3 Grants
E-Infrastructures in the Irish Context: Cross-Disciplinary Evaluation and Return on Investment
Shankar, Kalpana
Irish Research Council (Irc), 2013-01-01 -- 2013-12-31
Social Science Data Archives in Ireland: Understanding Operations and Sustainability
Shankar, Kalpana
Irish Research Council (Irc), 2012-01-01 -- 2012-12-31
HCC: Privacy in Home-Based Ubicomp
Camp, L. JeanConnelly, KatherineShankar, Kalpana and Huber, Lesa
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (ID: 0705676), $859,366USD, 09/01/2007 -- 08/31/2011