5 Grants
Proto-OKN Theme 1: DREAM-KG: Develop Dynamic, REsponsive, Adaptive, and Multifaceted Knowledge Graphs to address homelessness with Explainable AI
Wu, HuanmeiDing, YingTan, Chiu and Chen, Yuzhou
National Science Foundation (NSF), Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships, Innovation and Technology Ecosystems (ID: 2333703), $1,496,897USD, 2023-10-01 -- 2026-09-30
SaTC: EDU: Enhancing Cybersecurity Training for Next Generation Healthcare Professionals
Wu, HuanmeiWu, JieTan, Chiu and Ibrahim, Jenifer
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for STEM Education, Division Of Graduate Education (ID: 2310298), $400,000USD, 2023-08-01 -- 2026-07-31
CICI: SSC: Development of a Secure and Privacy-Preserving Workflow Architecture for Dynamic Data Sharing in Scientific Infrastructures
Zou, XukaiWu, Huanmei and Purkayastha, Saptarshi
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr, Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) (ID: 1839746), $599,998USD, 09/01/2018 -- 08/31/2021
Lung Tumor Motion Behavior Analysis Using 4DCT
Wu, Huanmei
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI) (ID: 5R21CA130849-02), $172,938USD, 08/15/2008 -- 07/31/2011
Lung Tumor Motion Behavior Analysis Using 4DCT
Wu, Huanmei
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI) (ID: 1R21CA130849-01A1), $186,451USD, 08/15/2008 -- 07/31/2010