, Judith
Journal of the National Medical Association, vol. 110, (no. 4), pp. 391-395, Aug 2018. | Journal Article
Healthy lifestyle intervention for African American uterine cancer survivors: Study protocol
Stewart, Jessica LynnBesenyi, Gina B.Williams, Lovoria B.Burt, VictoriaAnglin, Judith C.Ghamande, Sharad A. and Coughlin, Steven Scott
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, vol. 8, pp. 11--17. | Journal Article
Patient web portals, disease management, and primary prevention. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy
Coughlin, Steven SBesenyi, GinaCoughlin, Steven SCoughlin, Steven S.Prochaska, Judith JProchaska, Judith JProchaska, Judith J.Williams, Lovoria BWilliams, Lovoria B.Williams, Lovoria BBesenyi, Gina MBesenyi, Gina MBesenyi, Gina M.Heboyan, VahéHeboyan, VahéHeboyan, VahéGoggans, D StephenGoggans, D SGoggans, D. StephenYoo, WonsukYoo, WonsukYoo, WonsukDe Leo, GianlucaDe Leo, Gianluca and De Leo, Gianluca
. | Journal Article
"We actually care and we want to make the parks better": A qualitative study of youth experiences and perceptions after conducting park audits.
Gallerani, David GBesenyi, Gina MWilhelm Stanis, Sonja AStanis, Sonja A. Wilhelm and Kaczynski, Andrew T
Preventive medicine, August 27, 2016. | Journal Article
Park Hop: Pilot Evaluation of an Inter-Agency Collaboration to Promote Park Awareness, Visitation, and Physical Activity in Greenville County, SC
Besenyi, Gina MBesenyi, Gina MFair, MelissaFair, MelissaKaczynski, Andrew TKaczynski, Andrew TPowers, AliciaPowers, AliciaDunlap, Eleanor and Dunlap, Eleanor
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, vol. 33, (no. 4), 2015. | Journal Article
Are park proximity and park features related to park use and park-based physical activity among adults? Variations by multiple socio-demographic characteristics.
Kaczynski, Andrew TBesenyi, GinaBesenyi, Gina MStanis, Sonja A WilhelmKoohsari, Mohammad JavadOestman, Katherine BBergstrom, RyanPotwarka, Luke R and Reis, Rodrigo S
. | Journal Article
Planning for health: a community-based spatial analysis of park availability and chronic disease across the lifespan.
Besenyi, Gina MKaczynski, Andrew TStanis, Sonja A WilhelmBergstrom, Ryan DLightner, Joseph S and Hipp, J Aaron
Health & place, vol. 27, pp. 102-105, May 2014. | Journal Article
Sex moderates associations between perceptions of the physical and social environments and physical activity in youth.
Besenyi, GinaMoore, Justin B.Beets, Michael W.Kaczynski, Andrew T.Besenyi, Gina M.Morris, Sara F. and Kolbe, Mary Bea
. | Journal Article
Demographic variations in observed energy expenditure across park activity areas
Besenyi, Gina MKaczynski, AndrewWilhelm Stanis, Sonja A and Vaughan, Katherine B
Preventive Medicine, vol. 56, (no. 1), pp. 79-81, 2013. | Journal Article
Differences in youth and adult physical activity in park settings by sex and race/ethnicity.
Kaczynski, AndrewBesenyi, GinaWilhelm Stanis, Sonja ABesenyi, Gina M and Child, Stephanie
. | Journal Article
Exploring the distribution of park availability, features, and quality across Kansas City, Missouri by income and race/ethnicity: an environmental justice investigation.
Besenyi, GinaVaughan, Katherine BKaczynski, AndrewStanis, S.A.W.Wilhelm Stanis, Sonja ABesenyi, Gina MBergstrom, Ryan and Heinrich, K.
. | Journal Article
Perceptions of neighborhood park quality: associations with physical activity and body mass index.
Bai, HuaBesenyi, GinaWilhelm Stanis, Sonja AKaczynski, Andrew and Besenyi, Gina M
. | Journal Article
Active commuting influences among adults.
Bopp, MelissaBesenyi, GinaKaczynski, Andrew and Besenyi, Gina
. | Journal Article
Development and testing of a community stakeholder park audit tool.
Kaczynski, AndrewBesenyi, GinaWilhelm Stanis, Sonja A and Besenyi, Gina M
. | Journal Article
Variations in observed park physical activity intensity level by gender, race, and age: individual and joint effects.
Kaczynski, AndrewBesenyi, GinaWilhelm Stanis, Sonja AHastmann, Tanis J and Besenyi, Gina M
. | Journal Article
Variations in observed park physical activity intensity level by gender, race, and age: individual and joint effects.