393 Publications (Page 3 of 16)
Factors influencing intention to obtain the HPV vaccine and acceptability of 2-, 4- and 9-valent HPV vaccines: A study of undergraduate female health sciences students in Fujian, China
Lin, YulanLin, ZhengHe, FeiHu, ZhijianZimet, Gregory D.Alias, Haridah and Wong, Li Ping
Vaccine. | Journal Article
Human Papillomavirus Vaccination and School Entry Requirements: Politically Challenging, but Not Impossible
Daley, EllenThompson, Erika and Zimet, Gregory
JAMA Pediatrics, vol. 173, (no. 1), pp. 7, 2019-01-01. | Journal Article
Perspectives and preferences for a mobile health tool designed to facilitate HPV vaccination among young men who have sex with men
Fontenot, Holly B.Rosenberger, Joshua G.McNair, Katelyn T.Mayer, Kenneth H. and Zimet, Gregory
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, vol. 15, pp. 1815–1823. | Journal Article
Physician clinical decision support system prompts and administration of subsequent doses of HPV vaccine: A randomized clinical trial
Wilkinson, T.A.Wilkinson, Tracey AWilkinson, Tracey AWilkinson, Tracey AWilkinson, Tracey ADixon, Brian EDixon, Brian EDixon, B.E.Dixon, Brian EDixon, Brian EXiao, ShanXiao, S.Xiao, ShanXiao, ShanXiao, ShanTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, W.Tu, WanzhuLindsay, BriannaLindsay, BriannaLindsay, BriannaLindsay, B.Lindsay, BriannaSheley, MeenaSheley, MeenaSheley, MeenaSheley, M.Sheley, MeenaDugan, TamaraDugan, TamaraDugan, T.Dugan, TamaraDugan, TamaraChurch, AbbyChurch, A.Church, AbbyChurch, AbbyChurch, AbbyDowns, Stephen MDowns, Stephen MDowns, S.M.Downs, Stephen MDowns, Stephen MZimet, GregoryZimet, GregoryZimet, GregoryZimet, G. and Zimet, Gregory
Vaccine, vol. 37, (no. 31), pp. 4418, 2019-07-18. | Journal Article
Physician Clinical Decision Support System Prompts and Administration of Subsequent Doses of HPV Vaccine: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Wilkinson, Tracey AWilkinson, Tracey AWilkinson, Tracey A.Wilkinson, Tracey ADixon, Brian EDixon, Brian EDixon, Brian EDixon, Brian E.Xiao, ShanXiao, ShanXiao, ShanXiao, ShanTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuLindsay, BriannaLindsay, BriannaLindsay, BriannaLindsay, BriannaSheley, MeenaSheley, MeenaSheley, MeenaSheley, MeenaDugan, TamaraDugan, TamaraDugan, TamaraDugan, TamaraChurch, AbbyChurch, AbbyChurch, AbbyChurch, AbbyDowns, Stephen MDowns, Stephen MDowns, Stephen M.Downs, Stephen MZimet, GregoryZimet, GregoryZimet, Gregory and Zimet, Gregory
Vaccine: X, pp. 100018. | Journal Article
Risk perceptions after human papillomavirus vaccination are not subsequently associated with riskier behaviors or sexually transmitted infections in HIV-infected young women
Thomas, RachelDillard, MaryXu, JiahongZimet, Gregory D. and Kahn, Jessica A.
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, vol. 15, pp. 1732–1736. | Journal Article
Social Networks for Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Advice Among African American Parents
Fu, Linda YFu, Linda Y.Zimet, Gregory D.Zimet, Gregory DLatkin, Carl A.Latkin, Carl AJoseph, Jill G and Joseph, Jill G.
Journal of Adolescent Health. | Journal Article
State statutes and regulations related to human papillomavirus vaccination
Hoss, AilaHoss, AilaMeyerson, Beth E.Meyerson, Beth E.Zimet, Gregory D. and Zimet, Gregory D.
