

  • Soil fertility
  • Nutrient management

Dr. Nathan Nelson’s interest in soil fertility and nutrient management extends to both agricultural production and environmental quality. Those two areas of concern can easily co-exist, he firmly believes. A strong emphasis on the environment comes naturally for him.

His research also focuses on measuring the environmental impacts of other nutrients, such as nitrogen, at the watershed scale.

His interests are the impacts of nutrient management and soil management on water quality.

My research program responds to needs and interests of Kansas agricultural and environmental communities through the study of chemical, biological, and management factors affecting nutrient availability and loss in agroecosystems. Research focuses on nutrient management, cycling, and distribution within soil profiles and across landscapes. My interests include the investigation of nutrient availability in agricultural and industrial by-products and their impacts on agricultural sustainability and nutrient loss. I enjoy research studies at multiple scales, such as lab-, small plot-, field-, and watershed-scale projects. I am also interested in incorporating new technologies, such as computer simulation models, GIS and GPS, or precision agriculture into research projects.


  • Bioenergy
  • Soil Fertility
  • Water Quality
PhD, North Carolina State University, Soil Science, 2004
MS, North Carolina State University, Soil Science, 2000
BS, Kansas State University, Agronomy, 1998
American Society of Agronomy
Soil Science Society of America