210 Publications (Page 7 of 9)
Chondroitinase ABC enhances axonal regrowth through Schwann cell-seeded guidance channels after spinal cord injury.
Chau, C HChau, C.H.Shum, Daisy KShum, D.K.Li, HLi, H.Pei, JPei, J.Lui, Y YLui, Y.Y.Wirthlin, LWirthlin, L.Chan, Y.S.Chan, Y SXu, X-M and Xu, X.M.
The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, vol. 18, pp. 194-196. | Journal Article
Differential gene expression after complete spinal cord transection in adult rats: An analysis focused on a subchronic post-injury stage
Zhang, K.-H.Xiao, H.-S.Lu, P.-H.Shi, J.Li, G.-D.Wang, Y.-T.Han, S.Zhang, F.-X.Lu, Y.-J.Zhang, X. and Xu, X. M.
Neuroscience, vol. 128, pp. 375-388. | Journal Article
Differential gene expression in neural stem cells and oligodendrocyte precursor cells: a cDNA microarray analysis.
Hu, Jian-GuoFu, Sai-LiZhang, Kai-HuaLi, YingYin, LanLu, Pei-Hua and Xu, Xiao Ming
Journal of neuroscience research, vol. 78, (no. 5), pp. 637-46, 2004/Dec/1. | Journal Article
Dural closure, cord approximation, and clot removal: Enhancement of tissue sparing in a novel laceration spinal cord injury model
Zhang, Y.P.Iannotti, C.Shields, L.B.E.Han, Y.Burke, D.A.Xu, X. M. and Shields, C.B.
Journal of Neurosurgery, vol. 100, pp. 343-352. | Journal Article
Effects of annexins II and V on survival of neurons and astrocytes in vitro
Han, S.Zhang, K.-H.Lu, P.-H. and Xu, X. M.
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, vol. 25, pp. 602-610. | Journal Article
Inhibitory proteins against axon regeneration in the central nervous system
Hu, J.G.Lu, P.H. and Xu, X.M.
Sheng li ke xue jin zhan [Progress in physiology], vol. 35, pp. 311-314. | Journal Article
PKC mediates inhibitory effects of myelin and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans on axonal regeneration
Sivasankaran, RajeevSivasankaran, R.Sivasankaran, R.Pei, J.Pei, J.Pei, JiongWang, Kevin CWang, Kevin CWang, K.C.Zhang, Y.P.Zhang, Yi PZhang, YPShields, C.B.Shields, CBShields, Christopher BXu, X-MXiao-Ming, XuXu, X. M.He, ZhigangHe, Zhigang and He, Z.
Nature Neuroscience, vol. 7, pp. 261-268. | Journal Article
Regeneration of central nervous system after injury: Nogo-A and NgR
Xie, Y.-Z.Xu, X. M. and Lu, P.-H.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation, vol. 8, pp. 3140-3142. | Journal Article
Rho and axonal regeneration in the central nervous system
Yu, P.-P.Xu, X. M. and Lu, P.-H.
Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, vol. 31, pp. 296-298. | Journal Article
Update on oligodendrocyte in biological function and associated neurological disorders
Hu, J.G.Lu, P.H. and Xu, X.M.
Sheng li ke xue jin zhan [Progress in physiology], vol. 35, pp. 39-41. | Journal Article
Upregulation of annexins I, II, and V after traumatic spinal cord injury in adult rats
Liu, N.Han, S.Lu, P.-H. and Xu, X. M.
Journal of Neuroscience Research, vol. 77, pp. 391-401. | Journal Article
Upregulation of heparin-binding growth-associated molecule after spinal cord injury in adult rats
Wang, Y.-T.Han, S.Zhang, K.-H.Jin, Y.Xu, X. M. and Lu, P.-H.
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, vol. 25, pp. 611-616. | Journal Article
Upregulation of S100A4 after spinal cord transection in adult rats
Zhang, K.-H.Han, S.Lu, P.-H. and Xu, X. M.
