156 Publications (Page 2 of 7)
Risk Prediction Tools to Improve Patient Selection for Carotid Endarterectomy Among Patients With Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis
Keyhani, SalomehKeyhani, SalomehMadden, ErinMadden, ErinCheng, Eric MCheng, Eric MBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MHalm, EthanHalm, EthanAustin, Peter CAustin, Peter CGhasemiesfe, MehrnazGhasemiesfe, MehrnazAbraham, Ann SAbraham, Ann SZhang, Alysandra JZhang, Alysandra JJohanning, Jason M and Johanning, Jason M
JAMA Surgery, vol. 154, (no. 4), pp. 344, 2019-04-01. | Journal Article
The prospectively-reported implementation update and score (PRIUS): a new method for capturing implementation-related developments over time
Miech, Edward JMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JRattray, Nicholas ARattray, Nicholas ARattray, Nicholas ARattray, Nicholas ABravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MHomoya, Barbara JHomoya, Barbara JHomoya, Barbara JHomoya, Barbara JMyers, JenniferMyers, JenniferMyers, JenniferMyers, JenniferDamush, Teresa MDamush, Teresa MDamush, Teresa M and Damush, Teresa M
BMC health services research, vol. 19, (no. 1), pp. 124, 2019-Feb-14. | Journal Article
The protocol-guided rapid evaluation of veterans experiencing new transient neurological symptoms (PREVENT) quality improvement program: rationale and methods
Bravata, D. M.Myers, L. J.Homoya, B.Miech, E. J.Rattray, N. A.Perkins, A. J.Zhang, Y.Ferguson, J.Myers, J.Cheatham, A. J.Murphy, L.Giacherio, B.Kumar, M.Cheng, E.Levine, D. A.Sico, J. J.Ward, M. J. and Damush, T. M.
BMC Neurology, vol. 19. | Journal Article
Association between admission haematocrit and mortality among men with acute ischaemic stroke.
Sico, Jason JMyers, Laura JFenton, Brenda JConcato, JohnWilliams, Linda S and Bravata, Dawn M
Stroke and vascular neurology, vol. 3, (no. 3), pp. 160-168, September 2018. | Journal Article
Association Between Antithrombotic Medication Use After Bioprosthetic Aortic Valve Replacement and Outcomes in the Veterans Health Administration System.
Bravata, Dawn MCoffing, Jessica MKansagara, DevanMyers, JenniferMurphy, LaurenHomoya, Barbara JPerkins, Anthony JSnow, KathrynQuin, Jacquelyn AZhang, Ying and Myers, Laura J
JAMA surgery, pp. e184679, December 26, 2018. | Journal Article
Comparison of Risk Factor Control in the Year After Discharge for Ischemic Stroke Versus Acute Myocardial Infarction
Bravata, Dawn MBravata, DawnBravata, DawnDaggy, JoanneDaggy, JoanneDaggy, JoanneBrosch, JaredBrosch, JaredBrosch, JaredSico, JasonSico, Jason JSico, JasonBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumMyers, Laura JMyers, LauraMyers, LauraRoumie, Christianne LRoumie, ChristianneRoumie, ChristianneCheng, EricCheng, EricCheng, EricCoffing, JessicaCoffing, JessicaCoffing, JessicaArling, GregArling, Greg and Arling, Greg
Stroke, vol. 49, (no. 2), pp. 303, 2018-February. | Journal Article
Diagnosing and Treating Sleep Apnea in Patients With Acute Cerebrovascular Disease.
Bravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MBravata, D.M.Sico, JasonSico, J.Sico, JasonVaz Fragoso, C.A.Vaz Fragoso, Carlos AVaz Fragoso, Carlos AMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JMiech, E.J.Matthias, M.S.Matthias, Marianne SMatthias, Marianne SLampert, RachelLampert, R.Lampert, RachelWilliams, Linda SWilliams, L.S.Williams, Linda SConcato, J.Concato, JohnConcato, JohnIvan, C.S.Ivan, Cristina SIvan, Cristina SFleck, J.D.Fleck, J DFleck, J DTobias, LaurenTobias, LaurenTobias, L.Austin, CharlesAustin, C.Austin, CharlesFerguson, JaredFerguson, J.Ferguson, JaredRadulescu, RaduRadulescu, RaduRadulescu, R.Iannone, L.Iannone, LynneIannone, LynneOfner, S.Ofner, SusanOfner, SusanTaylor, StanleyTaylor, S.Taylor, StanleyQin, L.Qin, LiQin, LiWon, ChristineWon, ChristineWon, C.Klar Yaggi, H.Yaggi, H KlarYaggi, H Klar and Roudebush, R.L.
Journal of the American Heart Association, vol. 7, (no. 16), pp. e008841, August 21, 2018. | Journal Article
Economic Assessment of 4 Approaches to the Diagnosis and Initial Treatment of Sleep Apnea
Bravata, Dawn MLightner, NancyYaggi, H Klar and Miech, Edward J
Respiratory care, vol. 63, (no. 1), pp. 61, 2018-Jan. | Journal Article
Evaluating the effect of a Participatory Music Program on the Quality of Life and Community Reintegration of Homeless Veterans in Indianapolis
Cheng, PhillipCheng, PhillipMyers, LauraMyers, LauraLillie, AimeeLillie, AimeeMyers, JenniferMyers, JenniferCrow, ShannonCrow, ShannonRattray, NickRattray, NickWasmuth, SallyWasmuth, SallyHook, BrittanyHook, BrittanyLustig, AnnLustig, AnnBurns, DebBurns, DebBravata, Dawn and Bravata, Dawn
Proceedings of IMPRS, vol. 1, (no. 1), 2018-12-07. | Journal Article
MELodica Orchestra for DYspnea (MELODY): A Randomized Safety, Feasibility, and Efficacy Pilot
McGrath, MackenzieBurns, Debra SCrow, ShannonLillie, AimeeMyers, Laura JMyers, JenniferPerkins, Anthony JRattray, NicholasSmith, JosephWasmuth, Sally and Bravata, Dawn M
Proceedings of IMPRS, vol. 1, (no. 1), 2018-12-07. | Journal Article
Polysomnographic phenotypes and their cardiovascular implications in obstructive sleep apnoea
Zinchuk, Andrey VJeon, SangchoonKoo, Brian BYan, XitingBravata, Dawn MQin, LiSelim, Bernardo JStrohl, Kingman PRedeker, Nancy SConcato, John and Yaggi, Henry K
Thorax, vol. 73, (no. 5), pp. 480, 20180500. | Journal Article
Postā€stroke hypertension control and receipt of health care services among veterans
Kohok, Dhanashri DSico, Jason JBaye, FitsumMyers, LauraCoffing, JessicaKamalesh, Masoor and Bravata, Dawn M
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, vol. 20, (no. 2), pp. 387, February 2018. | Journal Article
Quality of Care for Veterans With Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke.
Bravata, Dawn MMyers, Laura JArling, GregMiech, Edward JDamush, TeresaSico, Jason JPhipps, Michael SZillich, Alan JYu, ZhangshengReeves, MathewWilliams, Linda SJohanning, JasonChaturvedi, SeemantBaye, FitsumOfner, SusanAustin, CurtFerguson, JaredGraham, Glenn DRhude, RachelKessler, Chad SHiggins, Donald S and Cheng, Eric
JAMA neurology, February 5, 2018. | Journal Article
Receipt of cardiac screening does not influence 1-year post-cerebrovascular event mortality.
Sico, Jason JSico, Jason JSico, Jason JBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumMyers, Laura JMyers, Laura JMyers, Laura JConcato, JohnConcato, JohnConcato, JohnFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredCheng, Eric MCheng, Eric MCheng, Eric MJadbabaie, FaridJadbabaie, FaridJadbabaie, FaridYu, ZhangshengYu, ZhangshengYu, ZhangshengArling, GregoryArling, GregoryArling, GregoryZillich, Alan JZillich, Alan JZillich, Alan JReeves, Mathew JReeves, Mathew JReeves, Mathew JWilliams, Linda SWilliams, Linda SWilliams, Linda SBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn M and Bravata, Dawn M
Neurology. Clinical practice, vol. 8, (no. 3), pp. 192-200, June 2018. | Journal Article
Uncertainty as a Key Influence in the Decision To Admit Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack.
