The use of information technology in research science, technology and policy making, and the social informatics of memory and accountability My research interests lie at the intersections of records, documents, data, and their implications for the “social” in work and life: what I call “the lived experience of data”. Using ethnographic and related qualitative methods, design, and documentary analysis I have spent my career studying the creation, use, and role of data and documents in multiple arenas. I have collaborated extensively with computer scientists, gerontologists, and other information scholars to study data and r ecordkeeping practices in science, privacy and home - based computing for the elderly, and most recently, social science data archives and implications for digital curation. I am looking for a position in which I can collaborate with others to study sustain ability, ethics, and related aspects of digital curation in emergent topics such as Big Data, open access, and data sharing.
PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, 2002
BA, Princeton Universit, Molecular Biology, 1989