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, vol. 15, pp. 1519–1526. | Journal Article
The effects of message framing and healthcare provider recommendation on adult hepatitis B vaccination: A randomized controlled trial
Kasting, MonicaKasting, MonicaKasting, MonicaKasting, Monica L.Kasting, MonicaHead, Katharine J.Head, KatharineHead, KatharineHead, KatharineHead, KatharineCox, DenaCox, DenaCox, DenaCox, DenaCox, DenaCox, AnthonyCox, AnthonyCox, AnthonyCox, AnthonyCox, Anthony D.Zimet, Gregory D.Zimet, GregoryZimet, GregoryZimet, Gregory and Zimet, Gregory
Preventive Medicine, vol. 127, pp. 105798, 2019. | Journal Article
The Impact of Advertisement Messaging on Enrollment of Young Men Who Have Sex With Men for Web-Based Research: Observational Study (Preprint)
Fontenot, Holly BAbuelezam, Nadia NRosenberger, Joshua GNovak, DavidMayer, Kenneth H and Zimet, Gregory
JMIR Publications Inc.
There’s Much Yet to be Done: Diverse Perspectives on HPV Vaccination
Zimet, Gregory D. and Osazuwa-Peters, Nosayaba
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, vol. 15, pp. 1459–1464. | Journal Article
Advancing Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Delivery: 12 Priority Research Gaps
Reiter, Paul LGerend, Mary AGilkey, Melissa BPerkins, Rebecca BSaslow, DebbieStokley, ShannonTiro, Jasmin AZimet, Gregory D and Brewer, Noel T
Academic Pediatrics, vol. 18, (no. 2), pp. S16, March 2018. | Journal Article
An Educational Intervention to Improve HPV Vaccination: A Cluster Randomized Trial.
Dixon, Brian EDixon, Brian EDixon, Brian EDixon, B.E.Zimet, Gregory DZimet, G.D.Zimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DXiao, ShanXiao, ShanXiao, S.Xiao, ShanTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, W.Tu, WanzhuLindsay, BriannaLindsay, B.Lindsay, BriannaLindsay, BriannaChurch, A.Church, AbbyChurch, AbbyChurch, AbbyDowns, S.M.Downs, Stephen MDowns, Stephen M and Downs, Stephen M
Pediatrics, December 10, 2018. | Journal Article
A qualitative analysis of the vaccine intention-behaviour relationship: parents' descriptions of their intentions, decision-making behaviour and planning processes towards HPV vaccination.
Auslander, Beth AAuslander, Beth A.Meers, Jessica M.Meers, Jessica MShort, Mary B.Short, Mary BZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory D.Rosenthal, Susan L. and Rosenthal, Susan L
Psychology & health, pp. 1-18, November 8, 2018. | Journal Article
A retrospective and prospective look at strategies to increase adolescent HPV vaccine uptake in the United States
Head, Katharine JHead, Katharine JBiederman, ErikaBiederman, ErikaSturm, Lynne ASturm, Lynne AZimet, Gregory D and Zimet, Gregory D
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, vol. 14, (no. 7), pp. 1635, 7/3/2018. | Journal Article
Behavior and health beliefs as predictors of HIV testing among women: a prospective study of observed HIV testing
Fan, HaoFan, HaoFife, Kenneth HFife, Kenneth HCox, DenaCox, DenaCox, Anthony DCox, Anthony DZimet, Gregory D and Zimet, Gregory D
AIDS Care, vol. 30, (no. 8), pp. 1069, 8/3/2018. | Journal Article
Confirmatory factor analysis of the revised version of the Thai multidimensional scale of perceived social support among the elderly with depression
Wongpakaran, TinakonWongpakaran, NahathaiSirirak, ThanithaArunpongpaisal, Suwanna and Zimet, Gregory
Aging & Mental Health, vol. 22, pp. 1143–1148. | Journal Article
Experiences of Adolescent Participants in a Biomedical HIV Prevention Trial
