27 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
ADARs regulate cuticle collagen expression and promote survival to pathogen infection. BMC Biology
. | Journal Article
ADR-2 regulates fertility and oocyte fate in C. elegans. GENETICS
. | Journal Article
ADAR-mediated regulation of PQM-1 expression in neurons impacts gene expression throughout C. elegans and regulates survival from hypoxia. PLOS Biology
. | Journal Article
ADARs employ a neural-specific mechanism to regulate PQM-1 expression and survival from hypoxia
A high-throughput screen identifies RNA binding proteins that affect fertility inCaenorhabditis elegansand reveals a functional relationship between ADR-2 and SQD-1
Involvement of the SAGA and TFIID coactivator complexes in transcriptional dysregulation caused by the separation of core and tail Mediator modules. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics
. | Journal Article
The RNA binding protein Swm is critical for Drosophila melanogaster intestinal progenitor cell maintenance
Ariyapala, Ishara SBuddika, KasunHundley, Heather ACalvi, Brian R and Sokol, Nicholas S
Oxford University Press (OUP)
Profiling neural editomes reveals a molecular mechanism to regulate RNA editing during development
Genome Research. | Journal Article
To protect and modify double-stranded RNA – the critical roles of ADARs in development, immunity and oncogenesis
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. | Journal Article
Disruption in A-to-I Editing Levels Affects C. elegans Development More Than a Complete Lack of Editing
Ganem, Nabeel SGanem, Nabeel SGanem, N. S.Ben-Asher, NoaBen-Asher, NoaBen-Asher, N.Manning, Aidan CManning, A. C.Manning, Aidan CDeffit, S. N.Deffit, Sarah NDeffit, Sarah NWashburn, Michael CWashburn, Michael CWashburn, M. C.Wheeler, E. C.Wheeler, Emily CWheeler, Emily CYeo, G. W.Yeo, Gene WYeo, Gene WZgayer, Orna Ben-NaimZgayer, Orna Ben-NaimZgayer, O. B.Mantsur, E.Mantsur, EinavMantsur, EinavHundley, H. A.Hundley, Heather AHundley, Heather ALamm, Ayelet TLamm, A. T. and Lamm, Ayelet T
Cell Reports, vol. 27, (no. 4), pp. 1253.e4, 2019-04-23. | Journal Article
A protein-protein interaction underlies the molecular basis for substrate recognition by an adenosine-to-inosine RNA-editing enzyme.
Rajendren, SubaRajendren, SubaRajendren, SubaManning, Aidan CManning, Aidan CManning, Aidan CAl-Awadi, HaiderAl-Awadi, HaiderAl-Awadi, HaiderYamada, KentaroYamada, KentaroYamada, KentaroTakagi, YuichiroTakagi, YuichiroTakagi, YuichiroHundley, Heather AHundley, Heather A and Hundley, Heather A
Nucleic acids research, September 7, 2018. | Journal Article
Adenosine Deaminase That Acts on RNA 3 (ADAR3) Binding to Glutamate Receptor Subunit B Pre-mRNA Inhibits RNA Editing in Glioblastoma
Oakes, EimileOakes, EimileAnderson, AshleyAnderson, AshleyCohen-Gadol, AaronCohen-Gadol, AaronHundley, Heather A and Hundley, Heather A
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 292, (no. 10), pp. 4335, 2017-03-10. | Journal Article
Methods for the Detection of Adenosine-to-Inosine Editing Events in Cellular RNA
Oakes, EimileOakes, EimileVadlamani, PranathiVadlamani, PranathiHundley, Heather A and Hundley, Heather A
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1648, pp. 127, 2017-00-00. | Journal Article
The C. elegans neural editome reveals an ADAR target mRNA required for proper chemotaxis
Deffit, S. N.Deffit, Sarah NDeffit, Sarah NYee, Brian AYee, B. A.Yee, Brian AManning, Aidan CManning, Aidan CManning, A. C.Rajendren, SubaRajendren, S.Rajendren, SubaVadlamani, P.Vadlamani, PranathiVadlamani, PranathiWheeler, Emily CWheeler, E. C.Wheeler, Emily CDomissy, AlainDomissy, AlainDomissy, A.Washburn, Michael CWashburn, Michael CWashburn, M. C.Yeo, G. W.Yeo, Gene WYeo, Gene WHundley, H. A.Hundley, Heather A and Hundley, Heather A
