
My research thus far has involved examination of student remediation in undergraduate anatomy, as well as the development, implementation and assessment of a supplemental course which aimed to teach students study skills in the context of the material they were covering concurrently in their anatomy course. I am interested in continuing to pursue research on issues in medical education revolving around the topics of remediations, study and metacognition. I am also interested in the assessment of curricular reform as IUSM transitions from a traditional medical curriculum to an integrated curriculum.

Past Affiliations

Human Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington

Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Associate Professor, Master of Science in Medical Science

Associate Professor, Medical Sciences Program

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Medical Sciences Program

Department of Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington

Human Anatomy, Cell Biology
PhD, Indiana University, Bloomington, Biological Anthropology, 1995
MA, Indiana University, Bloomington, Biological Anthropology, 1992
BS, College of William and Mary, Physics and Anthropology, 1989
anthropology physical anthropology medical education science education classroom instruction educational evaluation educational reform cooperative education instructional technology distance learning educational research higher education higher education, public undergraduate education graduate studies craniofacial disorders anatomy embryology
English, French

Young Faculty Participation Award (Anatomy), American Association of Anatomists, 2002

Elected Member of FACET (Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching) (Teaching/Education), Indiana University, 2002

Trustee Teaching Award (Teaching/Education), Indiana University (Indiana University Bloomington), 2001

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research Grant (Teaching), Indiana University (Indiana University, Bloomington), 2000

Teaching Excellence Recognition Award (TERA) (Teaching), Indiana University (Indiana University, Bloomington), 1998

American Association of Anatomists
American Association of Clinical Anatomists
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Human Anatomy and Physiology Society
International Alliance of Teacher Scholars
National Science Teachers Association
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society