3 Grants
Collaborative Research: SaTC: EDU: Building an Electronic Voting Technology Inspired Interactive Teaching and Learning Framework for Cybersecurity Education
Zou, Xukai
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Education and Human Resources, Division Of Graduate Education (ID: 2011117), $229,999USD, 2020-05-01 -- 2023-04-30
CICI: SSC: Development of a Secure and Privacy-Preserving Workflow Architecture for Dynamic Data Sharing in Scientific Infrastructures
Zou, XukaiWu, Huanmei and Purkayastha, Saptarshi
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr, Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) (ID: 1839746), $599,998USD, 09/01/2018 -- 08/31/2021
Secure Group Communications (SGC) over Wired and Wireless Networks
Zou, XukaiRamamurthy, Byravamurthy and Variyam, Vinodchandran
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Division of Computer and Network Systems (ID: 0311577), $349,990USD, 08/01/2003 -- 07/31/2007