Homoya, Barbara JDamush, Teresa MSico, Jason JMiech, Edward JArling, Gregory WMyers, Laura JFerguson, Jared BPhipps, Michael SCheng, Eric M and Bravata, Dawn M
Journal of general internal medicine, November 27, 2018. | Journal Article
Barriers and facilitators to provide quality TIA care in the Veterans Healthcare Administration
Damush, TeresaDamush, Teresa MMiech, Edward JMiech, EdwardSico, Jason JSico, JasonPhipps, MichaelPhipps, Michael SArling, GregArling, GregFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredAustin, CharlesAustin, CharlesMyers, LauraMyers, LauraBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumLuckhurst, CherieLuckhurst, CherieKeating, AvaKeating, Ava BMoran, EileenMoran, EileenBravata, Dawn M and Bravata, Dawn
Neurology, vol. 89, (no. 24), pp. 2430, 2017-December-12. | Journal Article
Development and Validation of Electronic Quality Measures to Assess Care for Patients With Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Ischemic Stroke.
Bravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn MMyers, Laura JMyers, Laura JMyers, Laura JCheng, EricCheng, EricCheng, EricReeves, MathewReeves, MathewReeves, MathewBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumYu, ZhangshengYu, ZhangshengYu, ZhangshengDamush, TeresaDamush, TeresaDamush, TeresaMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JMiech, Edward JSico, JasonSico, JasonSico, JasonPhipps, MichaelPhipps, MichaelPhipps, MichaelZillich, AlanZillich, AlanZillich, AlanJohanning, JasonJohanning, JasonJohanning, JasonChaturvedi, SeemantChaturvedi, SeemantChaturvedi, SeemantAustin, CurtAustin, CurtAustin, CurtFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredFerguson, JaredMaryfield, BaileyMaryfield, BaileyMaryfield, BaileySnow, KathySnow, KathySnow, KathyOfner, SusanOfner, SusanOfner, SusanGraham, GlennGraham, GlennGraham, GlennRhude, RachelRhude, RachelRhude, RachelWilliams, Linda SWilliams, Linda SWilliams, Linda SArling, GregArling, Greg and Arling, Greg
Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes, vol. 10, (no. 9), September 2017. | Journal Article
Development, Validation, and Assessment of an Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack-Specific Prediction Tool for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Sico, Jason JYaggi, H KlarOfner, SusanConcato, JohnAustin, CharlesFerguson, JaredQin, LiTobias, LaurenTaylor, StanleyVaz Fragoso, Carlos AMcLain, VincentWilliams, Linda S and Bravata, Dawn M
Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, April 14, 2017. | Journal Article
Diagnosing and managing sleep apnea in patients with chronic cerebrovascular disease: a randomized trial of a home-based strategy
Bravata, DawnBravata, D.M.Bravata, DawnMcClain, V.McClain, VincentMcclain, VincentAustin, C.Austin, CharlesAustin, CharlesFerguson, JaredFerguson, J.Ferguson, JaredBurrus, NicholasBurrus, N.Burrus, NicholasMiech, EdwardMiech, E.J.Miech, EdwardMatthias, M.S.Matthias, MarianneMatthias, MarianneChumbler, NealeChumbler, N.Chumbler, NealeOfner, SusanOfner, S.Ofner, SusanForesman, B.Foresman, BrianForesman, BrianSico, J.Sico, JasonSico, JasonVaz Fragoso, C.A.Vaz Fragoso, CarlosVaz Fragoso, CarlosWilliams, LindaWilliams, L.S.Williams, LindaAgarwal, RajivAgarwal, RajivAgarwal, R.Concato, JohnConcato, J.Concato, JohnKlar Yaggi, HKlar Yaggi, H and Klar Yaggi, H.
