228 Publications (Page 4 of 10)
Ethanol is self-administered into the nucleus accumbens shell, but not the core: evidence of genetic sensitivity.
Engleman, Eric ADing, Zheng-MingOster, Scott MToalston, Jamie EBell, Richard LMurphy, James MMc Bride, William J and Rodd, Zachary A
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, vol. 33, (no. 12), pp. 2162-71, 2009/Dec. | Journal Article
Gene expression changes in the nucleus accumbens of alcohol-preferring rats following chronic ethanol consumption
Bell, Richard LBell, Richard LKimpel, MWKimpel, Mark WMcClintick, Jeanette NMc Clintick, JeanetteStrother, WNStrother, Wendy NCarr, Lucinda GCarr, Lucinda GLiang, TiebingLiang, TiebingRodd, Zachary ARodd, Zachary AMayfield, RDMayfield, R. DayneEdenberg, Howard JEdenberg, Howard JMcBride, William J and Mc Bride, William J
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, vol. 94, (no. 1), pp. 131-147, 2009. | Journal Article
Involvement of local serotonin-2A but not serotonin-1B receptors in the reinforcing effects of ethanol within the posterior ventral tegmental area of female Wistar rats
Ding, Zheng-MingDing, Zheng-MingToalston, JamieToalston, Jamie EOster, ScottOster, Scott MMcBride, WilliamMc Bride, William JRodd, Zachary and Rodd, Zachary A
Psychopharmacology, vol. 204, (no. 3), pp. 381-390, 2009. | Journal Article
Pretargeted radioimmunotherapy of pancreatic cancer xenografts: TF10-90Y-IMP-288 alone and combined with gemcitabine.
Karacay, HabibeKaracay, HabibeSharkey, RobertSharkey, Robert MGold, DavidGold, David VRagland, DanRagland, Dan RMcBride, WilliamMc Bride, William JRossi, EdmundRossi, Edmund AChang, Chien-HsingChang, Chien-HsingGoldenberg, David and Goldenberg, David M
Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 50, (no. 12), pp. 2008-16, 2009/Dec. | Journal Article
Pretargeted versus directly targeted radioimmunotherapy combined with anti-CD20 antibody consolidation therapy of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Sharkey, Robert MSharkey, RobertSharkey, RobertKaracay, HabibeKaracay, HabibeKaracay, HabibeJohnson, ChristineJohnson, Christine RJohnson, ChristineLitwin, SamuelLitwin, SamuelLitwin, SamuelRossi, EdmundRossi, Edmund ARossi, EdmundMcBride, WilliamMc Bride, William JMcBride, WilliamChang, Chien-HsingChang, Chien-HsingChang, Chien-HsingGoldenberg, David MGoldenberg, David and Goldenberg, David
Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 50, (no. 3), pp. 444-53, 2009/Mar. | Journal Article
Sensitization of Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neurons to the Stimulating Effects of Ethanol
Ding, Zheng-MingRodd, Zachary AEngleman, Eric A and Mc Bride, William J
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 33, (no. 9), pp. 1571-1581, 2009. | Journal Article
Acute Ethanol Effects on Local Cerebral Glucose Utilization in Select Central Nervous System Regions of Adolescent Alcohol-Preferring (P) and Alcohol-Nonpreferring (NP) Rats
Strother, Wendy NLumeng, Lawrence and Mc Bride, William J
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 32, (no. 11), pp. 1875-1883, 2008. | Journal Article
A Novel Bispecific, Trivalent Antibody Construct for Targeting Pancreatic Carcinoma
Gold, David VGold, DavidGoldenberg, DavidGoldenberg, David MKaracay, HabibeKaracay, HabibeRossi, EdmundRossi, Edmund AChang, Chien-HsingChang, Chien-HsingCardillo, ThomasCardillo, Thomas MMc Bride, William JMcBride, WilliamSharkey, Robert M and Sharkey, Robert
Cancer Research, vol. 68, (no. 12), pp. 4819-4826, 2008. | Journal Article
Autonomic activation associated with ethanol self-administration in adult female P rats.
