14 Publications
Field evaluations on soil plant transfer of lead from an urban garden soil.
Attanayake, Chammi PHettiarachchi, Ganga MHarms, AshleyPresley, DeAnnMartin, Sabine and Pierzynski, Gary M
Journal of environmental quality, vol. 43, (no. 2), pp. 475-487, March 2014. | Journal Article
Harmony Park: A Decision Case on Gardening on a Brownfield Site
Harms, AshleyPresley, DeAnnHettiarachchi, GangaAttanayake, ChammiMartin, Sabine and Thien, Steven
Natural Sciences Education, vol. 43, (no. 1), pp. 33-41, 2014. | Journal Article
Vertisols and Vertic Properties of Soils of the Cherokee Prairies of Kansas
Hartley, PaulPresley, DeAnnRansom, MichelHettiarachchi, Ganga and West, Larry
Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 78, (no. 2), pp. 556-566, Mar/Apr 2014. | Journal Article
Effect of nitrogen fertilization and cover cropping systems on sorghum grain characteristics.
Kaufman, R CWilson, J DBean, S RPresley, D RBlanco-Canqui, H and Mikha, M
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, vol. 61, (no. 24), pp. 5715-5719, June 19, 2013. | Journal Article
Long-Term Nitrogen and Tillage Effects on Soil Physical Properties under Continuous Grain Sorghum
Presley, DeAnnSindelar, AaronBuckley, Meghan and Mengel, David
Agronomy Journal, vol. 104, (no. 3), pp. 749-755, May 2012. | Journal Article
Summer Cover Crops Fix Nitrogen, Increase Crop Yield, and Improve Soil-Crop Relationships
Blanco-Canqui, HumbertoClaassen, M and Presley, D
Agronomy Journal, vol. 104, (no. 1), pp. 137-147, Jan 2012. | Journal Article
Addition of Cover Crops Enhances No-Till Potential for Improving Soil Physical Properties
Blanco-Canqui, HumbertoMikha, MaysoonPresley, DeAnn and Claassen, Mark
Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 75, (no. 4), pp. 1471-1482, Jul/Aug 2011. | Journal Article
Mineralogy and morphological properties of buried polygenetic paleosols formed in late quaternary sediments on upland landscapes of the central plains, USA
Presley, DeAnn RicksHartley, Paul E and Ransom, Michel D
Geoderma, vol. 154, (no. 3-4), pp. 508-517, 2010. | Journal Article
Wheat and sorghum residue removal for expanded uses increases sediment and nutrient loss in runoff.
Blanco-Canqui, HumbertoStephenson, R JNelson, Nathan O and Presley, DeAnn Ricks
Journal of environmental quality, vol. 38, (no. 6), pp. 2365-72, 2009 Nov-Dec. | Journal Article
Genesis and spatial distribution of upland soils in east central Kansas (Dissertation)
Presley, DeAnn Ricks (2007).
Genesis and spatial distribution of upland soils in east central Kansas.
Presley, DeAnn Ricks
Dissertation Abstracts International. Vol. 68, vol. 68, (no. 04), pp. 725, 2007. | Journal Article
Mapping of the Soil
Presley, DeAnn
(pp. 1548). Sep/Oct 2007
Mapping of the Soil
Presley, DeAnn Ricks
Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 36, (no. 5), pp. 1548, Sep/Oct 2007. | Journal Article
Effects of Thirty Years of Irrigation on the Genesis and Morphology of Two Semiarid Soils in Kansas
Presley, DeAnn RicksRansom, Michel DKluitenberg, Gerard J and Finnell, P. R
Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 68, (no. 6), pp. 1916-1926, Nov/Dec 2004. | Journal Article