20 Publications
Genetic Variants Associated With Vincristine‐Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Two Populations of Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Li, LangLi, LangLi, LangSajdyk, TammySajdyk, TammySajdyk, TammySmith, Ellen M. LSmith, Ellen M LSmith, Ellen M. LChang, Chien WeiChang, Chien WeiChang, Chien WeiLi, ClaireLi, ClaireLi, ClaireHo, Richard HHo, Richard HHo, Richard HHutchinson, RaymondHutchinson, RaymondHutchinson, RaymondWells, ElizabethWells, ElizabethWells, ElizabethSkiles, Jodi LSkiles, Jodi LSkiles, Jodi LWinick, NaomiWinick, NaomiWinick, NaomiMartin, Paul LMartin, Paul LRenbarger, Jamie LRenbarger, Jamie L and Renbarger, Jamie L
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, vol. 105, (no. 6), pp. 1428, June 2019. | Journal Article
Individualized exercise and the health of the AYA cancer survivor population
Corya, AdamCorya, AdamCorya, AdamConroy, JacobConroy, JacobConroy, JacobBolt, AbigailBolt, AbigailBolt, AbigailRicks, JessicaRicks, JessicaRicks, JessicaKelly, NicholasKelly, NicholasKelly, NicholasHalsey, DanielleHalsey, DanielleHalsey, DanielleSajdyk, TammySajdyk, TammySajdyk, TammyRenbarger, JamieRenbarger, Jamie and Renbarger, Jamie
Proceedings of IMPRS, vol. 2, (no. 1), 2019-10-10. | Journal Article
Sajdyk, TammySajdyk, TammyBoyle, FrancesBoyle, FrancesForan, KaitlinForan, KaitlinTong, YanTong, YanPandya, PankitaPandya, PankitaSmith, EllenSmith, EllenHo, RichardHo, RichardWells, ElizabethWells, ElizabethRenbarger, Jamie and Renbarger, Jamie
Neuro-Oncology, vol. 19, (no. suppl_6), pp. vi167, 2017-11-06. | Journal Article
Project Development Teams: A Novel Mechanism for Accelerating Translational Research
Sajdyk, TammySajdyk, TammySajdyk, TammySajdyk, TammySajdyk, T.J.Sors, T.G.Sors, ThomasSors, ThomasSors, ThomasSors, ThomasHunt, J.D.Hunt, JoeHunt, JoeHunt, JoeHunt, JoeMurray, MaryMurray, MaryMurray, MaryMurray, MaryMurray, M.E.Deford, MelanieDeford, MelanieDeford, M.E.Deford, MelanieDeford, MelanieShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, A.Shekhar, AnanthaDenne, ScottDenne, S.C.Denne, ScottDenne, Scott and Denne, Scott
Academic Medicine, vol. 90, (no. 1), pp. 46, 2015-January. | Journal Article
Angiotensin II’s role in sodium lactate-induced panic-like responses in rats with repeated urocortin 1 injections into the basolateral amygdala
Johnson, Philip LJohnson, Philip LJohnson, Philip LSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DHale, Mathew WHale, Mathew WHale, Mathew WLowry, Christopher ALowry, Christopher ALowry, Christopher AHay-Schmidt, AndersHay-Schmidt, AndersHay-Schmidt, AndersShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, Anantha and Shekhar, Anantha
Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, vol. 44, pp. 256, 2013-03-21. | Journal Article
NPY Y1 Receptors Differentially Modulate GABAA and NMDA Receptors via Divergent Signal-Transduction Pathways to Reduce Excitability of Amygdala Neurons
Molosh, Andrei IMolosh, Andrei IMolosh, Andrei ISajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JTruitt, BillTruitt, William ATruitt, William AZhu, WeiguoZhu, WeiguoZhu, WeiguoOxford, Gerry SOxford, Gerry SOxford, Gerry SShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, Anantha and Shekhar, Anantha
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, vol. 38, (no. 7), pp. 1364, 2013-Jun. | Journal Article
Cell-specific expression of calcineurin immunoreactivity within the rat basolateral amygdala complex and colocalization with the neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor
Leitermann, Randy JLeitermann, Randy JSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JUrban, Janice H and Urban, Janice H
Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, vol. 45, (no. 1-2), pp. 56, October 2012. | Journal Article
Restraint stress and repeated CRF receptor activation in the amygdala both increase amyloid β precursor protein (APP) and amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide but have divergent effects on BDNF and pre-synaptic proteins in the prefrontal cortex of rats
Ray, BalmikiRay, BalmikiRay, B.Gaskins, Denise LGaskins, DLGaskins, Denise LSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, TJSajdyk, Tammy JSpence, John PSpence, JPSpence, John PFitz, Stephanie DFitz, SDFitz, Stephanie DShekhar, A.Shekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaLahiri, Debomoy KLahiri, Debomoy K and Lahiri, Debomoy K
Neuroscience, vol. 184, pp. 150, 2011-04-06. | Journal Article
Neuropeptide Y in the Amygdala Induces Long-Term Resilience to Stress-Induced Reductions in Social Responses But Not Hypothalamic-Adrenal-Pituitary Axis Activity or Hyperthermia
Sajdyk, TammySajdyk, Tammy JJohnson, Philip LJohnson, PhilipLeitermann, Randy JLeitermann, RandyFitz, StephanieFitz, Stephanie DDietrich, AmyDietrich, AmyMorin, MichelleMorin, MichelleGehlert, Donald RGehlert, DonaldUrban, Janice HUrban, JaniceShekhar, Anantha and Shekhar, Anantha
Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 28, (no. 4), pp. 903, 20080123. | Journal Article
From anxiety to autism: spectrum of abnormal social behaviors modeled by progressive disruption of inhibitory neuronal function in the basolateral amygdala in Wistar rats
Truitt, WilliamTruitt, WilliamTruitt, BillSajdyk, TammySajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, TammyDietrich, AmyDietrich, AmyDietrich, Amy DOberlin, BrandonOberlin, BrandonOberlin, BrandonMcDougle, ChristopherMc Dougle, Christopher JMcDougle, ChristopherShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, Anantha and Shekhar, Anantha
Psychopharmacology, vol. 191, (no. 1), pp. 118, 20070300. | Journal Article
Neonatal Amygdala Lesions
Chambers, R. AndrewChambers, R. AndrewChambers, R. AndrewChambers, R. AndrewSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JConroy, Susan KConroy, Susan KConroy, Susan KConroy, Susan KLafuze, Joan ELafuze, Joan ELafuze, Joan ELafuze, Joan EFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, Anantha and Shekhar, Anantha
Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 121, (no. 6), pp. 1327, 20071200. | Journal Article
Angiotensin-II Is a Putative Neurotransmitter in Lactate-Induced Panic-Like Responses in Rats with Disruption of GABAergic Inhibition in the Dorsomedial Hypothalamus
Shekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaJohnson, PhilipJohnson, Philip LSajdyk, TammySajdyk, Tammy JFitz, StephanieFitz, Stephanie DKeim, Stanley RKeim, StanleyKelley, Pamela EKelley, PamelaGehlert, Donald RGehlert, DonaldDi Micco, Joseph A and DiMicco, Joseph
Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 26, (no. 36), pp. 9215, 20060906. | Journal Article
Role of stress, corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) and amygdala plasticity in chronic anxiety
Shekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaTruitt, BillTruitt, WilliamRainnie, DonaldRainnie, Donald GSajdyk, Tammy and Sajdyk, Tammy J
Stress, vol. 8, (no. 4), pp. 219, 20050000. | Journal Article
Stress and central Urocortin increase anxiety-like behavior in the social interaction test via the CRF1 receptor
Gehlert, Donald RGehlert, Donald RGehlert, Donald RShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, A.Morin, S MichelleMorin, SMMorin, S MichelleHipskind, Phillip AHipskind, PAHipskind, Phillip AZink, CharityZink, C.Zink, CharityGackenheimer, Susan LGackenheimer, SLGackenheimer, Susan LShaw, JaniceShaw, J.Shaw, JaniceFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DFitz, SDSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy J and Sajdyk, TJ
European journal of pharmacology, vol. 509, (no. 2-3), pp. 153, 2005-Feb-21. | Journal Article
Measurement of panic-like responses following intravenous infusion of sodium lactate in panic-prone rats
Sajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JKeim, Stanley RKeim, Stanley RKeim, Stanley RThielen, Shelley RThielen, Shelley RThielen, Shelley RFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, Anantha and Shekhar, Anantha
Current protocols in neuroscience, vol. Chapter 9, pp. Unit 9.17, 2003-Nov. | Journal Article
Neuropeptide Y-Y2 receptors mediate anxiety in the amygdala
Sajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JSchober, Douglas ASchober, Douglas ASmiley, David LSmiley, David LGehlert, Donald R and Gehlert, Donald R
Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, vol. 71, (no. 3), pp. 423, 2002-Mar. | Journal Article
Astressin, a corticotropin releasing factor antagonist, reverses the anxiogenic effects of urocortin when administered into the basolateral amygdala
Sajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JGehlert, Donald R and Gehlert, Donald R
Brain Research, vol. 877, (no. 2), pp. 234, 2000. | Journal Article
Sodium lactate elicits anxiety in rats after repeated GABA receptor blockade in the basolateral amygdala
Sajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JShekhar, A and Shekhar, Anantha
European Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 394, (no. 2), pp. 273, 2000. | Journal Article
Role of corticotropin-releasing factor and urocortin within the basolateral amygdala of rats in anxiety and panic responses
Sajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JSchober, D ASchober, Douglas ASchober, Douglas AGehlert, D RGehlert, Donald RGehlert, Donald RShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, A and Shekhar, Anantha
Behavioural Brain Research, vol. 100, (no. 1), pp. 215, 1999. | Journal Article
Monoamines in the dorsomedial hypothalamus of rats following exposure to different tests of “anxiety”
Sajdyk, Tammy JSajdyk, Tammy JKatner, Jason SKatner, Jason SShekhar, Anantha and Shekhar, Anantha
Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, vol. 21, (no. 1), pp. 209, 1997. | Journal Article