
My present research is focused in the area of neutron scattering, with an emphasis on the development of new neutron instrumentation and the application of that instrumentation to important problems in materials research


Past Affiliations

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, McGill University (past)

Professor, Condensed Matter Physics, Indiana University Bloomington

Natural Resources Conservation, Physics, Physics
PhD, California Institute of Technology, Applied Physics, 1984
MS, California Institute of Technology, Applied Physics, 1982
BS, University of Alberta, Physics, 1979
natural and physical sciences, mathematics and technology materials sciences thin films magnetic materials multilayer composites physics solid state physics neutron scattering low temperature science & cryogenics physical properties (materials) materials preparation or fabrication surfaces and interfaces condensed matter physics

Joseph and Sophia Konopinski Award (Teaching), IUB Physics (Indiana University Bloomington)

American Physical Society