38 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
A narrow ratio of nucleic acid to SARS-CoV-2 N-protein enables phase separation
Structure of HIV-1 RRE stem-loop II identifies two conformational states of the high-affinity Rev binding site. Nature Communications
. | Journal Article
Chloroacetamide fragment library screening identifies new scaffolds for covalent inhibition of the TEAD·YAP1 interaction. RSC Medicinal Chemistry
. | Journal Article
Crystal Packing Reveals a Potential Autoinhibited KRAS Dimer Interface and a Strategy for Small-Molecule Inhibition of RAS Signaling. Biochemistry
. | Journal Article
Exploring Covalent Bond Formation at Tyr-82 for Inhibition of Ral GTPase Activation. ChemMedChem
. | Journal Article
Discovery and structure of a widespread bacterial ABC transporter specific for ergothioneine
Discovery and structure of a widespread bacterial ABC transporter specific for ergothioneine. Nature Communications
. | Journal Article
Metal retention and replacement in QueD2 protect queuosine-tRNA biosynthesis in metal-starved Acinetobacter baumannii. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
. | Journal Article
Small-Molecule Cyanamide Pan-TEAD·YAP1 Covalent Antagonists. Journal of medicinal chemistry
. | Journal Article
Structural Analyses of CrtJ and Its B12-Binding Co-Regulators SAerR and LAerR from the Purple Photosynthetic Bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus
Dragnea, VladimiraGonzalez Gutierrez, Giovanni and Bauer, Carl E.
Microorganisms, vol. 10, pp. 912. | Journal Article
Functional asymmetry and chemical reactivity of CsoR family persulfide sensors
OUP accepted manuscript
Nucleic Acids Research. | Journal Article
The DNA binding domain of the Vibrio vulnificus SmcR transcription factor is flexible and binds diverse DNA sequences.
Nucleic acids research. | Journal Article
Small-molecule covalent bond formation at tyrosine creates a binding site and inhibits activation of Ral GTPases
Bum-Erdene, KhuchtumurBum-Erdene, KhuchtumurLiu, DegangLiu, DegangGonzalez Gutierrez, GiovanniGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniGhozayel, Mona KGhozayel, Mona K.Xu, DavidXu, DavidMeroueh, Samy O and Meroueh, Samy O.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 117, pp. 7131–7139. | Journal Article
Structural basis for persulfide-sensing specificity in a transcriptional regulator
Capdevila, Daiana AWalsh, Brenna JZhang, YifanDietrich, ChristopherGonzalez-Gutierrez, Giovanni and Giedroc, David P
Nature Chemical Biology. | Journal Article
Structural determinants of persulfide-sensing specificity in a dithiol-based transcriptional regulator
Capdevila, Daiana A.Walsh, Brenna J. C.Zhang, YifanDietrich, ChristopherGonzalez Gutierrez, Giovanni and Giedroc, David P.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
The DNA binding domain of the Vibrio vulnificus SmcR transcription factor is flexible and recognizes diverse DNA sequences
Newman, J.D.Russell, M.M.Gonzalez Gutierrez, G. and Kessel, J.C.
Multi-metal Restriction by Calprotectin Impacts De Novo Flavin Biosynthesis in Acinetobacter baumannii. Cell chemical biology
Wang, JiefeiWang, JiefeiLonergan, Zachery RLonergan, Zachery RGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniNairn, Brittany LNairn, Brittany LMaxwell, Christina NMaxwell, Christina NZhang, YixiangZhang, YixiangAndreini, ClaudiaAndreini, ClaudiaKarty, Jonathan AKarty, Jonathan AChazin, Walter JChazin, Walter JTrinidad, Jonathan CTrinidad, Jonathan CSkaar, Eric PSkaar, Eric PGiedroc, David P and Giedroc, David P
. | Journal Article
Structural differences between the Woodchuck hepatitis virus core protein in dimer and capsid states indicate entropic and conformational regulation of assembly
Zhao, Z.Wang, J.C.-Y.Gonzalez Gutierrez, G. and Venkatakrishnan, B.
Structural Differences between the Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus Core Protein in the Dimer and Capsid States Are Consistent with Entropic and Conformational Regulation of Assembly. Journal of virology
Zhao, ZhongchaoWang, Joseph Che-YenGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniVenkatakrishnan, BalasubramanianAsor, RoiKhaykelson, DanielRaviv, Uri and Zlotnick, Adam
. | Journal Article
Functional Role of Solvent Entropy and Conformational Entropy of Metal Binding in a Dynamically Driven Allosteric System.
Capdevila, Daiana ACapdevila, Daiana ACapdevila, Daiana ADA, CapdevilaCapdevila, Daiana AEdmonds, Katherine AEdmonds, Katherine AEdmonds, Katherine AKA, EdmondsEdmonds, Katherine ACampanello, Gregory CCampanello, Gregory CCampanello, Gregory CGC, CampanelloCampanello, GregoryWu, HongweiWu, HongweiWu, HongweiWu, HongweiH, WuGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniG, Gonzalez GutierrezGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniGiedroc, David PGiedroc, David PGiedroc, David PDP, Giedroc and Giedroc, David P
Journal of the American Chemical Society. | Journal Article
Small-Molecule Covalent Modification of Conserved Cysteine Leads to Allosteric Inhibition of the TEAD⋅Yap Protein-Protein Interaction. Cell chemical biology
Bum-Erdene, KhuchtumurBum-Erdene, KhuchtumurBum-Erdene, KhuchtumurBum-Erdene, KhuchtumurZhou, DonghuiZhou, DonghuiZhou, DonghuiZhou, DonghuiGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniGonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniGhozayel, Mona KGhozayel, Mona KGhozayel, Mona KGhozayel, Mona KSi, YubingSi, YubingSi, YubingSi, YubingXu, DavidXu, DavidXu, DavidXu, DavidShannon, Harlan EShannon, Harlan EShannon, Harlan EShannon, Harlan EBailey, Barbara JBailey, Barbara JBailey, Barbara JBailey, Barbara JCorson, Timothy WCorson, Timothy WCorson, Timothy WCorson, Timothy WPollok, Karen EPollok, Karen EPollok, Karen EPollok, Karen EWells, Clark DWells, Clark DWells, Clark DWells, Clark DMeroueh, Samy OMeroueh, Samy OMeroueh, Samy O and Meroueh, Samy O
. | Journal Article
Chasing the open-state structure of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels.
G, Gonzalez GutierrezY, WangGD, CymesE, Tajkhorshid and C, Grosman
The Journal of general physiology. | Journal Article
The atypical cation-conduction and gating properties of ELIC underscore the marked functional versatility of the pentameric ligand-gated ion-channel fold.
Gonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniG, Gonzalez GutierrezC, Grosman and Grosman, Claudio
The Journal of general physiology. | Journal Article
Gating of the proton-gated ion channel from Gloeobacter violaceus at pH 4 as revealed by X-ray crystallography.
Gonzalez-Gutierrez, GiovanniG, Gonzalez GutierrezLG, CuelloCuello, Luis GNair, Satish KSK, NairGrosman, Claudio F and C, Grosman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. | Journal Article