34 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Mechanisms by which synthetic 6,7-annulated-4-substituted indole compounds with anti-proliferative activity disrupt mitosis and block cytokinesis in human HL-60 tumor cells in vitro.
Perchellet, Jean-Pierre HPerchellet, Elisabeth MSingh, Chingakham RMonnett, Meghan TStuder, Elizabeth RThornton, Paul DBrown, NeilHill, DavidNeuenswander, BenLushington, Gerald HSantini, Conrad and Buszek, Keith R
Anticancer research, vol. 34, (no. 4), pp. 1643-55, 2014/Apr. | Journal Article
Antitumor effects of synthetic 6,7-annulated-4-substituted indole compounds in L1210 leukemic cells in vitro.
Perchellet, Jean-Pierre HWaters, Andrew MPerchellet, Elisabeth MThornton, Paul DBrown, NeilHill, DavidNeuenswander, BenLushington, Gerald HSantini, ConradChandrasoma, Nalin and Buszek, Keith R
Anticancer research, vol. 32, (no. 11), pp. 4671-84, 2012/Nov. | Journal Article
Bioactivity of synthetic 2-halo-3-aryl-4(3H)-quinazoliniminium halides in L1210 leukemia and SK-BR-3 mammary tumor cells in vitro.
Perchellet, Jean-Pierre HWaters, Andrew MPerchellet, Elisabeth MNaganaboina, Vijaya KChandra, Kusum LDesper, John and Rayat, Sundeep
Anticancer research, vol. 31, (no. 6), pp. 2083-93, 2011/Jun. | Journal Article
Bioactivity and molecular targets of novel substituted quinolines in murine and human tumor cell lines in vitro.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MCrow, Kyle RGakhar, GunjanNguyen, Thu AShi, AibinHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
International journal of oncology, vol. 36, (no. 3), pp. 673-88, 2010/Mar. | Journal Article
Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of 5-oxo and 5-thio derivatives of 1,4-diaryl tetrazoles
Gundugola, Aditya SChandra, Kusum LPerchellet, Elisabeth MWaters, Andrew MPerchellet, Jean-Pierre H and Rayat, Sundeep
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, vol. 20, (no. 13), pp. 3920-3924, 2010. | Journal Article
Novel synthetic inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase activity that inhibit tumor cell proliferation and are structurally unrelated to existing statins.
Perchellet, Jean-Pierre HPerchellet, Elisabeth MCrow, Kyle RBuszek, Keith RBrown, NeilEllappan, SampathkumarGao, GeLuo, DihengMinatoya, Machiko and Lushington, Gerald H
International journal of molecular medicine, vol. 24, (no. 5), pp. 633-43, 2009/Nov. | Journal Article
Synthesis, molecular targets, and antitumor activities of substituted tetrahydro-1-oxopyrano[4,3-b][1]benzopyrans and nanogels for drug delivery.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MPerchellet, Jean-Pierre HGanta, Chanran KumarTroyer, Deryl LShi, Aibin and Hua, Duy H
Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry, vol. 9, (no. 8), pp. 864-76, 2009/Oct. | Journal Article
Design and synthesis of medium-ring lactam libraries inspired by octalactin a. A convergent-divergent approach.
Brown, NeilGao, GeMinatoya, MachikoXie, BaohanVandervelde, DavidLushington, Gerald HPerchellet, Jean-Pierre HPerchellet, Elisabeth MCrow, Kyle R and Buszek, Keith R
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, vol. 10, (no. 5), pp. 628-31, 2008 Sep-Oct. | Journal Article
Synthesis of a natural product-inspired eight-membered ring lactam library via ring-closing metathesis
Brown, NeilXie, BaohanMarkina, NataliyaVanderVelde, DavidPerchellet, Jean-Pierre HPerchellet, Elisabeth MCrow, Kyle R and Buszek, Keith R
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 18, (no. 17), pp. 4876-4879, 2008. | Journal Article
Total syntheses of (+/-)-ovalicin, C4(S *)-isomer, and its C5-analogs and anti-trypanosomal activities.
Hua, Duy HZhao, HuipingBattina, Srinivas KLou, KaiyanJimenez, Ana LDesper, JohnPerchellet, Elisabeth MPerchellet, Jean-Pierre H and Chiang, Peter K
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, vol. 16, (no. 9), pp. 5232-46, 2008/May/1. | Journal Article
Total syntheses of (+/-)-ovalicin, C4(S super(*))-isomer, and its C5- analogs and anti-trypanosomal activities
Hua, Duy HZhao, HuipingBattina, Srinivas KLou, KaiyanJimenez, Ana LDesper, JohnPerchellet, Elisabeth MPerchellet, Jean-Pierre H and Chiang, Peter K
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 16, (no. 9), pp. 5232-5246, 2008. | Journal Article
Antitumor triptycene analogs directly interact with isolated mitochondria to rapidly trigger markers of permeability transition.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MWang, YangLou, KaiyanZhao, HuipingBattina, Srinivas KHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
Anticancer research, vol. 27, (no. 5A), pp. 3259-71, 2007 Sep-Oct. | Journal Article
Novel substituted 1,4-anthracenediones with antitumor activity directly induce permeability transition in isolated mitochondria.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MWang, YangLou, KaiyanZhao, HuipingBattina, Srinivas KHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
International journal of oncology, vol. 31, (no. 5), pp. 1231-41, 2007/Nov. | Journal Article
Antiproliferative and proapoptotic activities of pyranoxanthenones, pyranothioxanthenones and their pyrazole-fused derivatives in HL-60 cells.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MWard, Mary MSkaltsounis, Alexios-LeandrosKostakis, Ioannis KPouli, NicoleMarakos, Panagiotis and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
Anticancer research, vol. 26, (no. 4B), pp. 2791-804, 2006 Jul-Aug. | Journal Article
Antitumor triptycene analogs induce a rapid collapse of mitochondrial transmembrane potential in HL-60 cells and isolated mitochondria.
