35 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Acceptance of Behavior Guidance Techniques Used in Pediatric Dentistry by Parents From Diverse Backgrounds
Martinez Mier, E. AngelesMartinez Mier, E. AngelesMier, E. Angeles MartinezWalsh, Christopher R.Walsh, Christopher RWalsh, Christopher RFarah, Christopher CFarah, Christopher C.Farah, Christopher CVinson, La Quia AVinson, LaQuia AVinson, LaQuia A.Soto-Rojas, Armando ESoto-Rojas, Armando ESoto-Rojas, Armando E.Jones, James E.Jones, James E and Jones, James E
Clinical Pediatrics, vol. 58, (no. 9), pp. 984, 20190800. | Journal Article
Midwestern Latino caregivers’ knowledge, attitudes and sense making of the oral health etiology, prevention and barriers that inhibit their children’s oral health: a CBPR approach
Walker, Kimberly KWalker, Kimberly KWalker, Kimberly KMartínez-Mier, E. AngelesSoto-Rojas, Armando ESoto-Rojas, Armando ESoto-Rojas, Armando EJackson, Richard DJackson, Richard DJackson, Richard DStelzner, Sarah MStelzner, Sarah MStelzner, Sarah MGalvez, Lorena CGalvez, Lorena CGalvez, Lorena CSmith, Gabriela JSmith, Gabriela JSmith, Gabriela JAcevedo, MiriamAcevedo, MiriamAcevedo, MiriamDandelet, LauraDandelet, LauraDandelet, LauraVega, DulceVega, Dulce and Vega, Dulce
BMC Oral Health, vol. 17, (no. 1), 2017-12-00. | Journal Article
Relationship between enamel fluorosis severity and fluoride content
Martinez-Mier, EsperanzaMartinez-Mier, EsperanzaMartinez-Mier, EsperanzaShone, DevinShone, DevinShone, DevinBuckley, ChristineBuckley, ChristineBuckley, ChristineAndo, MasatoshiAndo, MasatoshiAndo, MasatoshiLippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankSoto-Rojas, ArmandoSoto-Rojas, Armando and Soto-Rojas, Armando
Journal of Dentistry, vol. 46, pp. 46, 2016. | Journal Article
Fluoride content of infant foods.
Steele, Jaime LSteele, Jaime LMartinez-Mier, E AngelesMartínez Mier, E. ASanders, Brian JSanders, Brian JJones, James EJones, James EJackson, Richard DJackson, Richard DSoto-Rojas, Armando ESoto-Rojas, Armando ETomlin, Angela MTomlin, Angela MEckert, George J and Eckert, George J
General dentistry, vol. 62, (no. 2), pp. 72-4, 2014 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article
Fluoride content in plaque solids and fluid after ingestion of fluoridated milk.
Martínez Mier, E. ASoto-Rojas, Armando EBuckley, ChristineWeitz, AndreaVilla Litovsky, Alberto and Zero, Domenick T
Journal of oral science, vol. 55, (no. 3), pp. 233-8, 2013/Sep. | Journal Article
Effects of fluoride concentration and temperature of milk on caries lesion rehardening.
Lippert, FrankMartinez-Mier, E A and Soto-Rojas, Armando E
Journal of dentistry, vol. 40, (no. 10), pp. 810-3, 2012/Oct. | Journal Article
Retention of dental sealants placed on sound teeth and incipient caries lesions as part of a service-learning programme in rural areas in Mexico.
Soto-Rojas, Armando EEscoffié-Ramírez, MauricioPérez-Ferrera, GlorianaGuido, Joseph AMantilla-Rodriguez, Andres A and Martínez Mier, E. A
International journal of paediatric dentistry / the British Paedodontic Society [and] the International Association of Dentistry for Children, vol. 22, (no. 6), pp. 451-8, 2012/Nov. | Journal Article
The effects of varying alcohol concentrations commonly found in mouth rinses on the force decay of elastomeric chain.
Larrabee, Terrah MLiu, Sean STorres-Gorena, AriadnaSoto-Rojas, Armando EEckert, George J and Stewart, Kelton T
The Angle orthodontist, vol. 82, (no. 5), pp. 894-9, 2012/Sep. | Journal Article
An international, multidisciplinary, service-learning program: an option in the dental school curriculum.
Martinez-Mier, Esperanza AMartinez-Mier, Esperanza AMartínez Mier, E. AMartinez-Mier, Esperanza ASoto-Rojas, Armando ESoto-Rojas, Armando ESoto-Rojas, Armando ESoto-Rojas, Armando EStelzner, Sarah MStelzner, Sarah MStelzner, Sarah MStelzner, Sarah MLorant, Diane ELorant, Diane ELorant, Diane ELorant, Diane ERiner, Mary ERiner, Mary ERiner, Mary ERiner, Mary EYoder, Karen MYoder, Karen MYoder, Karen M and Yoder, Karen M
Education for health (Abingdon, England), vol. 24, (no. 1), pp. 259, 2011/Apr. | Journal Article
Caries prevalence and its association with brushing habits, water availability, and the intake of sugared beverages.
GUIDO, JOSEPH AGuido, Joseph AMartínez Mier, E. AMARTINEZ MIER, ESPERANZA ASoto-Rojas, Armando ESOTO, ARMANDOEggertsson, HafsteinnEGGERTSSON, HAFSTEINNSanders, Brian JSanders, Brian JJONES, JAMES EJones, James EWEDDELL, JAMES AWeddell, James AVillanueva Cruz, IrmaVILLANUEVA CRUZ, IRMAANTON de la CONCHA, JOSE LUIS and Anton de la Concha, Jose L
International journal of paediatric dentistry / the British Paedodontic Society [and] the International Association of Dentistry for Children, vol. 21, (no. 6), pp. 432-40, 2011/Nov. | Journal Article
Development of gold standard ion-selective electrode-based methods for fluoride analysis.
