65 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
International COVID-19 Palliative Care Guidance for Nursing Homes Leaves Key Themes Unaddressed
Gilissen, JoniPivodic, LaraUnroe, Kathleen T and Van den Block, Lieve
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 60, (no. 2), Aug 2020. | Journal Article
Lessons Learned From Implementation of the Indiana SMART Campaign to Reduce Nursing Home Polypharmacy
Abrahamson, KathleenAbrahamson, KathleenUnroe, KathleenUnroe, KathleenLieb, KristiLieb, KristiIloabuchi, TochukwuIloabuchi, TochukwuRussell, RobertRussell, RobertCai, YunCai, YunNazir, Arif and Nazir, Arif
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, vol. 21, (no. 1), pp. 141, January 2020. | Journal Article
Reducing the Risk of Hospitalization for Nursing Home Residents: Effects and Facility Variation From OPTIMISTIC
Blackburn, JustinBlackburn, JustinBlackburn, JustinBlackburn, JustinBlackburn, JustinStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy ECarnahan, Jennifer LCarnahan, Jennifer LCarnahan, Jennifer LCarnahan, Jennifer LCarnahan, Jennifer LHickman, Susan EHickman, Susan EHickman, Susan EHickman, Susan EHickman, Susan ETu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuFowler, Nicole RFowler, Nicole RFowler, Nicole RFowler, Nicole RFowler, Nicole RUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen T and Unroe, Kathleen T
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, vol. 21, (no. 4), pp. 549.e1, April 2020. | Journal Article
The Role of the Palliative Care Registered Nurse in the Nursing Facility Setting
Hickman, Susan EHickman, Susan EParks, MelanieParks, MelanieUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TOtt, MonicaOtt, MonicaErsek, Mary and Ersek, Mary
Journal of hospice and palliative nursing : JHPN : the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, vol. 22, (no. 2), pp. 158, 2020-Apr. | Journal Article
Time to Leverage Healthsystem Collaborations: Supporting nursing facilities through the COVID-19 pandemic
Unroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TVest, Joshua and Vest, Joshua
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2020-May-11. | Journal Article
Comfort Measures Orders and Hospital Transfers: Insights From the OPTIMISTIC Demonstration Project
Unroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TO'Kelly Phillips, ErinPhillips, Erin OEffler, ShannonEffler, ShannonErsek, Mary TErsek, Mary THickman, Susan E and Hickman, Susan E
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 58, (no. 4), Oct 2019. | Journal Article
Conducting Clinical Research in Post-acute and Long-term Nursing Home Care Settings: Regulatory Challenges
Gustavson, Allison MDrake, CynthiaLakin, AlisonDaddato, Andrea EFalvey, Jason RCapell, WarrenLum, Hillary DJones, Christine DUnroe, Kathleen TTowsley, Gail LStevens-Lapsley, Jennifer ELevy, Cari R and Boxer, Rebecca S
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, vol. 20, (no. 7), pp. 803, July 2019. | Journal Article
Systematic Advance Care Planning and Potentially Avoidable Hospitalizations of Nursing Facility Residents
Hickman, Susan EHickman, Susan EHickman, Susan EUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TErsek, MaryErsek, MaryErsek, MaryStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy ETu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuOtt, MonicaOtt, MonicaOtt, MonicaSachs, Greg ASachs, Greg A and Sachs, Greg A
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 67, (no. 8), pp. 1655, August 2019. | Journal Article
Systematic Advance Care Planning and Potentially Avoidable Hospitalizations of Nursing Home Residents (S831)
Hickman, SusanHickman, SusanHickman, SusanHickman, SusanUnroe, KathleenUnroe, KathleenUnroe, KathleenUnroe, KathleenErsek, MaryErsek, MaryErsek, MaryErsek, MaryTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuOtt, MonicaOtt, MonicaOtt, MonicaOtt, MonicaSachs, GregSachs, GregSachs, Greg and Sachs, Greg
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 57, (no. 2), pp. 499, February 2019. | Journal Article
When Women Rise, We All Rise: American Geriatrics Society Position Statement on Achieving Gender Equity in Geriatrics
Boxer, RebeccaNorman, MaryAbadir, PeterBeizer, Judith LDierich, MaryLau, SamanthaLinnebur, Sunny ALundebjerg, Nancy ENaik, Aanand DSchreiber, RobertUnroe, KathleenMikhailovich, Anna L and Goldstein, Alanna C
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 67, (no. 12), pp. 2454, December 2019. | Journal Article
Improving Nursing Facility Care Through an Innovative Payment Demonstration Project: Optimizing Patient Transfers, Impacting Medical Quality, and Improving Symptoms: Transforming Institutional Care Phase 2.
Unroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TCarnahan, JenniferFowler, Nicole RFowler, Nicole RCarnahan, Jennifer LCarnahan, Jennifer LHoltz, Laura RHoltz, Laura RHickman, Susan EHickman, Susan EEffler, ShannonEffler, ShannonEvans, RussellEvans, RussellFrank, Kathryn IFrank, Kathryn IOtt, Monica LOtt, Monica LSachs, Greg and Sachs, Greg
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, July 18, 2018. | Journal Article
Investigating the Avoidability of Hospitalizations of Long Stay Nursing Home Residents: Opportunities for Improvement.
Unroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen THickman, Susan EHickman, Susan ECarnahan, Jennifer LCarnahan, Jennifer LHass, ZachHass, ZachSachs, GregSachs, GregArling, Greg and Arling, Greg
Innovation in aging, vol. 2, (no. 2), pp. igy017, June 2018. | Journal Article
Nursing Home Regulations Redefined: Implications for Providers
Unroe, Kathleen TOuslander, Joseph G and Saliba, Debra
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 66, (no. 1), pp. 194, January 2018. | Journal Article
Quality of Hospice Care at Home Versus in an Assisted Living Facility or Nursing Home.
Unroe, Kathleen TStump, Timothy EEffler, ShannonTu, Wanzhu and Callahan, Christopher M
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, February 10, 2018. | Journal Article
Stakeholder Perspectives on the Optimizing Patient Transfers, Impacting Medical Quality, and Improving Symptoms: Transforming Institutional Care (OPTIMISTIC) Project
Ersek, MaryErsek, MaryHickman, Susan EHickman, Susan EThomas, Anne CThomas, Anne CBernard, BrittanyBernard, BrittanyUnroe, Kathleen T and Unroe, Kathleen T
The Gerontologist, vol. 58, (no. 6), pp. 1187, 20181103. | Journal Article
The Complexity of Determining Whether a Nursing Home Transfer Is Avoidable at Time of Transfer
Unroe, Kathleen T.Unroe, Kathleen T.Unroe, Kathleen TCarnahan, JenniferUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TCarnahan, Jennifer LCarnahan, Jennifer LCarnahan, Jennifer L.Carnahan, Jennifer L.Carnahan, Jennifer LHickman, Susan E.Hickman, Susan EHickman, Susan E.Hickman, Susan EHickman, Susan ESachs, Greg ASachs, Greg ASachs, Greg ASachs, Greg A.Sachs, Greg A.Hass, ZacharyHass, ZacharyHass, ZacharyHass, ZacharyHass, ZacharyArling, GregArling, GregArling, GregArling, Greg and Arling, Greg
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 66, (no. 5), pp. 901, May 2018. | Journal Article
To Tailor Solutions, You Must Understand the Problems: Nursing Facility Resident Changes of Condition. EDITORIAL
Unroe, Kathleen T.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. | Journal Article
Caring for Dying Patients in the Nursing Home: Voices From Frontline Nursing Home Staff
Cagle, John GCagle, John GCagle, John GUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TBunting, MorganBunting, MorganBunting, MorganBernard, Brittany LBernard, Brittany LBernard, Brittany LMiller, Susan CMiller, Susan C and Miller, Susan C
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 53, (no. 2), Feb 2017. | Journal Article
Evolution in Nursing Home Research: Forming Collaborative Groups
Nazir, ArifLevy, CariRudolph, James and Unroe, Kathleen
Caring for the Ages, vol. 18, (no. 4), pp. 7, 2017-04-00. | Journal Article
Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act: What do Geriatrics Healthcare Professionals Need to Know About the Quality Payment Program?
Unroe, Kathleen THollmann, Peter AGoldstein, Alanna C and Malone, Michael L
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, March 17, 2017. | Journal Article
Supporting Family Decision Makers for Nursing Home Residents: A Promising Approach.