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, vol. 25, pp. 1007-1012. | Journal Article
Cryopreservation of neural stem cells derived from embryonic rats
Ma, Z.-W.Fu, S.-L.Yin, L.Xu, X. M. and Lu, P.-H.
Chinese Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 19, pp. 122-126. | Journal Article
Effects of embryonic neural stem cells and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in the repair of spinal cord injury
Sun, Y.Shi, J.Fu, S.-L.Lu, P.-H. and Xu, X. M.
Acta Physiologica Sinica, vol. 55, pp. 349-354. | Journal Article
Expression of the type 1 and type 2 receptors for tumor necrosis factor after traumatic spinal cord injury in adult rats
Yan, P.Yan, PingLiu, N.Liu, NaikuiKim, Gyeong-MoonKim, G.-M.Xu, J.Xu, JingmingXu, JianXu, J.Li, QunLi, Q.Hsu, Chung YHsu, C.Y.Xu, Xiao-Ming and Xu, X. M.
Experimental Neurology, vol. 183, pp. 286-297. | Journal Article
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor-enriched bridging transplants promote propriospinal axonal regeneration and enhance myelination after spinal cord injury.
Iannotti, ChristopherLi, HuayinYan, PingLu, XiaobinWirthlin, Louisa and Xu, Xiao Ming
Experimental neurology, vol. 183, (no. 2), pp. 379-93, 2003/Oct. | Journal Article
Isolation and cultivation of neural stem cells from the embryonic rat brain and spinal cord
Fu, S.-L.Ma, Z.-W.Yin, L.Lu, P.-H. and Xu, X. M.
Acta Physiologica Sinica, vol. 55, pp. 278-283. | Journal Article
Identification of regenerative tissue cables using in vivo MRI after spinal cord hemisection and Schwann cell bridging transplantation
Iannotti, C.Li, H.Stemmler, M.Perman, W.H. and Xu, X. M.
Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 19, pp. 1543-1554. | Journal Article
Neural Circuitry of the Adult Rat Central Nervous System after Spinal Cord Injury: A Study Using Fast Blue and the Bartha Strain of Pseudorabies Virus
Kim, Eun-SangKim, Gyeong-MoonLu, XiaobinHsu, Chung Y and Xu, Xiao Ming
Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 19, (no. 6), pp. 787-800, Jun 2002. | Journal Article
Cellular Localization of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Following Acute Spinal Cord Injury in Adult Rats
Yan, PingLi, QunKim, Gyeong-MoonXu, JianHsu, Chung Y and Xu, Xiao Ming
Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 18, (no. 5), pp. 563-568, May 2001. | Journal Article
Cellular localization of tumor necrosis factor-α following acute spinal cord injury in adult rats
Yan, P.Li, Q.Kim, G.-M.Xu, J.Hsu, C.Y. and Xu, X.M.
Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 18, pp. 563-568. | Journal Article
Delayed glial cell death following wallerian degeneration in white matter tracts after spinal cord dorsal column cordotomy in adult rats.
Warden, PWarden, P.Bamber, N IBamber, N. I.Li, H.Li, HEsposito, A.Esposito, AAhmad, K AAhmad, K. A.Hsu, Chung YHsu, C. Y.Xu, Xiao Ming and Xu, X. M.
Experimental Neurology, vol. 168, (no. 2), pp. 213-24, 2001/Apr. | Journal Article
Detection of apoptosis during orthodontic tooth movement in rats
Rana, M.W.-U.-Z.Pothisiri, V.Killiany, D.M. and Xu, X. M.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, vol. 119, pp. 516-521. | Journal Article
Glucocorticoid Receptor-Mediated Suppression of Activator Protein-1 Activation and Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression after Spinal Cord Injury
Xu, JanKim, Gyeong-MoonAhmed, SHXu, JinmingYan, PingXu, Xiao Ming and Hsu, Chung Y
Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 21, (no. 1), pp. 92-97, 2001. | Journal Article