
I am interested in power, context, processes, agency, poverty, and their entanglements with health and well-being states. I operationalize those concepts most frequently through the study of employment, occupation, working conditions, and housing quality as fundamental contributors to health status. Because I am interested in health equity, and in the processes that shape health status for groups of people, I most often use qualitative and mixed methods designs, and collaborate regularly with scholars in other disciplines. Most recently, I have been exploring the idea of employment and work quality from the perspective of the specific groups of workers, and migration decision-making. What forms does quality work take? What is the worker experience of that work? In what ways does work interact with health and well-being, as the workers themselves see it? What makes for quality employment and work, and for whom? What kinds of work grant access to what kinds of health promoting or health inhibiting resources?  How does migration evolve as a process over time, and how do people navigate that process? 


Social Sciences, Public Health
MPH, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Community and International Health, 2005
BA, University of Michigan, Social Sciences, 2001
PhD, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Public Health, 200