Bell, RichardRodd, Zachary AToalston, Jamie EMc Kinzie, David LLumeng, LawrenceLi, Ting KaiMc Bride, William J and Murphy, James M
Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, vol. 91, (no. 2), pp. 223-32, 2008/Dec. | Journal Article
Differential gene expression in the nucleus accumbens with ethanol self-administration in inbred alcohol-preferring rats.
Rodd, Zachary ARodd, Zachary AKimpel, Mark WKimpel, Mark WEdenberg, Howard JEdenberg, Howard JBell, RichardBell, Richard LStrother, Wendy NStrother, Wendy NMc Clintick, JeanetteMcClintick, Jeanette NCarr, Lucinda GCarr, Lucinda GLiang, TiebingLiang, TiebingMcBride, William J and Mc Bride, William J
Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, vol. 89, (no. 4), pp. 481-98, 2008/Jun. | Journal Article
Effects of alcohol and saccharin deprivations on concurrent ethanol and saccharin operant self-administration by alcohol-preferring (P) rats
Toalston, Jamie EOster, Scott MKuc, Kelly APommer, Tylene JMurphy, James MLumeng, LawrenceBell, Richard LMc Bride, William J and Rodd, Zachary A
Alcohol, vol. 42, (no. 4), pp. 277-284, 2008. | Journal Article
Effects of short deprivation and re-exposure intervals on the ethanol drinking behavior of selectively bred high alcohol-consuming rats
Bell, Richard LRodd, Zachary ASchultz, Jonathon APeper, Caron LLumeng, LawrenceMurphy, James M and Mc Bride, William J
Alcohol, vol. 42, (no. 5), pp. 407-416, 2008. | Journal Article
Improved therapeutic results by pretargeted radioimmunotherapy of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with a new recombinant, trivalent, anti-CD20, bispecific antibody.
Sharkey, RobertSharkey, Robert MSharkey, RobertKaracay, HabibeKaracay, HabibeKaracay, HabibeLitwin, SamuelLitwin, SamuelLitwin, SamuelRossi, Edmund ARossi, EdmundRossi, EdmundMc Bride, William JMcBride, WilliamMcBride, WilliamChang, Chien-HsingChang, Chien-HsingChang, Chien-HsingGoldenberg, DavidGoldenberg, David and Goldenberg, David M
Cancer research, vol. 68, (no. 13), pp. 5282-90, 2008/Jul/1. | Journal Article
In vivo time-course changes in ethanol levels sampled with subcutaneous microdialysis.
Engleman, Eric AIngraham, Cynthia MFranklin, Kelle MKeith, Carrie MMcClaren, Joseph ASchultz, Jonathan AMorzorati, Sandra LO'connor, Sean JThielen, Richard JMurphy, James M and Mc Bride, William J
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, vol. 32, (no. 3), pp. 435-42, 2008/Mar. | Journal Article
Metastatic Human Colonic Carcinoma: Molecular Imaging with Pretargeted SPECT and PET in a Mouse Model
Sharkey, Robert MSharkey, Robert MKaracay, HabibeKaracay, HabibeVallabhajosula, ShankarVallabhajosula, ShankarMcBride, William JMc Bride, William JRossi, Edmund ARossi, Edmund AChang, Chien-HsingChang, Chien-HsingGoldsmith, Stanley JGoldsmith, Stanley JGoldenberg, David M and Goldenberg, David M
Radiology, vol. 246, (no. 2), pp. 497-507, 2008. | Journal Article
Multifunctional antibodies by the Dock-and-Lock method for improved cancer imaging and therapy by pretargeting.
Goldenberg, David MRossi, Edmund ASharkey, Robert MMc Bride, William J and Chang, Chien-Hsing
Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 49, (no. 1), pp. 158-63, 2008/Jan. | Journal Article
Quantitative chiral analysis of salsolinol in different brain regions of rats genetically predisposed to alcoholism.
Rojkovicova, TatianaMechref, YehiaStarkey, Jason AWu, GuangxiangBell, RichardMc Bride, William J and Novotny, Milos V
Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences, vol. 863, (no. 2), pp. 206-14, 2008/Mar/1. | Journal Article
The reinforcing properties of salsolinol in the ventral tegmental area: evidence for regional heterogeneity and the involvement of serotonin and dopamine.
