95 Publications (Page 2 of 4)
Hand2 Is an Essential Regulator for Two Notch-Dependent Functions within the Embryonic Endocardium
VanDusen, Nathan JVanDusen, Nathan JCasanovas, JoseCasanovas, JoseVincentz, Joshua WVincentz, Joshua WFirulli, Beth AFirulli, Beth AOsterwalder, MarcoOsterwalder, MarcoLopez-Rios, JavierLopez-Rios, JavierZeller, RolfZeller, RolfZhou, BinZhou, BinGrego-Bessa, JoaquimGrego-Bessa, JoaquimDe La Pompa, José LuisDe La Pompa, José LuisShou, WeinianShou, WeinianFirulli, Anthony B and Firulli, Anthony B
Cell Reports. | Journal Article
Loss of Hand2 in a population of Periostin lineage cells results in pronounced bradycardia and neonatal death
Vandusen, Nathan JVanDusen, Nathan JVincentz, Joshua WVincentz, Joshua WFirulli, Beth AFirulli, Beth AHoward, Marthe JHoward, Marthe JRubart, MichaelRubart, MichaelFirulli, Anthony B and Firulli, Anthony B
Developmental Biology, vol. 388, (no. 2), pp. 158, 2014-04-15. | Journal Article
Recombinant Neuregulin 1 Does Not Activate Cardiomyocyte DNA Synthesis in Normal or Infarcted Adult Mice
Reuter, SeanReuter, SeanSoonpaa, Mark HSoonpaa, Mark HFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BChang, Audrey NChang, Audrey NField, Loren J and Field, Loren J
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 12), pp. e115871, 2014-00-00. | Journal Article
Structure-Function Studies of the bHLH Phosphorylation Domain of TWIST1 in Prostate Cancer Cells
Gajula, RajendraGajula, R.P.Gajula, Rajendra PChettiar, S.T.Chettiar, SivarajanChettiar, Sivarajan TWilliams, Russell DWilliams, R.D.Williams, RussellNugent, KatrianaNugent, KatrianaNugent, K.Kato, Y.Kato, YoshinoriKato, YoshinoriWang, HailunWang, H.Wang, HailunMalek, R.Malek, ReemMalek, ReemTaparra, KekoaTaparra, K.Taparra, KekoaCades, JessicaCades, J.Cades, JessicaAnnadanam, AnveshAnnadanam, AnveshAnnadanam, A.Yoon, A.-R.Yoon, A-RumYoon, A-RumFertig, ElanaFertig, ElanaFertig, E.Firulli, Beth AFirulli, BethFirulli, B.A.Mazzacurati, L.Mazzacurati, LuciaMazzacurati, LuciaBurns, TimothyBurns, Timothy FBurns, T.F.Firulli, Anthony BFirulli, AnthonyFirulli, A.B.An, StevenAn, Steven SAn, S.S.Tran, P.T.Tran, Phuoc T and Tran, Phuoc
Neoplasia, vol. 17, (no. 1), pp. 31, 2014. | Journal Article
The Cardiac Neural Crest and Their Role in Development and Disease. Neural Crest Cells: Evolution, Development and Disease
A glimpse of Cre-mediated controversies in epicardial signalling
Zhang, WenjunZhang, WenjunFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BShou, Weinian and Shou, Weinian
Cardiovascular research, vol. 100, (no. 3), pp. 349, 2013-12-01. | Journal Article
Fkbp1a controls ventricular myocardium trabeculation and compaction by regulating endocardial Notch1 activity
Chen, HanyingChen, HanyingChen, HanyingChen, HanyingChen, HanyingZhang, WenjunZhang, WenjunZhang, WenjunZhang, WenjunZhang, WenjunSun, XiaoxinSun, XiaoxinSun, XiaoxinSun, XiaoxinSun, XiaoxinYoshimoto, MomokoYoshimoto, MomokoYoshimoto, MomokoYoshimoto, MomokoYoshimoto, MomokoChen, ZhuangChen, ZhuangChen, ZhuangChen, ZhuangChen, ZhuangZhu, WuqiangZhu, WuqiangZhu, WuqiangZhu, WuqiangZhu, WuqiangLiu, JijiaLiu, JijiaLiu, JijiaLiu, JijiaLiu, JijiaShen, YadanShen, YadanShen, YadanShen, YadanShen, YadanYong, WeidongYong, WeidongYong, WeidongYong, WeidongYong, WeidongLi, DeqiangLi, DeqiangLi, DeqiangLi, DeqiangLi, DeqiangZhang, JinZhang, JinZhang, JinZhang, JinZhang, JinLin, YangLin, YangLin, YangLin, YangLin, YangLi, BaiyanLi, BaiyanLi, BaiyanLi, BaiyanLi, BaiyanVanDusen, Nathan JVanDusen, Nathan JVanDusen, Nathan JVandusen, Nathan JVanDusen, Nathan JVanDusen, Nathan JSnider, PaigeSnider, PaigeSnider, PaigeSnider, PaigeSnider, PaigeSchwartz, Robert JSchwartz, Robert JSchwartz, Robert JSchwartz, Robert JSchwartz, Robert JConway, Simon JConway, Simon JConway, Simon JConway, Simon JConway, Simon JField, Loren JField, Loren JField, Loren JField, Loren JField, Loren JYoder, Mervin CYoder, Mervin CYoder, Mervin CYoder, Mervin CYoder, Mervin CFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaTowbin, Jeffrey ATowbin, Jeffrey ATowbin, Jeffrey ATowbin, Jeffrey ATowbin, Jeffrey AShou, WeinianShou, WeinianShou, WeinianShou, Weinian and Shou, Weinian
