31 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Intravital imaging reveals glucose-dependent cilia movement in pancreatic islets in vivo
Real Time In vivo Analysis of Pancreatic Beta-cell Autophagic Flux Reveals Impairment Before Onset of Autoimmune Diabetes
Stabilization protects islet integrity during respirometry in the Oroboros Oxygraph-2K analyzer
Crowder, Justin J.Crowder, Justin J.Zeng, ZiqianZeng, ZiqianNovak, Alissa N.Novak, Alissa N.Alves, Nathan J.Alves, Nathan J.Linnemann, Amelia K. and Linnemann, Amelia K.
Islets, vol. 14, pp. 128–138. | Journal Article
Beta Cell Autophagy in the Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes
Muralidharan, Charanya and Linnemann, Amelia K
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. | Journal Article
Fluorescently Conjugated Annular Fibrin Clot for Multiplexed Real-time Digestion Analysis
Zeng, ZiqianZeng, ZiqianChakravarthula, Tanmaye NallanChakravarthula, Tanmaye NallanMuralidharan, CharanyaMuralidharan, CharanyaHall, AbigailHall, AbigailLinnemann, Amelia KLinnemann, Amelia KAlves, Nathan and Alves, Nathan
Journal of Materials Chemistry B. | Journal Article
Pancreatic beta cell autophagy is impaired in type 1 diabetes
Diabetologia. | Journal Article
Intra-islet GLP-1, but not CCK, is necessary for β-cell function in mouse and human islets
de Souza, Arnaldo HenriqueTang, JiayinYadev, Amanjot KaurSaghafi, Samuel TKibbe, Carly RLinnemann, Amelia KMerrins, Matthew J and Davis, Dawn Belt
Scientific reports, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 2823, 2020-Feb-18. | Journal Article
Pancreatic Beta Cell Autophagy is Impaired in Type 1 Diabetes
Super-resolution microscopy compatible fluorescent probes reveal endogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor distribution and dynamics
Ast, JuliaArvaniti, AnastasiaFine, Nicholas H FNasteska, DanielaAshford, Fiona BStamataki, ZaniaKoszegi, ZsomborBacon, AndreaJones, Ben JLucey, Maria ASasaki, ShugoBrierley, Daniel IHastoy, BenoitTomas, AlejandraD'Agostino, GiuseppeReimann, FrankLynn, Francis CReissaus, Christopher ALinnemann, Amelia KD'Este, ElisaCalebiro, DavideTrapp, StefanJohnsson, KaiPodewin, TomBroichhagen, Johannes and Hodson, David J
Nature communications, vol. 11, (no. 1), pp. 467, 2020-01-24. | Journal Article
194-OR: A Versatile Platform for Intravital Imaging of Biosensor-Labelled Beta Cells In Situ
Diabetes, vol. 68, (no. Supplement 1), pp. 194, 2019-06-00. | Journal Article
197-OR: IL-6 Protects Pancreatic ß Cells from Oxidative Stress via NRF2 Mitochondrial Translocation and Mitophagy
Diabetes, vol. 68, (no. Supplement 1), pp. 197, 2019-06-00. | Journal Article
A Versatile, Portable Intravital Microscopy Platform for Studying Beta-cell Biology In Vivo
Reissaus, Christopher AReissaus, Christopher AReissaus, Christopher APiñeros, Annie RPiñeros, Annie RPiñeros, Annie RTwigg, Ashley NTwigg, Ashley NTwigg, Ashley NOrr, Kara SOrr, Kara SOrr, Kara SConteh, Abass MConteh, Abass MConteh, Abass MMartinez, Michelle MMartinez, Michelle MMartinez, Michelle MKamocka, Malgorzata MKamocka, Malgorzata MKamocka, Malgorzata MDay, Richard NDay, Richard NDay, Richard NTersey, Sarah ATersey, Sarah ATersey, Sarah AMirmira, Raghavendra GMirmira, Raghavendra GMirmira, Raghavendra GDunn, Kenneth WDunn, Kenneth WDunn, Kenneth WLinnemann, Amelia KLinnemann, Amelia K and Linnemann, Amelia K
Scientific reports, vol. 9, (no. 1), pp. 11, 2019-06-11. | Journal Article
Platelet-type 12-lipoxygenase deletion provokes a compensatory 12/15-lipoxygenase increase that exacerbates oxidative stress in mouse islet β cells
Conteh, Abass MReissaus, Christopher AHernandez-Perez, MarimarNakshatri, SwethaAnderson, Ryan MMirmira, Raghavendra GTersey, Sarah A and Linnemann, Amelia K
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 294, (no. 16), pp. 6620, 2019-04-19. | Journal Article
An In Vivo Zebrafish Model for Interrogating ROS-Mediated Pancreatic β-Cell Injury, Response, and Prevention
Kulkarni, Abhishek AConteh, Abass MSorrell, Cody AMirmira, AnjaliTersey, Sarah AMirmira, Raghavendra GLinnemann, Amelia K and Anderson, Ryan M
