156 Publications (Page 1 of 7)
Advances in Stroke: Quality Improvement. Stroke
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Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Decisions Support for Stroke: Balancing Opportunity With Caution. Stroke
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Stroke Learning Health Systems: A Topical Narrative Review With Case Examples. Stroke
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Advances in Stroke: Quality Improvement
Bravata, Dawn M.Purvis, Tara and Kilkenny, Monique F.
Stroke. | Journal Article
Feasibility and Acceptability of Music Imagery and Listening Interventions for Analgesia: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Story, Kristin MStory, Kristin MBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MRobb, Sheri LRobb, Sheri LWasmuth, SallyWasmuth, SallySlaven, James ESlaven, James EWhitmire, LeahWhitmire, LeahBarker, BarryBarker, BarryMenen, TetlaMenen, TetlaBair, Matthew J and Bair, Matthew J
JMIR Research Protocols, vol. 11, (no. 9), Sep 2022. | Journal Article
Feasibility and Acceptability of Music Imagery and Listening Interventions for Analgesia: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols
Measuring Stroke Quality: Methodological Considerations in Selecting, Defining, and Analyzing Quality Measures. Stroke
Pairing regression and configurational analysis in health services research: modelling outcomes in an observational cohort using a split-sample design
BMJ Open. | Journal Article
Quality of Care and Outcomes for Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Myers, Laura J.Perkins, Anthony J.Kilkenny, Monique F. and Bravata, Dawn M.
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, vol. 31, pp. 106455. | Journal Article
Risk of antibiotics associated with Clostridioides difficile infection: Antibiotic stewardship in action. Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology
Acceptability of a complex team-based quality improvement intervention for transient ischemic attack: a mixed-methods study
Damush, Teresa MDamush, Teresa MPenney, Lauren SPenney, Lauren SMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JRattray, Nicholas ARattray, Nicholas ABaird, Sean ABaird, Sean ACheatham, Ariel JCheatham, Ariel JAustin, CharlesAustin, CharlesSexson, AliSexson, AliMyers, Laura JMyers, Laura JBravata, Dawn M and Bravata, Dawn M
BMC Health Services Research, vol. 21, pp. 1-11, 2021. | Journal Article
Heterogeneity in COVID-19 patient volume, characteristics and outcomes across US Department of Veterans Affairs facilities: an observational cohort study
Bravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MMyers, Laura JMyers, Laura JMyers, Laura JPerkins, Anthony JPerkins, Anthony JPerkins, Anthony JKeyhani, SalomehKeyhani, SalomehKeyhani, SalomehZhang, YingZhang, YingZhang, YingZillich, Alan JZillich, Alan JZillich, Alan JDysangco, AndrewDysangco, AndrewDysangco, AndrewReese, LindseyReese, LindseyReese, LindseySharmitha, DevSharmitha, DevSharmitha, DevMyers, JenniferMyers, JenniferMyers, JenniferAustin, CharlesAustin, CharlesAustin, CharlesSexson, AliSexson, AliSexson, AliArling, GregArling, Greg and Arling, Greg
BMJ Open. | Journal Article
Polysomnographic Phenotypes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the DREAM Study
Ding, QinglanQin, LiWojeck, BrianInzucchi, Silvio EIbrahim, AhmadBravata, Dawn MStrohl, Kingman PYaggi, Henry K and Zinchuk, Andrey V
Annals of the American Thoracic Society, vol. 18, (no. 12), Dec 2021. | Journal Article
Abstract P200: The Heart and Cannabis Cohort (THC Cohort): Associations Between Cannabis Use and Cardiovascular Health at Cohort Inception
Keyhani, SalomehCohen, BethBravata, Dawn MVali, MarziehHoggatt, KatherineAustin, PeterGrunfeld, Carl and Shlipak, Michael
Circulation, vol. 141, (no. Suppl_1), 2020-03-03. | Journal Article
Evaluating the feasibility of implementing a Telesleep pilot program using two-tiered external facilitation
Rattray, Nicholas ARattray, Nicholas ARattray, Nicholas ARattray, Nicholas ARattray, Nicholas AKhaw, AndrewKhaw, AndrewKhaw, AndrewKhaw, AndrewKhaw, AndrewMcGrath, MackenzieMcGrath, MackenzieMcGrath, MackenzieMcGrath, MackenzieMcGrath, MackenzieDamush, Teresa MDamush, Teresa MDamush, Teresa MDamush, Teresa MDamush, Teresa MMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JLenet, AdamLenet, AdamLenet, AdamLenet, AdamLenet, AdamStahl, StephanieStahl, StephanieStahl, StephanieStahl, StephanieStahl, StephanieFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredMyers, JenniferMyers, JenniferMyers, JenniferMyers, JenniferMyers, JenniferGuenther, DavidGuenther, DavidGuenther, DavidHomoya, Barbara JHomoya, Barbara JBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MHomoya, Barbara JBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn M and Bravata, Dawn M
