20 Publications
Expression of epithelial calcium transport system in rat cochlea and vestibular labyrinth
Yamauchi, DaisukeNakaya, KazuhiroRaveendran, Nithya NHarbidge, Donald GSingh, RuchiraWangemann, Philine and Marcus, Daniel C
BMC Physiology, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 1, 2010. | Journal Article
Expression of epithelial calcium transport system in rat cochlea and vestibular labyrinth.
Yamauchi, DaisukeNakaya, KazuhiroRaveendran, Nithya NHarbidge, Donald GSingh, RuchiraWangemann, Philine and Marcus, Daniel C
BMC physiology, vol. 10, pp. 1, 2010. | Journal Article
Developmental delays consistent with cochlear hypothyroidism contribute to failure to develop hearing in mice lacking Slc26a4/pendrin expression.
Wangemann, PhilineKim, Hyoung-MiBillings, SaraNakaya, KazuhiroLi, XiangmingSingh, RuchiraSharlin, DavidForrest, DouglasMarcus, Daniel C and Fong, Peying
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, vol. 297, (no. 5), pp. F1435-47, 2009/Nov. | Journal Article
Free radical stress-mediated loss of Kcnj10 protein expression in stria vascularis contributes to deafness in Pendred syndrome mouse model.
Singh, Ruchira and Wangemann, Philine
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, vol. 294, (no. 1), pp. F139-48, 2008/Jan. | Journal Article
Functional significance of channels and transporters expressed in the inner ear and kidney
Lang, FlorianVallon, VolkerKnipper, Marlies and Wangemann, Philine
American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, vol. 293, (no. 4), pp. C1187-C1208, 2007. | Journal Article
Lack of pendrin HCO3- transport elevates vestibular endolymphatic [Ca2+] by inhibition of acid-sensitive TRPV5 and TRPV6 channels.
Nakaya, KazuhiroHarbidge, Donald GWangemann, PhilineSchultz, Bruce DGreen, Eric DWall, Susan M and Marcus, Daniel C
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, vol. 292, (no. 5), pp. F1314-21, 2007/May. | Journal Article
Loss of cochlear HCO3- secretion causes deafness via endolymphatic acidification and inhibition of Ca2+ reabsorption in a Pendred syndrome mouse model.
Wangemann, PhilineNakaya, KazuhiroWu, TaoMaganti, Rajanikanth JItza, Erin MSanneman, Joel DHarbidge, Donald GBillings, Sara and Marcus, Daniel C
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, vol. 292, (no. 5), pp. F1345-53, 2007/May. | Journal Article
Supporting sensory transduction: cochlear fluid homeostasis and the endocochlear potential
Wangemann, Philine
Journal of Physiology (London), vol. 576, (no. 1), pp. 11-21, 2006. | Journal Article
Glucocorticoids stimulate cation absorption by semicircular canal duct epithelium via epithelial sodium channel.
Pondugula, Satyanarayana RSanneman, Joel DWangemann, PhilineMilhaud, Pierre G and Marcus, Daniel C
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, vol. 286, (no. 6), pp. F1127-35, 2004/Jun. | Journal Article
Loss of KCNJ10 protein expression abolishes endocochlear potential and causes deafness in Pendred syndrome mouse model.
Wangemann, PhilineItza, Erin MAlbrecht, BeatriceWu, TaoJabba, Sairam VMaganti, Rajanikanth JLee, Jun HEverett, Lorraine AWall, Susan MRoyaux, Ines EGreen, Eric D and Marcus, Daniel C
BMC medicine [electronic resource]. , vol. 2, pp. 30, 2004/Aug/20. | Journal Article
Chloride secretion by semicircular canal duct epithelium is stimulated via beta 2-adrenergic receptors.
Milhaud, Pierre GPondugula, Satyanarayana RLee, Jun HHerzog, MichaelLehouelleur, JacquesWangemann, PhilineSans, Alain and Marcus, Daniel C
American journal of physiology. Cell physiology, vol. 283, (no. 6), pp. C1752-60, 2002/Dec. | Journal Article
KCNJ10 (Kir4.1) potassium channel knockout abolishes endocochlear potential
Marcus, Daniel CWu, TaoWangemann, Philine and Kofuji, Paulo
American Journal of Physiology, vol. 51, (no. 2), pp. C403-C407, Feb 2002. | Journal Article
KCNJ10 (Kir4.1) potassium channel knockout abolishes endocochlear potential.
Marcus, Daniel CWu, TaoWangemann, Philine and Kofuji, Paulo
American journal of physiology. Cell physiology. , vol. 282, (no. 2), pp. C403-7, 2002/Feb. | Journal Article
K+ cycling and the endocochlear potential.
Wangemann, Philine
Hearing research, vol. 165, (no. 1-2), pp. 1-9, 2002/Mar. | Journal Article
Targeted Ablation of Connexin26 in the Inner Ear Epithelial Gap Junction Network Causes Hearing Impairment and Cell Death
Cohen-Salmon, M.Ott, T.Michel, V.Hardelin, J-PPerfettini, I.Eybalin, MichelWu, T.Marcus, Daniel CWangemann, PhilineWillecke, K. and Petit, Christine
Current Biology, vol. 12, (no. 13), pp. 1106-1111, 2002. | Journal Article
Inner ear defects induced by null mutation of the isk gene
Vetter, Douglas EMann, Jeffrey RWangemann, PhilineLiu, JianzhongMc Laughlin, K. JLesage, F.Marcus, Daniel CLazdunski, M.Heinemann, Stephen F and Barhanin, J.
Neuron, vol. 17, (no. 6), pp. 1251-1264, 1996. | Journal Article
Comparison of ion transport mechanisms between vestibular dark cells and strial marginal cells
Wangemann, Philine
Hearing Research, vol. 90, (no. 1-2), pp. 149-157, 1995. | Journal Article
Ion transport mechanisms responsible for K+ secretion and the transepithelial voltage across marginal cells of stria vascularis in vitro.
Wangemann, PhilineLiu, J and Marcus, D C
Hearing research, vol. 84, (no. 1-2), pp. 19-29, 1995/Apr. | Journal Article
Maxi K+ channel in apical membrane of vestibular dark cells.
Takeuchi, SMarcus, Daniel C and Wangemann, Philine
The American journal of physiology, vol. 262, (no. 6 Pt 1), pp. C1430-6, 1992/Jun. | Journal Article
Differential effects of ADH on sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium and magnesium transport in cortical and medullary thick ascending limbs of mouse nephron.
Wittner, Mdi Stefano, AWangemann, PhilineNitschke, RGreger, RBailly, CAmiel, CRoinel, N and de Rouffignac, C
Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology, vol. 412, (no. 5), pp. 516-23, 1988/Oct. | Journal Article