23 Publications
Grassland Bird and Butterfly Responses to Sericea Lespedeza Control via Late-Season Grazing Pressure
Ogden, SarahOgden, SarahOgden, SarahHaukos, David AHaukos, David AHaukos, David AOlson, K COlson, K COlson, K CLemmon, JackLemmon, JackLemmon, JackAlexander, JonathanAlexander, JonathanAlexander, JonathanGatson, Garth AGatson, Garth AGatson, Garth AFick, Walter HFick, Walter H and Fick, Walter H
The American Midland Naturalist, vol. 181, (no. 2), pp. 147-169, Apr 2019. | Journal Article
Yield and forage quality of smooth brome in a black walnut alley-cropping practice
Geyer, Wayne and Fick, Walter
Agroforestry Systems, vol. 89, (no. 1), pp. 107-112, Feb 2015. | Journal Article
Effects of sericea lespedeza residues on selected tallgrass prairie grasses
Dudley, D.M., and W.H. Fick and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 166-170). 2003
Weed Management on Military Storage Gravel Lots
Geyer, Wayne AFick, Walter HCarlisle, J. and Barbur, J.
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, vol. 105, (no. 1), pp. 66-71, 2002. | Journal Article
Weed Management on Military Storage Gravel Lots
Geyer, W.A., W.H. Fick, J. Carlisle, and J. Barbur and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 66-71). April 2002
Soil nitrogen mineralization in mixtures of eastern gamagrass with alfalfa and red clover
Gil, J.L., and W.H. Fick and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 902-910). 2001
Soil nitrogen mineralization in mixtures of eastern gamagrass with alfalfa and red clover.
Gil, J.L. and Fick, Walter H
Agronomy journal., vol. 93, (no. 4), pp. 902-910, 2001. | Journal Article
Weed Management on Military Artillery Ranges
Geyer, W.A., J. Carlisle, and W.H. Fick and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 58-63). April 2000
Degradability of forage proteins by in situ and in vitro enzymatic methods
Coblentz, W.K., I.E.O. Abdelgadir, R.C. Cochran, J.O. Fritz, W.H. Fick, K.C. Olson, and J.E. Turner and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 343-354). 1999
Degradability of forage proteins by in situ and in vitro enzymatic methods.
Coblentz, W KAbdelgadir, I ECochran, Robert CFritz, J OFick, Walter HOlson, K C and Turner, J E
Journal of dairy science, vol. 82, (no. 2), pp. 343-54, 1999/Feb. | Journal Article
In situ disappearance of neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen from alfalfa and eastern gamagrass at three maturities
Coblentz, W.K., J.O. Fritz, W.H. Fick, R.C. Cochran, J.E. Shirley, and J.E. Turner and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 2803-2809). 1999
In situ disappearance of neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen from alfalfa and eastern gamagrass at three maturities.
Coblentz, W.K.Fritz, J.O.Fick, Walter HCochran, Robert CShirley, J.E. and Turner, J.E.
Journal of animal science., vol. 77, (no. 10), pp. 2803-2809, 1999. | Journal Article
In situ dry matter, nitrogen, and fiber degradation of alfalfa, red clover, and eastern gamagrass at four maturities.
Coblentz, W KFritz, J OFick, Walter HCochran, Robert C and Shirley, J E
Journal of dairy science, vol. 81, (no. 1), pp. 150-61, 1998/Jan. | Journal Article
Prescribed burning effects on total nonstructural carbohydrates of roughleaf dogwood
Janicke, G.L. and W.H. Fick and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 39-48). 1998
Tebuthiuron application for brush control in the northern Flint Hills, Kansas
Nolte, D.L. and W.H. Fick and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 100-108). 1992
Yield and quality of soybean hay as influenced by drought stress
Shroyer, J.P., W.H. Fick, and G.L. Posler and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 301-304). 1987
Yield and quality of soybean hay as influenced by drought stress.
Shroyer, J.P.Fick, Walter H and Posler, G.L.
Applied agricultural research., vol. 2, (no. 5), pp. 301-304, 1987. | Journal Article
Control of bolted musk thistle using clopyralid
Fick, Walter H
(pp. 10-13). 1986
Field collection techniques for total nonstructural carbohydrate analysis of plant storage organs
Fick, W.H. and D.L. Nolte and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 40-44). 1986
Translocation and storage of C-14 labeled total nonstructural carbohydrates in mesquite
Fick, W.H. and R.E. Sosebee and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 205-208). 1981
Fick, Walter H (1978).
Carbon 14 translocation in three warm season grasses as affected by stage of development.
Fick, Walter H and Moser, L.E.
Journal of range management., (no. 4), pp. 305-308, 1978. | Journal Article
Carbon-14 translocation in three warm-season grasses as affected by stage of development
Fick, W.H. and L.E. Moser and Fick, Walter H
(pp. 305-308). 1978