11 Publications
Sex-dependent effects of in utero cannabinoid exposure on cortical function
Bara, AnissaManduca, AntoniaBernabeu, AxelBorsoi, MileneServiado, MichelaLassalle, OlivierMurphy, MichelleWager Miller, JimMackie, KenPelissier-Alicot, Anne-LaureTrezza, Viviana and Manzoni, Olivier J
eLife, vol. 7, 2018-09-11. | Journal Article
A GPR119 Signaling System in the Murine Eye Regulates Intraocular Pressure in a Sex-Dependent Manner
Miller, SallyMiller, SallyMiller, SallyHu, Sherry Shu-JungHu, Sherry Shu-JungHu, Sherry Shu-JungLeishman, EmmaLeishman, EmmaLeishman, EmmaMorgan, DanMorgan, DanMorgan, DanWager-Miller, JimWager Miller, JimWager-Miller, JimMackie, KenMackie, KenMackie, KenBradshaw, Heather BBradshaw, Heather BBradshaw, Heather BStraiker, AlexStraiker, Alex and Straiker, Alex
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 58, (no. 7), pp. 2938, 2017-06-01. | Journal Article
Evidence for a GPR18 Role in Diurnal Regulation of Intraocular Pressure
Miller, SallyMiller, SallyMiller, SallyLeishman, EmmaLeishman, EmmaLeishman, EmmaOehler, OliviaOehler, OliviaOehler, OliviaDaily, LauraDaily, LauraDaily, LauraMurataeva, NataliaMurataeva, NataliaMurataeva, NataliaWager Miller, JimWager-Miller, JimWager-Miller, JimBradshaw, HeatherBradshaw, HeatherBradshaw, HeatherStraiker, AlexStraiker, Alex and Straiker, Alex
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 57, (no. 14), pp. 6426, 2016-11-01. | Journal Article
Quantitation of Plasma Membrane (G Protein-Coupled) Receptor Trafficking in Cultured Cells
Wager Miller, Jim and Mackie, Ken
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1412, pp. 266, 2016-00-00. | Journal Article
Mutation of Putative GRK Phosphorylation Sites in the Cannabinoid Receptor 1 (CB1R) Confers Resistance to Cannabinoid Tolerance and Hypersensitivity to Cannabinoids in Mice
Morgan, Daniel JMorgan, Daniel JDavis, Brian JDavis, Brian JKearn, Chris SKearn, Chris SMarcus, DavidMarcus, DavidCook, Alex JCook, Alex JWager Miller, JimWager-Miller, JimStraiker, AlexStraiker, AlexMyoga, Michael HMyoga, Michael HKarduck, JeffreyKarduck, JeffreyLeishman, EmmaLeishman, EmmaSim-Selley, Laura JSim-Selley, Laura JCzyzyk, Traci ACzyzyk, Traci ABradshaw, Heather BBradshaw, Heather BSelley, Dana ESelley, Dana EMackie, Kenneth P and Mackie, Ken
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, vol. 34, (no. 15), pp. 5163, 2014-Apr-09. | Journal Article
Optimization of a Cisplatin Model of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Mice: Use of Vitamin C and Sodium Bicarbonate Pretreatments to Reduce Nephrotoxicity and Improve Animal Health Status
Guindon, JoséeGuindon, JoséeDeng, LitingDeng, LitingFan, BaochangFan, BaochangWager-Miller, JimWager Miller, JimHohmann, Andrea G and Hohmann, Andrea G
Molecular Pain, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 56, 20140904. | Journal Article
Diacylglycerol lipaseα (DAGLα) and DAGLβ cooperatively regulate the production of 2-arachidonoyl glycerol in autaptic hippocampal neurons
Jain, TarunJain, TarunWager-Miller, JimWager Miller, JimMackie, KenMackie, KenStraiker, Alex and Straiker, Alex
Molecular pharmacology, vol. 84, (no. 2), pp. 302, 2013-Aug. | Journal Article
Differential signalling in human cannabinoid CB1 receptors and their splice variants in autaptic hippocampal neurones
Straiker, AlexStraiker, AlexWager-Miller, JimWager Miller, JimHutchens, JacquelineHutchens, JacquelineMackie, Ken and Mackie, Kenneth P
British Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 165, (no. 8), pp. 2671, 2012-04-00. | Journal Article
The CB1 cannabinoid receptor C-terminus regulates receptor desensitization in autaptic hippocampal neurones
Straiker, AlexStraiker, AlexWager Miller, JimWager-Miller, JimMackie, Ken and Mackie, Kenneth P
British Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 165, (no. 8), pp. 2659, 2012-04-00. | Journal Article
Requirement of cannabinoid CB1 receptor in cortical pyramidal neurons for appropriate development of corticothalamic and thalamocortical projections
Wu, Chia-ShanWu, Chia-ShanWu, Chia-ShanZhu, JieZhu, JieZhu, JieWager Miller, JimWager-Miller, JimWager-Miller, JimWang, ShanWang, ShanWang, ShanO'leary, Dennis PO Leary, DennisO’Leary, DennisMonory, KrisztinaMonory, KrisztinaMonory, KrisztinaLutz, BeatLutz, BeatLutz, BeatMackie, KenMackie, KenMackie, Kenneth PLu, Hui-ChenLu, Hui Chen and Lu, Hui Chen
The European journal of neuroscience, vol. 32, (no. 5), pp. 706, 2010-07-28. | Journal Article
Monoacylglycerol Lipase Limits the Duration of Endocannabinoid-Mediated Depolarization-Induced Suppression of Excitation in Autaptic Hippocampal Neurons
Straiker, AlexStraiker, AlexStraiker, AlexHu, Sherry SHu, SherryHu, Sherry Shu-JungLong, Jonathan Z.Long, JonathanLong, Jonathan ZArnold, AndyArnold, AndyArnold, AndyWager-Miller, JimWager Miller, JimWager-Miller, JimCravatt, BenjaminCravatt, Benjamin F.Cravatt, Benjamin FMackie, KenMackie, Kenneth P and Mackie, Ken
Molecular Pharmacology, vol. 76, (no. 6), pp. 1227, 20091201. | Journal Article