Sleep and Breathing, vol. 21, (no. 3), pp. 713-725, Sep 2017. | Journal Article
Guideline concordance of new statin prescriptions: who got a statin?
Cascino, ThomasVali, MarziehRedberg, RitaBravata, Dawn MBoscardin, JohnEilkhani, Elnaz and Keyhani, Salomeh
The American journal of managed care, vol. 23, (no. 9), pp. 528, 2017-Sep. | Journal Article
Have clinicians adopted the use of brain MRI for patients with TIA and minor stroke?
Chaturvedi, SeemantChaturvedi, SeemantChaturvedi, SeemantChaturvedi, SeemantOfner, SusanOfner, SusanOfner, SusanOfner, SusanBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumBaye, FitsumMyers, LauraMyers, Laura JMyers, LauraMyers, LauraPhipps, MikePhipps, MikePhipps, MikePhipps, MikeSico, JasonSico, JasonSico, Jason JSico, JasonDamush, TeresaDamush, TeresaDamush, TeresaDamush, TeresaMiech, EdwardMiech, EdwardMiech, EdwardMiech, EdwardReeves, MatReeves, MatReeves, MatReeves, MatJohanning, JasonJohanning, JasonJohanning, JasonJohanning, JasonWilliams, LindaWilliams, LindaWilliams, Linda SWilliams, LindaArling, GregArling, GregArling, GregArling, GregCheng, EricCheng, EricCheng, EricCheng, EricYu, ZhangshengYu, ZhangshengYu, ZhangshengYu, ZhangshengBravata, DawnBravata, DawnBravata, Dawn and Bravata, Dawn
Neurology, vol. 88, (no. 3), pp. 244, 2017-January-17. | Journal Article
Impact of Hospital Admission for Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack.
Cheng, Eric MMyers, Laura JVassar, Stefanie and Bravata, Dawn M
Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, May 10, 2017. | Journal Article
Common Reasons That Asymptomatic Patients Who Are 65 Years and Older Receive Carotid Imaging.
Keyhani, SalomehKeyhani, SalomehKeyhani, SalomehCheng, Eric MCheng, Eric MCheng, Eric MNaseri, AymanNaseri, AymanNaseri, AymanHalm, Ethan AHalm, Ethan AHalm, Ethan AWilliams, Linda SWilliams, Linda SWilliams, Linda SJohanning, JasonJohanning, JasonJohanning, JasonMadden, ErinMadden, ErinMadden, ErinRofagha, SorayaRofagha, SorayaRofagha, SorayaWoodbridge, AlexandraWoodbridge, AlexandraWoodbridge, AlexandraAbraham, AnnAbraham, AnnAbraham, AnnAhn, RosaAhn, RosaAhn, RosaSaba, SusanSaba, SusanSaba, SusanEilkhani, ElnazEilkhani, ElnazEilkhani, ElnazHebert, PaulHebert, PaulHebert, PaulBravata, Dawn MBravata, Dawn M and Bravata, Dawn M
JAMA internal medicine, vol. 176, (no. 5), pp. 626-633, May 1, 2016. | Journal Article
Erratum to: The Determining Risk of Vascular Events by Apnea Monitoring (DREAM) study: design, rationale, and methods
Koo, BrianWon, ChristineSelim, BernardoQin, LiJeon, SangchoonRedeker, NancyBravata, DawnStrohl, KingmanConcato, JohnZinchuk, Andrey and Yaggi, Henry
Sleep and Breathing, vol. 20, (no. 2), pp. 901, May 2016. | Journal Article
Have clinicians adopted the use of brain MRI for patients with TIA and minor stroke?
Chaturvedi, SeemantOfner, SusanBaye, FitsumMyers, Laura JPhipps, MikeSico, Jason JDamush, TeresaMiech, EdwardReeves, MatJohanning, JasonWilliams, Linda SArling, GregCheng, EricYu, Zhangsheng and Bravata, Dawn
Neurology, December 7, 2016. | Journal Article