Carnahan, Jennifer LCarnahan, Jennifer LCarnahan, Jennifer LFowler, Nicole RFowler, Nicole RFowler, Nicole RUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen T and Unroe, Kathleen T
JAMA internal medicine, vol. 177, (no. 1), pp. 32-33, January 1, 2017. | Journal Article
The Implementation of Measuring What Matters in Research and Practice: Series Commentary
Unroe, Kathleen T.Unroe, Kathleen TAst, KatherineAst, KatherineChuang, ElizabethChuang, ElizabethSchulman-Green, DenaSchulman-Green, DenaGramling, RobertGramling, RobertAslakson, Rebecca AAslakson, Rebecca A.Ast, KatherineAst, KatherineElk, RonitElk, RonitGarner, Kimberly KGarner, Kimberly K.Gramling, RobertGramling, RobertGrudzen, CoritaGrudzen, CoritaKamal, Arif HKamal, Arif H.Lamba, SangeetaLamba, SangeetaLeBlanc, Thomas W.LeBlanc, Thomas WRhodes, Ramona LRhodes, Ramona L.Roeland, EricRoeland, EricSchulman-Green, DenaSchulman-Green, DenaUnroe, Kathleen T. and Unroe, Kathleen T
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 54, (no. 5), pp. 775, November 2017. | Journal Article
The Implementation of Measuring What Matters in Research and Practice: Series Commentary
Unroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TAst, KatherineAst, KatherineAst, KatherineAst, KatherineChuang, ElizabethChuang, ElizabethChuang, ElizabethChuang, ElizabethSchulman-Green, DenaSchulman-Green, DenaSchulman-Green, DenaSchulman-Green, DenaGramling, RobertGramling, RobertGramling, RobertGramling, RobertAslakson, Rebecca AAslakson, Rebecca AAslakson, Rebecca AAslakson, Rebecca AElk, RonitElk, RonitElk, RonitElk, RonitGarner, Kimberly KGarner, Kimberly KGarner, Kimberly KGarner, Kimberly KGrudzen, CoritaGrudzen, CoritaGrudzen, CoritaGrudzen, CoritaKamal, Arif HKamal, Arif HKamal, Arif HKamal, Arif HLamba, SangeetaLamba, SangeetaLamba, SangeetaLamba, SangeetaLeBlanc, Thomas WLeBlanc, Thomas WLeBlanc, Thomas WLe Blanc, Thomas WRhodes, Ramona LRhodes, Ramona LRhodes, Ramona LRhodes, Ramona LRoeland, EricRoeland, EricRoeland, EricRoeland, EricSchulman-Green, DenaSchulman-Green, DenaSchulman-Green, Dena and Schulman-Green, Dena
Nov 2017
Variation in Hospice Services by Location of Care: Nursing Home Versus Assisted Living Facility Versus Home.
Unroe, Kathleen TUnroe, Kathleen TBernard, BrittanyBernard, BrittanyStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy ETu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuCallahan, Christopher M and Callahan, Christopher M
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, March 14, 2017. | Journal Article
Adherence to Measuring What Matters Items When Caring for Patients With Hematologic Malignancies Versus Solid Tumors
Le Blanc, Thomas WLeBlanc, Thomas WLeblanc, Thomas WLeBlanc, Thomas W.LeBlanc, Thomas WRitchie, Christine S.Ritchie, Christine SRitchie, Christine SRitchie, ChristineRitchie, ChristineFriedman, FredFriedman, FredFriedman, FredFriedman, FredFriedman, FredBull, JanetBull, JanetBull, JanetBull, JanetBull, JanetKutner, Jean SKutner, Jean S.Kutner, Jean SKutner, Jean SKutner, Jean SJohnson, Kimberly SJohnson, Kimberly SJohnson, Kimberly S.Johnson, Kimberly SJohnson, Kimberly SKamal, Arif HKamal, Arif HKamal, Arif HKamal, Arif H.Kamal, Arif HAslakson, Rebecca AAslakson, Rebecca A.Aslakson, Rebecca AAst, KatherineAst, KatherineAst, KatherineElk, RonitElk, RonitElk, RonitGarner, Kimberly K.Garner, Kimberly KGarner, Kimberly KGramling, RobertGramling, RobertGramling, RobertGrudzen, CoritaGrudzen, CoritaGrudzen, CoritaLamba, SangeetaLamba, SangeetaLamba, SangeetaRhodes, Ramona LRhodes, Ramona LRhodes, Ramona L.Roeland, EricRoeland, EricRoeland, EricSchulman-Green, DenaSchulman-Green, DenaSchulman-Green, DenaUnroe, Kathleen T.Unroe, Kathleen T and Unroe, Kathleen T
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 52, (no. 6), pp. 782, December 2016. | Journal Article