36 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Mesoporous silica formation mechanisms probed using combined Spin-Echo Modulated Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SEMSANS) and Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)
Schmitt, JulienZeeuw, Jan JoostPlomp, JeroenBouwman, Wim GWashington, AdamDalgliesh, Robert MalcolmDuif, ChrisThijs, Michel ALi, FankangPynn, RogerParnell, Steven R and Edler, Karen J
ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2020-Apr-24. | Journal Article
High‐resolution phonon energy shift measurements with the inelastic neutron spin echo technique
Li, FankangShen, JiazhouParnell, Steven RThaler, Alex NMatsuda, MasaakiKeller, ThomasDelaire, OlivierPynn, Roger and Fernandez-Baca, Jaime A
Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 52, (no. 4), pp. 760, August 2019. | Journal Article
Grating‐based holographic diffraction methods for X‐rays and neutrons: phase object approximation and dynamical theory
Feng, HaoAshkar, RanaSteinke, NinaDalgliesh, RobertLavrik, Nickolay VKravchenko, Ivan I and Pynn, Roger
Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 51, (no. 1), pp. 75, February 2018. | Journal Article
High resolution neutron Larmor diffraction using superconducting magnetic Wollaston prisms
Li, FankangLi, FankangFeng, HaoFeng, HaoThaler, AlexanderThaler, Alexander NParnell, S.RParnell, Steven RHamilton, William AHamilton, WilliamCrow, LowellCrow, LowellYang, WencaoYang, WencaoJones, AmyJones, Amy BBai, HongyuBai, HongyuMatsuda, MasaakiMatsuda, MasaakiBaxter, David VBaxter, DavidKeller, ThomasKeller, ThomasFernandez-Baca, JaimeFernandez-Baca, Jaime APynn, Roger and Pynn, Roger
Scientific Reports, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. 9, 2017-04-13. | Journal Article
Hydration forces between aligned DNA helices undergoing B to A conformational change: In-situ X-ray fiber diffraction studies in a humidity and temperature controlled environment
Case, RyanCase, RyanSchollmeyer, HaukeSchollmeyer, HaukeKohl, PhillipKohl, PhillipSirota, Eric BSirota, Eric BPynn, RogerPynn, RogerEwert, Kai EEwert, Kai ESafinya, Cyrus RSafinya, Cyrus RLi, Youli and Li, Youli
Journal of Structural Biology, vol. 200, (no. 3), pp. 292, December 2017. | Journal Article
Spin echo modulated small‐angle neutron scattering using superconducting magnetic Wollaston prisms
Li, FankangLi, FankangParnell, Steven RParnell, Steven RBai, HongyuBai, HongyuYang, WencaoYang, WencaoHamilton, William AHamilton, William AMaranville, Brian BMaranville, Brian BAshkar, RanaAshkar, RanaBaxter, David VBaxter, David VCremer, J. TedCremer, J. TedPynn, Roger and Pynn, Roger
Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 49, (no. 1), pp. 63, February 2016. | Journal Article
A new approach for probing matter in periodic nanoconfinements using neutron scattering
Ashkar, RanaPynn, RogerDalgliesh, RobertLavrik, Nickolay V and Kravchenko, Ivan I
Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 47, (no. 4), pp. 1373, August 2014. | Journal Article
A novel neutron spin echo technique for measuring phonon linewidths using magnetic Wollaston prisms
Li, Fankang and Pynn, Roger
Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 47, (no. 6), pp. 1854, December 2014. | Journal Article
DCD USANS and SESANS: a comparison of two neutron scattering techniques applicable for the study of large‐scale structures
Rehm, ChristineBarker, JohnBouwman, Wim G and Pynn, Roger
Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 46, (no. 2), pp. 364, April 2013. | Journal Article
International Neutron Scattering Instrumentation School (INSIS)
Pynn, Roger
Neutron News, vol. 24, (no. 1), pp. 7, 2/1/2013. | Journal Article
Publisher's Note: “Neutron spin evolution through broadband current sheet spin flippers” [ Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 105113 (2013)]
Stonaha, PHendrie, JLee, W. T and Pynn, Roger
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 84, (no. 11), pp. 119901, 20131100. | Journal Article
Contrast variation in spin-echo small angle neutron scattering
Li, XinLi, XinWu, BinWu, BinLiu, YunLiu, YunPynn, RogerPynn, RogerShew, Chwen-YangShew, Chwen-YangSmith, Gregory SSmith, Gregory SHerwig, Kenneth WHerwig, Kenneth WRobertson, J LeeRobertson, J LChen, Wei-RenChen, Wei-RenLiu, Li and Liu, Li
Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal, vol. 24, (no. 6), pp. 064115, 2012-Feb-15. | Journal Article
Comparison of dynamical theory and phase‐object approximation for neutron scattering from periodic structures
Ashkar, Ranade Haan, V. Ovan Well, A. ADalgliesh, RPlomp, JFitzsimmons, M. RSchaich, W. L and Pynn, Roger
Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 44, (no. 5), pp. 965, October 2011. | Journal Article
Prospect for characterizing interacting soft colloidal structures using spin-echo small angle neutron scattering
Pynn, RogerRobertson, JChen, Wei-RenLiu, EmilyLiu, YunSmith, GregoryLi, XinHerwig, KennethLi, XinShew, Chwen-YangShew, Chwen YangLiu, YunPynn, RogerLiu, EmilyHerwig, Kenneth WSmith, Gregory SRobertson, J L and Chen, Wei-Ren
Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 134, (no. 9), pp. 094504-13, 2011-03-02. | Journal Article
Some recent results using spin echo resolved grazing incidence scattering (SERGIS)
Pynn, RogerAshkar, RanaStonaha, P. and Washington, AL
Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 406, (no. 12), pp. 2350-2353, 2011. | Journal Article
Dynamical theory calculations of spin-echo resolved grazing-incidence scattering from a diffraction grating
Ashkar, RanaStonaha, P.Washington, A. LShah, V. RFitzsimmons, M. RMaranville, B.Majkrzak, C. FLee, W. TSchaich, W. L and Pynn, Roger
Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 43, (no. 3), pp. 455-465, Jun 2010. | Journal Article
Spin-Echo Resolved Grazing Incidence Scattering (SERGIS) at Pulsed and CW Neutron Sources
Ashkar, RanaStonaha, PWashington, AShah, VFitzsimmons, MMaranville, BMajkrzak, CLee, W and Pynn, Roger
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 251, pp. 012066, 20101101. | Journal Article
Theoretical studies on the structure of interacting colloidal suspensionsby spin-echo small angle neutron scattering
Pynn, RogerLiu, EmilyHerwig, KennethSmith, GregoryRobertson, JShew, Chwen-YangLiu, YunChen, Wei-RenLi, XinLi, XinShew, Chwen YangLiu, YunPynn, RogerLiu, EmilyHerwig, Kenneth WSmith, Gregory SRobertson, J L and Chen, Wei-Ren
Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 132, (no. 17), pp. 174509-14, 2010-05-07. | Journal Article
A spin-echo resolved grazing incidence scattering setup for the neutron interrogation of buried nanostructures
Pynn, RogerMajor, MártonFelcher, GianNülle, MaxMezger, MarkusKeller, ThomasMaier, RalfFalus, PéterDosch, HelmutVorobiev, AlexeiRühm, AdrianMajor, JánosMajor, JánosVorobiev, AlexeiRühm, AdrianMaier, RalfMajor, MártonMezger, MarkusNülle, MaxDosch, HelmutFelcher, Gian PFalus, PéterKeller, Thomas and Pynn, Roger
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 80, (no. 12), pp. 123903-29, 2009-12-18. | Journal Article
Birefringent neutron prisms for spin echo scattering angle measurement
Pynn, RogerFitzsimmons, M.R.Lee, W.T.Stonaha, P.Shah, V.R.Washington, A.L.Kirby, B.J.Majkrzak, C.F. and Maranville, B.B.
Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 404, (no. 17), pp. 2582-2584, 2009. | Journal Article
Measurement of the vortex core in sub-100 nm Fe dots using polarized neutron scattering
Roshchin, Igor VLi, Chang-PengSuhl, HarryBatlle Gelabert, XavierRoy, S.Sinha, Sunil KPark, S.Pynn, RogerFitzsimmons, M. RMejia-Lopez, JoseAltbir, DoraRomero, A. H and Schuller, Ivan K
Europhysics Letters (EPL), vol. 86, (no. 6), pp. 67008P1-6, 2009. | Journal Article
Spin echo scattering angle measurement at a pulsed neutron source
Pynn, RogerFitzsimmons, M. RLee, W. TShah, V. RWashington, A. LStonaha, P. and Littrell, Ken
Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 41, (no. 5), pp. 897-905, 2008. | Journal Article
The use of symmetry to correct Larmor phase aberrations in spin echo scattering angle measurement
Kirby, BWashington, AMajkrzak, CShah, VMaranville, BLee, WStonaha, P and Pynn, Roger
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 79, (no. 6), pp. 063901-8, 2008-06-04. | Journal Article
Using neutron spin echo to probe space and time correlations in thin films
Pynn, Roger
Journal of Neutron Research, vol. 14, (no. 3), pp. 227, 2006-09-01. | Journal Article
Broadband spin flippers constructed from thin magnetic films
Pynn, Roger
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, vol. 356, (no. 1), pp. 181, 2005. | Journal Article