eLife, vol. 6, 2017-09-19. | Journal Article
Controlling the editor: the many roles of RNA-binding proteins in regulating A-to-I RNA editing
Washburn, Michael CWashburn, Michael CWashburn, Michael CHundley, Heather AHundley, Heather A and Hundley, Heather A
Advances in experimental medicine and biology, vol. 907, pp. 213, 2016-00-00. | Journal Article
To edit or not to edit: regulation of ADAR editing specificity and efficiency
Deffit, Sarah NDeffit, Sarah NDeffit, Sarah NHundley, Heather AHundley, Heather A and Hundley, Heather A
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. 127, January/February 2016. | Journal Article
Transandcisfactors affecting A-to-I RNA editing efficiency of a noncoding editing target inC. elegans
Washburn, Michael CWashburn, Michael CWashburn, Michael CHundley, Heather AHundley, Heather A and Hundley, Heather A
RNA, vol. 22, (no. 5), pp. 728, 2016-05-00. | Journal Article
Noncoding regions ofC. elegansmRNA undergo selective adenosine to inosine deamination and contain a small number of editing sites per transcript
Wheeler, Emily CWheeler, Emily CWheeler, Emily CWashburn, Michael CWashburn, Michael CWashburn, Michael CMajor, FrancoisMajor, FrancoisMajor, FrancoisRusch, Douglas BRusch, Douglas BRusch, Douglas BHundley, Heather AHundley, Heather A and Hundley, Heather A
RNA Biology, vol. 12, (no. 2), pp. 174, 2015-02-00. | Journal Article
Inverted Alu dsRNA structures do not affect localization but can alter translation efficiency of human mRNAs independent of RNA editing
Capshew, Claire RCapshew, Claire RCapshew, Claire RDusenbury, Kristen LDusenbury, Kristen LDusenbury, Kristen LHundley, Heather AHundley, Heather A and Hundley, Heather A
Nucleic acids research, vol. 40, (no. 17), pp. 8645, 2012-Sep-01. | Journal Article
The difficult calls in RNA editing
Bass, BrendaBass, BrendaBass, BrendaBass, Brenda LHundley, HeatherHundley, Heather AHundley, HeatherHundley, HeatherLi, Jin BillyLi, JinLi, JinLi, Jin BPeng, ZhiyuPeng, ZhiyuPeng, ZhiyuPeng, ZhiyuPickrell, JoePickrell, JoePickrell, JoePickrell, JoeXiao, Xinshu GXiao, XinshuXiao, XinshuXiao, XinshuYang, LiYang, LiYang, Li and Yang, Li
Nature Biotechnology, vol. 30, (no. 12), pp. 1209, 2012-12-00. | Journal Article
ADAR editing in double-stranded UTRs and other non-coding RNA sequences
Hundley, HeatherHundley, Heather AHundley, HeatherBass, Brenda LBass, Brenda L and Bass, Brenda
Trends in biochemical sciences, vol. 35, (no. 7), pp. 383, 2010-04-08. | Journal Article
C. elegans and H. sapiens mRNAs with edited 3' UTRs are present on polysomes
Hundley, Heather AHundley, Heather AHundley, Heather AKrauchuk, Ammie AKrauchuk, Ammie AKrauchuk, Ammie ABass, Brenda LBass, Brenda L and Bass, Brenda L
RNA (New York, N.Y.), vol. 14, (no. 10), pp. 2060, 2008-Oct. | Journal Article
A Nuclear RNA Is Cut out for Translation
Bass, Brenda LBass, Brenda LBass, Brenda LHellwig, SabineHellwig, SabineHellwig, Sabine AHundley, Heather AHundley, Heather A and Hundley, Heather A
Cell, vol. 123, (no. 2), pp. 183, 2005. | Journal Article
Dissecting functional similarities of ribosome‐associated chaperones from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli
Rauch, ThomasRauch, ThomasHundley, Heather AHundley, Heather APfund, ChrisPfund, ChrisWegrzyn, Renee DWegrzyn, Renee DWalter, WilliamWalter, WilliamKramer, GuenterKramer, GünterKim, So‐YoungKim, So-YoungCraig, Elizabeth ACraig, Elizabeth ADeuerling, Elke and Deuerling, Elke
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 57, (no. 2), pp. 365, July 2005. | Journal Article
Human Mpp11 J Protein: Ribosome-Tethered Molecular Chaperones Are Ubiquitous
Hundley, HeatherHundley, HeatherWalter, WilliamWalter, WilliamBairstow, ShawnBairstow, ShawnCraig, Elizabeth and Craig, Elizabeth A
Science, vol. 308, (no. 5724), pp. 1034, 20050513. | Journal Article