Martínez Mier, E. AAparecido Cury, JaimeHeilman, J RKatz, Barry PLevy, Steven MLi, YMaguire, AnneMargineda, JO'Mullane, DPhantumvanit, PSoto-Rojas, Armando EStookey, George KVilla Litovsky, AlbertoWefel, J SWhelton, HWhitford, G MZero, Domenick TZhang, W and Zohouri, V
Caries research, vol. 45, (no. 1), pp. 3-12, 2011. | Journal Article
Martínez Mier, E. A and Soto-Rojas, Armando E
Fluoride, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 114, 2011. | Journal Article
Fluoride Content of Water Used to Reconstitute Infant Formula
Steinmetz, Julie ESteinmetz, Julie E. AMartinez-Mier, E. AngelesMartínez Mier, E. AJones, James EJones, James ESanders, Brian JSanders, Brian JWeddell, James AWeddell, James ASoto-Rojas, Armando ESoto-Rojas, Armando ETomlin, Angela MTomlin, Angela MEckert, George J and Eckert, George J
Clinical Pediatrics, vol. 50, (no. 2), Feb 2011. | Journal Article
Differences in exposure and biological markers of fluoride among White and African American children.
Martínez Mier, E. A and Soto-Rojas, Armando E
Journal of public health dentistry, vol. 70, (no. 3), pp. 234-40, 2010. | Journal Article
d-Serine exposure resulted in gene expression changes implicated in neurodegenerative disorders and neuronal dysfunction in male Fischer 344 rats
Davidson, Molly EKerepesi, Laura ASoto, Armando and Chan, Victor T
Archives of toxicology, vol. 83, (no. 8), pp. 762, 2009-Aug. | Journal Article
Evaluation of the direct and diffusion methods for the determination of fluoride content in table salt.
Martínez Mier, E. ASoto-Rojas, Armando EBuckley, C MMargineda, J and Zero, Domenick T
Community dental health, vol. 26, (no. 4), pp. 204-10, 2009/Dec. | Journal Article
Letter to the editor: Conceptual and analytic issues surrounding a report on domestic salt fluoridation in Mexico
Soto-Rojas, Armando ESoto-Rojas, Armando EMartinez-Mier, E AngelesMartinez-Mier, E AngelesMaupome, Gerardo and Maupome, Gerardo
Journal of public health dentistry, vol. 69, (no. 2), pp. 63, 2009-Spring. | Journal Article
Development of a standardisation device for photographic assessment of dental fluorosis in field studies.
Soto-Rojas, Armando EMartínez-Mier, E AUreña-Cirett, JoseJackson, Richard D and Stookey, George K
Oral health & preventive dentistry, vol. 6, (no. 1), pp. 29-36, 2008. | Journal Article
d -Serine exposure resulted in gene expression changes indicative of activation of fibrogenic pathways and down-regulation of energy metabolism and oxidative stress response
Soto, ArmandoDelRaso, NicholasSchlager, John and Chan, Victor
Toxicology, vol. 243, (no. 1), pp. 192, 2007. | Journal Article
Association between dental caries and pneumonia in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Pascual-Ramos, VirginiaHernández-Hernández, CarlosSoto-Rojas, Armando ECelis-Aguilar, Erika and Sánchez-Guerrero, Jorge
The Journal of rheumatology, vol. 33, (no. 10), pp. 1996-2002, 2006/Oct. | Journal Article
Validity of screening tests for Sjögren's syndrome in ambulatory patients with chronic diseases
Sánchez-Guerrero, JorgePérez-Dosal, MarciaCelis-Aguilar, ErikaCárdenas-Velázquez, FranciscoSoto-Rojas, Armando and Avila-Casado, Carmen
The Journal of Rheumatology, vol. 33, (no. 5), pp. 907, 20060501. | Journal Article
Validity of screening tests for Sjögren's syndrome in ambulatory patients with chronic diseases.
Sánchez-Guerrero, JorgePérez-Dosal, Marcia RCelis-Aguilar, ErikaCárdenas-Velázquez, FranciscoSoto-Rojas, Armando E and Avila-Casado, Carmen
The Journal of rheumatology, vol. 33, (no. 5), pp. 907-11, 2006/May. | Journal Article
Fluoride concentration of bottled water, tap water, and fluoridated salt from two communities in Mexico.
Martínez Mier, E. ASoto-Rojas, Armando EBuckley, Christine MZero, Domenick T and Margineda, Jorge
International dental journal, vol. 55, (no. 2), pp. 93-9, 2005/Apr. | Journal Article
Prevalence of Sjögren's syndrome in ambulatory patients according to the American-European Consensus Group criteria
Sánchez-Guerrero, J.Pérez-Dosal, M. RCárdenas-Velázquez, F.Pérez-Reguera, A.Celis-Aguilar, E.Soto-Rojas, Armando E and Avila-Casado, C.
Rheumatology, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 235, Feb 2005. | Journal Article
A review of the prevalence of dental fluorosis in Mexico.
Soto-Rojas, Armando EUreña-Cirett, José L and Martínez-Mier, Esperanza d
Revista panamericana de salud pública = Pan American journal of public health. , vol. 15, (no. 1), pp. 9-18, 2004/Jan. | Journal Article