38 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Retention and Transfer from Trigonometry to Physics
Ozimek, Darryl JEngelhardt, Paula VBennett, Andrew G and Rebello, N. S
2004 Physics Education Research Conference, vol. 790, pp. 173-176, 2005. | Journal Article
Transfer Between Paired Problems In An Interview
Gray, Kara E and Rebello, N. S
2004 Physics Education Research Conference, vol. 790, pp. 157-160, 2005. | Journal Article
A framework for student reasoning in an interview
Engelhardt, Paula VGray, Kara EHrepic, ZdeslavItza-Ortiz, Salomon FAllbaugh, Alicia RRebello, N. S and Zollman, Dean A
2003 Physics Education Research Conference, vol. 720, pp. 121-124, 2004. | Journal Article
Implications of a framework for student reasoning in an interview
Gray, Kara EHrepic, ZdeslavItza-Ortiz, Salomon FAllbaugh, Alicia REngelhardt, Paula VRebello, N. S and Zollman, Dean A
2003 Physics Education Research Conference, vol. 720, pp. 125-128, 2004. | Journal Article
Student goals and expectations in a large-enrollment physical science class
Rebello, N. S
2003 Physics Education Research Conference, vol. 720, pp. 185-188, 2004. | Journal Article
The effect of distracters on student performance on the force concept inventory
Rebello, N. SRebello, N. SanjayZollman, Dean A and Zollman, Dean A.
American Journal of Physics, vol. 72, (no. 1), pp. 116-125, Jan 2004. | Journal Article
The Teaching Experiment - What it is and what it isn't
Engelhardt, Paula VCorpuz, Edgar GOzimek, Darryl J and Rebello, N. S
2003 Physics Education Research Conference, vol. 720, pp. 157-160, 2004. | Journal Article
The Vocabulary of Physics and Its Impact on Student Learning.
Itza-Ortiz, Salomon FRebello, N. S and Zollman, Dean A
2003. | Journal Article
Quantum mechanics for everyone: Hands-on activities integrated with technology
Zollman, DeanZollman, Dean A.Rebello, N. SRebello, N. SanjayHogg, Kirsten and Hogg, Kirsten
American Journal of Physics, vol. 70, (no. 3), pp. 252-259, Mar 2002. | Journal Article
How to distribute your software over the web
Rebello, N. S
Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 1, (no. 6), pp. 79-81, 1999. | Journal Article
Computer simulation of p-n junction devices
Rebello, N. SRavipati, ChandramouliZollman, Dean and Escalada, Lawrence T
American Journal of Physics, vol. 65, (no. 8), pp. 765-773, Aug 1997. | Journal Article
Physics for all
Escalada, Lawrence TBaptiste, H. PZollman, Dean and Rebello, N. S
The Science Teacher, vol. 64, (no. 2), pp. 26-29, Feb 1997. | Journal Article
Physics for all
Escalada, LawrenceBaptiste, HZollman, Dean and Rebello, N
The Science Teacher, vol. 64, (no. 2), pp. 26-29, Feb 1997. | Journal Article