BMC health services research, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 357, 2020-Apr-26. | Journal Article
Identifying predictors of adherence to positive airway pressure: the next step in implementing sleep apnea management for patients with cerebrovascular events
Bravata, Dawn M
Sleep Medicine, vol. 66, pp. 242, February 2020. | Journal Article
Physiological Traits and Adherence to Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment in Patients with Stroke
Zinchuk, Andrey VZinchuk, Andrey VRedeker, Nancy SRedeker, Nancy SChu, Jen-HwaChu, Jen-HwaLiang, JiashengLiang, JiashengStepnowsky, CarlStepnowsky, CarlBrandt, Cynthia ABrandt, Cynthia ABravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MWellman, AndrewWellman, AndrewSands, Scott ASands, Scott AYaggi, Henry K and Yaggi, Henry K
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 2020-Feb-21. | Journal Article
Sleep for Stroke Management and Recovery Trial (Sleep SMART): Rationale and methods
Brown, Devin LBrown, Devin LBrown, D.L.Durkalski, V.Durkalski, ValerieDurkalski, ValerieDurmer, Jeffrey SDurmer, Jeffrey SDurmer, J.S.Broderick, Joseph PBroderick, J.P.Broderick, Joseph PZahuranec, Darin BZahuranec, Darin BZahuranec, D.B.Levine, Deborah ALevine, D.A.Levine, Deborah AAnderson, Craig SAnderson, C.S.Anderson, Craig SBravata, D.M.Bravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MYaggi, H KlarYaggi, H KlarYaggi, H.K.Morgenstern, Lewis BMorgenstern, L.B.Morgenstern, Lewis BMoy, C.S.Moy, Claudia SMoy, Claudia SChervin, Ronald DChervin, Ronald D and Chervin, R.D.
International Journal of Stroke, pp. 1747493020903979, 2020-02-04. | Journal Article
The quality of medication optimization among patients with transient ischemic attack or minor stroke
Myers, JaclynMyers, JaclynBravata, Dawn M.Bravata, Dawn MSico, JasonSico, JasonMyers, LauraMyers, LauraChaturvedi, SeemantChaturvedi, SeemantCheng, EricCheng, EricBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumZillich, Alan J. and Zillich, Alan J
Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, vol. 3, (no. 1), pp. 46, February 2020. | Journal Article
Abstract WP361: Temporal Variation in Facility Performance of Process Measures After Transient Ischemic Attack in the Veterans Health Administration: Predictors and Association With Ischemic Stroke Incidence
Levine, Deborah APerkins, Anthony JSico, Jason JMyers, LauraPhipps, Michael SZhang, YingFerguson, Jared B and Bravata, Dawn M
Stroke, vol. 50, (no. Suppl_1), 2019-02-00. | Journal Article
Abstract WP514: Association Between Statin Utilization and Short- and Long-term Mortality Among Patients With TIA and Ischemic Stroke
Sico, JasonHu, XinOfner, SusanBaye, FitsumDearborn, JenniferConcato, JohnMyers, Laura and Bravata, Dawn
Stroke, vol. 50, (no. Suppl_1), 2019-02-00. | Journal Article
Adapting Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy to Where Patients Live: A Comparative Case Study
Miech, Edward JMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MYaggi, H KlarYaggi, H KlarYaggi, H KlarAustin, CharlesAustin, CharlesAustin, CharlesTobias, Lauren ATobias, Lauren ATobias, Lauren AFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredMatthias, Marianne SMatthias, Marianne S and Matthias, Marianne S
Cureus, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. e4078, 2019-Feb-15. | Journal Article
Modelling care quality for patients after a transient ischaemic attack within the US Veterans Health Administration
Arling, GregSico, Jason JReeves, Mathew JMyers, LauraBaye, Fitsum and Bravata, Dawn M
BMJ Open Quality, vol. 8, (no. 4), pp. e000641, 20191204. | Journal Article
Power calculation in stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial with reduced intervention sustainability effect
Li, JingZhang, YingMyers, Laura J and Bravata, Dawn M
Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics, pp. 1, 2019-Jul-18. | Journal Article
Processes of Care Associated With Risk of Mortality and Recurrent Stroke Among Patients With Transient Ischemic Attack and Nonsevere Ischemic Stroke
Bravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MMyers, Laura JMyers, Laura JMyers, Laura JReeves, MathewReeves, MathewReeves, MathewCheng, Eric MCheng, Eric MCheng, Eric MBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumOfner, SusanOfner, SusanOfner, SusanMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JDamush, TeresaDamush, TeresaDamush, TeresaSico, Jason JSico, Jason JSico, Jason JZillich, AlanZillich, AlanZillich, AlanPhipps, MichaelPhipps, MichaelPhipps, MichaelWilliams, Linda SWilliams, Linda SWilliams, Linda SChaturvedi, SeemantChaturvedi, SeemantChaturvedi, SeemantJohanning, JasonJohanning, JasonJohanning, JasonYu, ZhangshengYu, ZhangshengYu, ZhangshengPerkins, Anthony JPerkins, Anthony JPerkins, Anthony JZhang, YingZhang, YingZhang, YingArling, GregArling, Greg and Arling, Greg
JAMA Network Open, vol. 2, (no. 7), pp. e196716, 2019-07-03. | Journal Article