Development (Cambridge, England), vol. 140, (no. 9), pp. 1957, 2013-May. | Journal Article
The Transcription Factor Twist1 Limits T Helper 17 and T Follicular Helper Cell Development by Repressing the Gene Encoding the Interleukin-6 Receptor α Chain
Pham, DuyPham, DuyWalline, Crystal CWalline, Crystal CHollister, KristinHollister, KristinDent, Alexander LDent, Alexander LBlum, Janice SBlum, Janice SFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BKaplan, Mark H and Kaplan, Mark H
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 288, (no. 38), pp. 27433, 2013-Sep-20. | Journal Article
Twist1 Controls a Cell-Specification Switch Governing Cell Fate Decisions within the Cardiac Neural Crest
Vincentz, Joshua WVincentz, Joshua WFirulli, Beth AFirulli, Beth ALin, AndreaLin, AndreaSpicer, Douglas BSpicer, Douglas BHoward, Marthe JHoward, Marthe JFirulli, Anthony B and Firulli, Anthony B
PLoS genetics, vol. 9, (no. 3), pp. e1003405, 2013-Mar. | Journal Article
Twist 1 controls cell fate decisions within the cardiac neural crest
Vincentz, JoshuaFirulli, BethLin, AndreaSpicer, DouglasHoward, Marthe and Firulli, Anthony
Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, vol. 177, (no. 1), pp. 19, 2013. | Journal Article
A Phox2- and Hand2-Dependent Hand1 cis-Regulatory Element Reveals a Unique Gene Dosage Requirement for Hand2 during Sympathetic Neurogenesis
Vincentz, Joshua WVincentz, Joshua WVandusen, Nathan JVanDusen, Nathan JFleming, Andrew BFleming, Andrew BRubart, MichaelRubart, MichaelFirulli, Beth AFirulli, Beth AHoward, Marthe JHoward, Marthe JFirulli, Anthony B and Firulli, Anthony B
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, vol. 32, (no. 6), pp. 2120, 2012-Feb-08. | Journal Article
Functional Screening of Intracardiac Cell Transplants Using Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy
Tao, WenTao, WenTao, WenSoonpaa, Mark HSoonpaa, Mark HSoonpaa, Mark HField, Loren JField, Loren JField, Loren JChen, Peng-ShengChen, Peng ShengChen, Peng-ShengFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BShou, WeinianShou, WeinianShou, WeinianRubart, MichaelRubart, Michael and Rubart, Michael
Pediatric cardiology, vol. 33, (no. 6), pp. 937, 2012-Aug. | Journal Article
Ontogeny of Cardiac Sympathetic Innervation and Its Implications for Cardiac Disease
Vincentz, Joshua WRubart, Michael and Firulli, Anthony B
Pediatric cardiology, vol. 33, (no. 6), pp. 928, 2012-Aug. | Journal Article
Twist1 Regulates Ifng Expression in Th1 Cells by Interfering with Runx3 Function
Pham, DuyPham, DuyVincentz, Joshua WVincentz, Joshua WFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BKaplan, Mark H and Kaplan, Mark H
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), vol. 189, (no. 2), pp. 840, 2012-Jul-15. | Journal Article
Twist factor regulation of non-cardiomyocyte cell lineages in the developing heart
VanDusen, Nathan J and Firulli, Anthony B
Differentiation, vol. 84, (no. 1), pp. 88, July 2012. | Journal Article
Hand2 Loss-of-Function in Hand1-Expressing Cells Reveals Distinct Roles in Epicardial and Coronary Vessel Development
Barnes, Ralston MBarnes, RalstonFirulli, Beth AFirulli, BethVandusen, Nathan JVanDusen, NathanMorikawa, YukaMorikawa, YukaConway, Simon JConway, SimonCserjesi, PeterCserjesi, PeterVincentz, JoshuaVincentz, Joshua WFirulli, Anthony B and Firulli, Anthony
Circulation Research, vol. 108, (no. 8), pp. 949, 2011-April-15. | Journal Article
Hand factors as regulators of cardiac morphogenesis and implications for congenital heart defects
Vincentz, Joshua WBarnes, Ralston M and Firulli, Anthony B
Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology, vol. 91, (no. 6), pp. 494, June 2011. | Journal Article
Inflammation in Aging and Age-related disease, San Antonio Nathan Shock Aging Center 2011 Conference on Aging, Mayan Ranch, Texas Hill Country, Bandera, TX, USA