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, vol. 2018, pp. 8, 20180328. | Journal Article
Interleukin-6 Reduces β-Cell Oxidative Stress by Linking Autophagy With the Antioxidant Response
Marasco, Michelle RConteh, Abass MReissaus, Christopher ACupit, 5th, John EAppleman, Evan MMirmira, Raghavendra G and Linnemann, Amelia K
Diabetes, vol. 67, (no. 8), pp. 1588, 2018-08-00. | Journal Article
β-Cell Autophagy in Diabetes Pathogenesis
Marasco, Michelle R and Linnemann, Amelia K
Endocrinology, vol. 159, (no. 5), pp. 2141, 2018-05-01. | Journal Article
Inhibition of 12/15-Lipoxygenase Protects Against β-Cell Oxidative Stress and Glycemic Deterioration in Mouse Models of Type 1 Diabetes
Hernandez-Perez, MarimarHernandez-Perez, MarimarChopra, GauravChopra, GauravFine, JonathanFine, JonathanConteh, Abass MConteh, Abass MAnderson, Ryan MAnderson, Ryan MLinnemann, Amelia KLinnemann, Amelia KBenjamin, ChanelleBenjamin, ChanelleNelson, Jennifer BNelson, Jennifer BBenninger, Kara SBenninger, Kara SNadler, Jerry LNadler, Jerry LMaloney, David JMaloney, David JTersey, Sarah ATersey, Sarah AMirmira, Raghavendra G and Mirmira, Raghavendra G
Diabetes, vol. 66, (no. 11), pp. 2887, 2017-Nov. | Journal Article
Interleukin 6 protects pancreatic β cells from apoptosis by stimulation of autophagy
Linnemann, Amelia KBlumer, JosephMarasco, Michelle RBattiola, Therese JUmhoefer, Heidi MHan, Jee YoungLamming, Dudley W and Davis, Dawn Belt
The FASEB Journal, vol. 31, (no. 9), pp. 4152, September 2017. | Journal Article
Glucagon‐like peptide‐1 and cholecystokinin production and signaling in the pancreatic islet as an adaptive response to obesity
Linnemann, Amelia KLinnemann, Amelia KDavis, Dawn Belt and Davis, Dawn Belt
Journal of Diabetes Investigation, vol. 7, (no. S1), pp. 49, April 2016. | Journal Article
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Regulates Cholecystokinin Production in β-Cells to Protect From Apoptosis
Linnemann, Amelia KLinnemann, Amelia KNeuman, Joshua CNeuman, Joshua CBattiola, Therese JBattiola, Therese JWisinski, Jaclyn AWisinski, Jaclyn AKimple, Michelle EKimple, Michelle EDavis, Dawn Belt and Davis, Dawn Belt
Molecular Endocrinology, vol. 29, (no. 7), pp. 987, 2015-7. | Journal Article
Inhibitory G proteins and their receptors: emerging therapeutic targets for obesity and diabetes
Kimple, Michelle EKimple, Michelle ENeuman, Joshua CNeuman, Joshua CLinnemann, Amelia KLinnemann, Amelia KCasey, Patrick J and Casey, Patrick J
Experimental & molecular medicine, vol. 46, (no. 6), pp. e102, 2014-Jun-20. | Journal Article
Pancreatic β-Cell Proliferation in Obesity
Linnemann, Amelia KLinnemann, Amelia KBaan, MiekeBaan, MiekeDavis, Dawn Belt and Davis, Dawn Belt
Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), vol. 5, (no. 3), pp. 288, 2014-May. | Journal Article
Tcf19 is a novel islet factor necessary for proliferation and survival in the INS-1 β-cell line
Krautkramer, Kimberly AKrautkramer, KimberlyLinnemann, AmeliaLinnemann, Amelia KFontaine, Danielle AFontaine, DanielleWhillock, Amy LWhillock, AmyHarris, TedHarris, Ted WSchleis, Gregory JSchleis, GregoryTruchan, NathanTruchan, Nathan AMarty-Santos, LeilaniMarty-Santos, LeilaniLavine, Jeremy ALavine, JeremyCleaver, OndineCleaver, OndineKimple, MichelleKimple, Michelle EDavis, Dawn and Davis, Dawn B
American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 305, (no. 5), pp. 610, 2013-09-01. | Journal Article
Autophagy Driven by a Master Regulator of Hematopoiesis
Kang, Yoon-AKang, Yoon-ASanalkumar, RajendranSanalkumar, RajendranO'Geen, HenrietteO'Geen, HenrietteLinnemann, Amelia KLinnemann, AmeliaChang, Chan-JungChang, Chan-JungBouhassira, Eric EBouhassira, EricFarnham, Peggy JFarnham, PeggyKeles, SunduzKeles, SunduzBresnick, Emery H and Bresnick, Emery
Molecular and Cellular Biology, vol. 32, (no. 1), pp. 239, 20120101. | Journal Article
Genetic framework for GATA factor function in vascular biology
Linnemann, Amelia KLinnemann, AmeliaO'Geen, HenrietteO'Geen, HenrietteKeles, SunduzKeles, SunduzFarnham, Peggy JFarnham, PeggyBresnick, Emery H and Bresnick, Emery
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 108, (no. 33), pp. 13646, 20110816. | Journal Article