Wang, YangPerchellet, Elisabeth MWard, Mary MLou, KaiyanZhao, HuipingBattina, Srinivas KWiredu, BernardHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
International journal of oncology, vol. 28, (no. 1), pp. 161-72, 2006/Jan. | Journal Article
Syntheses, Molecular Targets and Antitumor Activities of Novel Triptycene Bisquinones and 1,4-Anthracenedione Analogs
Hua, Duy HLou, KaiyanBattina, Srinivas KZhao, HuipingPerchellet, Elisabeth MWang, Yang and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 6, (no. 4), pp. 303-318, 2006. | Journal Article
Imidazole-4,5-dicarboxamide derivatives with antiproliferative activity against HL-60 cells.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MPerchellet, Jean-Pierre H and Baures, Paul W
Journal of medicinal chemistry, vol. 48, (no. 19), pp. 5955-65, 2005/Sep/22. | Journal Article
Rapid collapse of mitochondrial transmembrane potential in HL-60 cells and isolated mitochondria treated with anti-tumor 1,4-anthracenediones.
Wang, YangPerchellet, Elisabeth MWard, Mary MLou, KaiyanHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
Anti-cancer drugs, vol. 16, (no. 9), pp. 953-67, 2005/Oct. | Journal Article
Antitumor triptycene bisquinones induce a caspase-independent release of mitochondrial cytochrome c and a caspase-2-mediated activation of initiator caspase-8 and -9 in HL-60 cells by a mechanism which does not involve Fas signaling.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MWang, YangWeber, Rebeka LLou, KaiyanHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
Anti-cancer drugs, vol. 15, (no. 10), pp. 929-46, 2004/Nov. | Journal Article
Synthetic 1,4-anthracenedione analogs induce cytochrome c release, caspase-9, -3, and -8 activities, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 cleavage and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in HL-60 cells by a mechanism which involves caspase-2 activation but not Fas signaling.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MWang, YangWeber, Rebeka LSperfslage, Bonnie JLou, KaiyanCrossland, JustinHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
Biochemical pharmacology, vol. 67, (no. 3), pp. 523-37, 2004/Feb/1. | Journal Article
Total syntheses of (+)-chloropuupehenone and (+)-chloropuupehenol and their analogues and evaluation of their bioactivities.
Hua, Duy HHuang, XiaodongChen, YiBattina, Srinivas KTamura, MasafumiNoh, Sang KKoo, Sung INamatame, IchijiTomoda, HiroshiPerchellet, Elisabeth M and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
The Journal of organic chemistry, vol. 69, (no. 18), pp. 6065-78, 2004/Sep/3. | Journal Article
Antitumor triptycene bisquinones: a novel synthetic class of dual inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase I and II activities.
Wang, BunaPerchellet, Elisabeth MWang, YangTamura, MasafumiHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
Anti-cancer drugs, vol. 14, (no. 7), pp. 503-14, 2003/Aug. | Journal Article
Among substituted 9,10-dihydro-9,10-[1,2]benzenoanthracene-1,4,5,8-tetraones, the lead antitumor triptycene bisquinone TT24 blocks nucleoside transport, induces apoptotic DNA fragmentation and decreases the viability of L1210 leukemic cells in the nanomolar range of daunorubicin in vitro.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MSperfslage, Bonnie JWang, YangHuang, XiaodongTamura, MasafumiHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
Anti-cancer drugs, vol. 13, (no. 6), pp. 567-81, 2002/Jul. | Journal Article
Induction of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 cleavage by antitumor triptycene bisquinones in wild-type and daunorubicin-resistant HL-60 cell lines.
Wang, YangPerchellet, Elisabeth MTamura, MasafumiHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
Cancer letters, vol. 188, (no. 1-2), pp. 73-83, 2002/Dec/15. | Journal Article
Quinone isomers of the WS-5995 antibiotics: synthetic antitumor agents that inhibit macromolecule synthesis, block nucleoside transport, induce DNA fragmentation, and decrease the growth and viability of L1210 leukemic cells more effectively than ellagic acid and genistein in vitro.
Perchellet, E MSperfslage, B JQabaja, GJones, G B and Perchellet, Jean-Pierre H
Anti-cancer drugs, vol. 12, (no. 5), pp. 401-17, 2001/Jun. | Journal Article