
The Schultz laboratory focuses on the function of cells that line hollow organs—epithelial cells. Two ongoing epithelial research projects have tremendous implications for cancer as well as other clinically relevant applications.

Research efforts are focused on understanding the physiological regulation of epithelial ion transport and barrier functions.

A major focus in the laboratory is to determine the mechanisms that can account for the concentrations of monovalent ions with a primary focus on Na+.

In the laboratory, we strive to achieve a better understanding of epithelial physiology and to develop interventions that prevent or overcome such pathological conditions.


  • Anatomy & Physiology – Studies hormone-induced changes in epithelial function


  • Anatomy & Physiology - Studies electrolyte movement in epithelia with a focus on cystic fibrosis and the human male reproductive tract

Keywords: Epithelial physiology, male reproductive tract, mammary function, cystic fibrosis

Areas of expertise:

  • Cell Signaling
    • Epithelial physiology, membrane channels and transporters
    • Cell migration and cell-to-cell contact
    • Endocrine physiology and function
  • Cell, Tissue, and Organ Development
    • Development of the reproductive tract and reproductive functions
  • Pharmacology
    • Epithelial barriers to drug movement through the body
Past Affiliations
Physiology, Human Anatomy
PhD, Cornell University, Pharmacology, 1991
MS, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Veterinary Science, 1985
BS, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Animal Science and Agricultural Economics, 1983
human physiology ion channels physical sciences biophysics physics
American Physiological Society
Biophysical Society
Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases
Society for the Study of Reproduction
Society of General Physiologists