Ikeno, Yuji...Orihuela, CarlosRemmen, HollyLiang, HanyuLertwattanarak, RaweewanEugenio, CersosimoDefronzo, Ralph ATantiwong, PuntipMusi, NicolasSalmon, AdamStyskal, JennalynnPulliam, DanielLiu, YuhongRichardson, ArlanSathyaseelan, DeepaShi, YunSloane, LaurenStyskal, JennalynnMusi, NicholasHussey, SophieHancock, Heather MMchale, MatthewPorter, LaurelSarwar, ZaheerMcmanus, Linda MShireman, Paula KJayasuriya, Chathuraka TGoldring, Mary BTerek, RichardChen, QianMccarty, William JCheng, Ju CHansen, Benjamen CYamaguchi, Gary TMasuda, KoichiSah, Robert LMelton, David WGelfond, Jonathan A. LChen, YongxinRahman, Md MHalade, GaneshVeigas, Jyothi MNishu, KaziWilliams, Paul JFernandes, GabrielSeldeen, KimPang, MartinTroen, Bruce RVictor, Danielle ASharma, RamaswamyVanegas, DifernandoHorn, DianeWoodruff, KathleenTiwari, MeenakshiLopez-Cruzan, MarisaWerner, Sherry LHerman, Brian ABrubaker, Aleah LKovacs, Elizabeth JEl Jamali, AminaValente, Anthony JClark, Robert ARaynor, JanaTripathi, PulakSholl, AllysonPlas, DavidChougnet, ClaireHildeman, DavidZook, Erin CKrishack, Paulette AZhang, JiwangZeleznik-Le, Nancy JFirulli, Anthony BWitte, Pamela LLe, Phong TBai, XiangWey, Margaret Chia-YingMartinez, AnthonyBergmen, PhilMartinez, VanessaFernandez, ElizabethStrong, RandyChen, LiujiYoo, Si-EunNa, RenRan, QitaoEdrey, Yael HOddo, SalvatoreBuffenstein, RochelleHamilton, Ryan TWalsh, Michael EBhattacharya, ArunabhPierce, AnsonPodlutskaya, NataliaHart, Matthew JHalloran, Jonathan JBurbank, RaquelGalvan, VeronicaRendón, Samantha and Fischer, Kathleen E
Pathobiology of Aging & Age Related Diseases, vol. 1, 2011-12-01. | Journal Article
Overexpression of Foxn1 attenuates age-associated thymic involution and prevents the expansion of peripheral CD4 memory T cells
Zook, Erin CZook, Erin CKrishack, Paulette AKrishack, Paulette AZhang, ShubinZhang, ShubinZeleznik-Le, Nancy JZeleznik Le, Nancy JFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BWitte, Pamela LWitte, Pamela LLe, Phong T and Le, Phong T
Blood, vol. 118, (no. 22), pp. 5731, 2011-Nov-24. | Journal Article
A bHLH Code for Cardiac Morphogenesis
Conway, Simon JConway, Simon JFirulli, BethFirulli, BethFirulli, Anthony B and Firulli, Anthony B
Pediatric cardiology, vol. 31, (no. 3), pp. 324, 2010-Apr. | Journal Article
Analysis of a Hand1 hypomorphic allele reveals a critical threshold for embryonic viability
Firulli, Beth AFirulli, Beth AMcConville, David PMcConville, David PByers, James SByers III, James SVincentz, Joshua WVincentz, Joshua WBarnes, Ralston MBarnes, Ralston MFirulli, Anthony B and Firulli, Anthony B
Developmental Dynamics, vol. 239, (no. 10), pp. 2760, October 2010. | Journal Article
Analysis of the Hand1 cell lineage reveals novel contributions to cardiovascular, neural crest, extra‐embryonic, and lateral mesoderm derivatives
Barnes, Ralston MBarnes, Ralston MFirulli, Beth AFirulli, Beth AConway, Simon JConway, Simon JVincentz, Joshua WVincentz, Joshua WFirulli, Anthony B and Firulli, Anthony B
Developmental Dynamics, vol. 239, (no. 11), pp. 3097, November 2010. | Journal Article
Gene replacement strategies to test the functional redundancy of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor.
Firulli, AnthonyFirulli, Beth AWang, JianRogers, Rhonda H and Conway, Simon J
Pediatric cardiology, vol. 31, (no. 3), pp. 438-48, 2010/Apr. | Journal Article
Targeted deletion of Hand2 in cardiac neural crest-derived cells influences cardiac gene expression and outflow tract development
Holler, Kristen LHoller, Kristen LHendershot, Tyler JHendershot, Tyler JTroy, Sophia ETroy, Sophia EVincentz, Joshua WVincentz, Joshua WFirulli, Anthony BFirulli, Anthony BHoward, Marthe J and Howard, Marthe J
Developmental Biology, vol. 341, (no. 1), pp. 304, 2010. | Journal Article
Trigenic neural crest-restricted Smad7 over-expression results in congenital craniofacial and cardiovascular defects
Tang, SunyongTang, SunyongSnider, PaigeSnider, PaigeFirulli, Antony BFirulli, Antony BConway, Simon and Conway, Simon J
Developmental Biology. | Journal Article