Rodd, Zachary AOster, Scott MDing, Zheng-MingToalston, Jamie EDeehan, GeraldBell, RichardLi, Ting-Kai and Mc Bride, William J
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, vol. 32, (no. 2), pp. 230-9, 2008/Feb. | Journal Article
A divalent hapten-peptide induces apoptosis in human non hodgkin lymphoma cell lines targeted by anti-CD20xanti-hapten bispecific antibodies.
Brard, Pierre-YvesBrard, Pierre-YvesBrard, Pierre-YvesKaracay, HabibeKaracay, HabibeKaracay, HabibeStein, RhonaStein, RhonaStein, RhonaSharkey, Robert MSharkey, Robert MSharkey, Robert MMattes, M JulesMattes, M JMattes, M JulesChang, Chien-HsingChang, Chien-HsingChang, Chien-HsingRossi, Edmund ARossi, Edmund ARossi, Edmund AMcBride, William JMcBride, William JMc Bride, William JGoldenberg, David MGoldenberg, David M and Goldenberg, David M
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, vol. 13, (no. 18 Pt 2), pp. 5564s-5571s, 2007/Sep/15. | Journal Article
A Divalent Hapten-Peptide Induces Apoptosis in Human Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Cell Lines Targeted by Anti-CD20 x Anti-Hapten Bispecific Antibodies
Brard, Pierre-YvesBRARD, Pierre-YvesKaracay, HabibeKARACAY, HabibeStein, RhonaSTEIN, RhonaSharkey, Robert MSHARKEY, Robert MMattes, MJulesMATTES, M. JulesCHANG, Chien-HsingChang, Chien-HsingROSSI, Edmund ARossi, Edmund AMc Bride, William JMCBRIDE, William JGOLDENBERG, David M and Goldenberg, David M
Clinical Cancer Research, vol. 13, (no. 18), pp. 5564s-5571s, 2007. | Journal Article
Bispecific antibody pretargeting of radionuclides for immuno single-photon emission computed tomography and immuno positron emission tomography molecular imaging: an update.
Sharkey, Robert MKaracay, HabibeMc Bride, William JRossi, Edmund AChang, Chien-Hsing and Goldenberg, David M
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, vol. 13, (no. 18 Pt 2), pp. 5577s-5585s, September 15, 2007. | Journal Article
Bispecific Antibody Pretargeting of Radionuclides for Immuno-Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography and Immuno-Positron Emission Tomography Molecular Imaging: An Update
Sharkey, Robert MKaracay, HabibeMc Bride, William JRossi, Edmund AChang, Chien-Hsing and Goldenberg, David M
Clinical Cancer Research, vol. 13, (no. 18), pp. 5577s-5585s, 2007. | Journal Article
Candidate genes, pathways and mechanisms for alcoholism: an expanded convergent functional genomics approach
Rodd, Zachary ABertsch, B. AStrother, W. NLe-Niculescu, H.Balaraman, Y.Hayden, ElizabethJerome, R. ELumeng, LawrenceNurnberger, John INurnberger Jr., J.I.Edenberg, Howard JMc Bride, William J and Niculescu, Alexander B
The Pharmacogenomics Journal, vol. 7, (no. 4), pp. 222-56, Aug 2007. | Journal Article
Functional gene expression differences between inbred alcohol-preferring and -non-preferring rats in five brain regions.
Kimpel, Mark WKimpel, MarkStrother, Wendy NStrother, WendyMc Clintick, JeanetteMcClintick, JeanetteCarr, Lucinda GCarr, LucindaLiang, TiebingLiang, TiebingEdenberg, Howard JEdenberg, HowardMc Bride, William J and McBride, William
Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.), vol. 41, (no. 2), pp. 95-132, 2007/Mar. | Journal Article
The reinforcing actions of a serotonin-3 receptor agonist within the ventral tegmental area: evidence for subregional and genetic differences and involvement of dopamine neurons.
Rodd, Zachary AGryszowka, Victoria EToalston, Jamie EOster, Scott MJi, DongBell, Richard and Mc Bride, William J
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, vol. 321, (no. 3), pp. 1003-12, 2007/Jun. | Journal Article