
Research in the Hardy laboratory is focused on the molecular requirements for virus replication. We are specifically interested in what molecules are necessary for the replication of the viral genetic material and the optimal expression of viral genes within host cells.

Our research examines the viral and host requirements viral genome replication, gene expression, and transmission.


  • Protein-genome interactions
  • Particle composition and virus transmission
  • Wolbachia, pathogen blocking and RNA modification

Another research area in the lab is the examination of the virus-arthropod host interaction.

Research areas:

  • Eukaryotic Cell Biology, Cytoskeleton, and Signaling
  • Virology

An active are of research in the lab focuses on determining the molecular interactions required to form a functional genome replication complex.

Current Projects:

  1. Virus-host interactions shaping alphavirus infection
  2. Molecular mechanisms of pathogen blocking
  3. Effect of RNA modifications on alphavirus infection
  4. Effect of the microbiome on vectorial capacity of mosquitoes.

Our group is broadly interested in understanding the molecular interactions between viruses and host cells that regulate virus replication, using arthropod-borne viruses i.e. arboviruses as our model.

Research Interests:

  • eukaryotic cell biology, cytoskeleton and signaling, virology, genome functions of RNA viruses and the roles of trans-acting factors

Subject Areas:

  • Molecular Life Sciences
  • Biology.
Past Affiliations

Associate Chair, Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington

Associate Professor, Human Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington

Fellow, Indiana Molecular Biology Institute, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington

Professor, Biochemistry Interdisciplinary Graduate Program

Associate Professor, Biochemistry Interdisciplinary Graduate Program

Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Interdisciplinary Graduate Program

Associate Professor, Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington

Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biological Science, Cellular Biochemistry, Molecular Biochemistry
PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1998