Knopf, Amelia SKnopf, Amelia SOtt, MaryOtt, MaryLiu, NancyLiu, NancyKapogiannis, BillKapogiannis, BillZimet, GregoryZimet, GregoryFortenberry, J. DennisFortenberry, J. DennisHosek, Sybil and Hosek, Sybil
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 62, (no. 2), pp. S40, 2018-02-00. | Journal Article
Factors associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) test acceptability in primary screening for cervical cancer: A mixed methods research synthesis
Tatar, OvidiuTatar, OvidiuTatar, OvidiuThompson, ErikaThompson, ErikaThompson, ErikaNaz, AnilaNaz, AnilaNaz, AnilaPerez, SamaraPerez, SamaraPerez, SamaraShapiro, Gilla K.Shapiro, Gilla KShapiro, Gilla K.Wade, KristinaWade, KristinaWade, KristinaZimet, GregoryZimet, GregoryZimet, GregoryGilca, VladimirGilca, VladimirGilca, VladimirJanda, MonikaJanda, MonikaJanda, MonikaKahn, JessicaKahn, JessicaKahn, JessicaDaley, EllenDaley, EllenDaley, EllenRosberger, ZeevRosberger, Zeev and Rosberger, Zeev
Preventive Medicine, vol. 116, pp. 40–50. | Journal Article
Florida physicians' reported use of AFIX-based strategies for human papillomavirus vaccination.
Kasting, Monica LKasting, Monica LKasting, Monica LChristy, Shannon MChristy, Shannon MChristy, Shannon MSutton, Steven KSutton, Steven KSutton, Steven KLake, PaigeLake, PaigeLake, PaigeMalo, Teri LMalo, Teri LMalo, Teri LRoetzheim, Richard GRoetzheim, Richard GRoetzheim, Richard GSchechtman, TommySchechtman, TommySchechtman, TommyZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DWalkosz, Barbara JWalkosz, Barbara JWalkosz, Barbara JSalmon, DanielSalmon, DanielSalmon, DanielKahn, Jessica AKahn, Jessica AKahn, Jessica AGiuliano, Anna RGiuliano, Anna RGiuliano, Anna RVadaparampil, Susan TVadaparampil, Susan T and Vadaparampil, Susan T
Preventive medicine, September 13, 2018. | Journal Article
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Initiation for Adolescents Following Rhode Island's School-Entry Requirement, 2010-2016.
Thompson, Erika LLivingston, Melvin DDaley, Ellen M and Zimet, Gregory D
American journal of public health, pp. e1-e3, July 19, 2018. | Journal Article
Human Papillomavirus Vaccines: Successes and Future Challenges.
Perez, SamaraPerez, SamaraZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DTatar, OvidiuTatar, OvidiuStupiansky, Nathan WStupiansky, Nathan WFisher, William AFisher, William ARosberger, Zeev and Rosberger, Zeev
Drugs, vol. 78, (no. 14), pp. 1385-1396, September 2018. | Journal Article
Improving Physician Adoption of Topical Microbicides and Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PREP) for HIV Prevention in Adolescents: Insights from Primary Care Physicians Caring for Youth
Kowalczyk Mullins, Tanya LIdoine, Caitlyn RZimet, Gregory D and Kahn, Jessica A
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 62, (no. 2), pp. S37, 2018-02-00. | Journal Article
Inclusion of Adolescents in STI/HIV Biomedical Prevention Trials: Autonomy, Decision Making, and Parental Involvement.
Rosenthal, Susan LMorris, Marilyn CHoffman, Lily F and Zimet, Gregory D
Clinical practice in pediatric psychology, vol. 6, (no. 3), pp. 299-307, September 2018. | Journal Article
Learning in the zone: toward workforce development of evidence-based public policy communication.
Meyerson, Beth EMeyerson, Beth EMeyerson, Beth EHaderxhanaj, Laura THaderxhanaj, Laura THaderxhanaj, Laura TComer, KarenComer, KarenComer, KarenZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory D and Zimet, Gregory D
BMC public health, vol. 18, (no. 1), pp. 700, June 5, 2018. | Journal Article