117 Publications (Page 2 of 5)
Authors' response
Ludwig, Kevin HFontana, MargheritaVinson, LaQuia APlatt, Jeffrey A and Dean, Jeffrey A
Journal of the American Dental Association (1939), vol. 146, (no. 7), pp. 496, 2015-Jul. | Journal Article
Authors’ response
Ludwig, Kevin HLudwig, Kevin HLudwig, Kevin HLudwig, K.H.Ludwig, Kevin HFontana, M.Fontana, MargheritaFontana, MargheritaFontana, MargheritaFontana, MargheritaVinson, LaQuia AVinson, La Quia AVinson, LaQuia AVinson, LaQuia AVinson, L.A.Platt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, J.A.Platt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey ADean, Jeffrey ADean, J.A.Dean, Jeffrey ADean, Jeffrey A and Dean, Jeffrey A
The Journal of the American Dental Association, vol. 146, (no. 7), pp. 496, 2015-07-00. | Journal Article
Effect of brushing with two different abrasives on fluoride release by high-viscosity glass ionomer cement
Nassar, Hani M and Platt, Jeffrey A
Journal of oral science, vol. 57, (no. 4), pp. 379, 2015-00-00. | Journal Article
Effect of Different Endodontic Regeneration Protocols on Wettability, Roughness, and Chemical Composition of Surface Dentin
Yassen, Ghaeth H., BDS, MSD, PhDSabrah, Alaa H.A., BDS, MSD, PhDEckert, George and Platt, Jeffrey
Journal of Endodontics, vol. 41, (no. 6), pp. 960, 2015. | Journal Article
Effect of intracanal medicaments used in endodontic regeneration procedures on microhardness and chemical structure of dentin
Yassen, Ghaeth HamdonEckert, George Joseph and Platt, Jeffrey Allen
Restorative dentistry & endodontics, vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 112, 2015-May. | Journal Article
Evaluation of Residual Antibacterial Effect of Human Radicular Dentin Treated with Triple and Double Antibiotic Pastes
Sabrah, Alaa H.A., BDS, MSD, PhDSabrah, Alaa H.A., BDS, MSD, PhDSabrah, Alaa H AYassen, Ghaeth H., BDS, MSD, PhDYassen, Ghaeth H., BDS, MSD, PhDYassen, Ghaeth HSpolnik, KennethSpolnik, KennethSpolnik, Kenneth JHara, Anderson T., DDS, MS, PhDHara, Anderson T., DDS, MS, PhDHara, Anderson TPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, Jeffrey AGregory, Richard L., PhDGregory, Richard L and Gregory, Richard L., PhD
Journal of Endodontics, vol. 41, (no. 7), pp. 1084, 2015. | Journal Article
Future Excellence--Everyone's Responsibility
Platt, Jeffrey A
Operative dentistry, vol. 40, (no. 4), pp. 340, 2015 Jul-Aug. | Journal Article
Halloysite nanotube incorporation into adhesive systems—effect on bond strength to human dentin
Alkatheeri, MohammedAlkatheeri, M.S.Palasuk, JadesadaPalasuk, J.Eckert, GeorgeEckert, G.J.Platt, J.A.Platt, JeffreyBottino, Marco and Bottino, M.C.
Clinical Oral Investigations, vol. 19, (no. 8), pp. 1912, 20151100. | Journal Article
Microstructural evolution and physical behavior of a lithium disilicate glass–ceramic
Lien, WenLien, W.Roberts, H. W.Roberts, HowardPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, J. A.Vandewalle, K. S.Vandewalle, KraigHill, T. J.Hill, ThomasChu, Tien-Min and Chu, T. M.
Dental Materials, vol. 31, (no. 8), pp. 940, 2015. | Journal Article
Susceptibility of restorations and adjacent enamel/dentine to erosion under different salivary flow conditions
Alghilan, MaryamAlghilan, MaryamCook, N.Cook, N.Platt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyEckert, GeorgeEckert, GeorgeHara, Anderson and Hara, Anderson
Journal of Dentistry, vol. 43, (no. 12), pp. 1482, 2015. | Journal Article
Synthesis and characterization of novel halloysite-incorporated adhesive resins
Feitosa, S.A.Feitosa, S.A.Feitosa, SabrinaMünchow, E.A.Münchow, EliseuMünchow, E.A.Al-Zain, A.O.Al-Zain, A.O.Al-Zain, AfnanKamocki, K.Kamocki, K.Kamocki, KrzysztofPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, J.A.Platt, J.A.Bottino, M.C.Bottino, M.C. and Bottino, Marco
Journal of Dentistry, vol. 43, (no. 11), pp. 1322, 2015. | Journal Article
The effect of diluted triple and double antibiotic pastes on dental pulp stem cells and established Enterococcus faecalis biofilm
Sabrah, AlaaSabrah, Alaa H AYassen, GhaethYassen, Ghaeth HLiu, Wai-ChingLiu, Wai-ChingGoebel, WGoebel, W ScottGregory, RichardGregory, Richard LPlatt, Jeffrey and Platt, Jeffrey A
Clinical Oral Investigations, vol. 19, (no. 8), pp. 2066, 20151100. | Journal Article
The effects of radicular dentine treated with double antibiotic paste and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on the attachment and proliferation of dental pulp stem cells
Kim, Ki WanKim, Ki WanKim, Ki WanKim, Ki WanYassen, Ghaeth HYassen, Ghaeth HYassen, Ghaeth HYassen, Ghaeth HEhrlich, YgalEhrlich, YgalEhrlich, YgalEhrlich, YgalSpolnik, KennethSpolnik, KennethSpolnik, KennethSpolnik, KennethPlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey AWindsor, L. JackWindsor, L. JackWindsor, L. Jack and Windsor, L. Jack
Dental Traumatology, vol. 31, (no. 5), pp. 379, October 2015. | Journal Article
A novel approach to evaluate the effect of medicaments used in endodontic regeneration on root canal surface indentation
Yassen, GhaethYassen, GhaethYassen, GhaethYassen, GhaethYassen, Ghaeth H.Yassen, GhaethChu, Tien-MinChu, Tien-minChu, Tien-MinChu, Tien-MinChu, Tien-MinChu, Tien Min G.Gallant, Maxime A.Gallant, MaximeGallant, MaximeGallant, MaximeGallant, MaximeGallant, MaximeAllen, Matthew R.Allen, MatthewAllen, MatthewAllen, MatthewAllen, MatthewAllen, MatthewVail, Mychel M.Vail, MychelVail, MychelVail, MychelVail, MychelVail, MychelMurray, PeterMurray, Peter E.Murray, PeterMurray, PeterMurray, PeterMurray, PeterPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, Jeffrey A. and Platt, Jeffrey
Clinical Oral Investigations, vol. 18, (no. 6), pp. 1575, 20140700. | Journal Article
Bimix Antimicrobial Scaffolds for Regenerative Endodontics
Palasuk, JadesadaPalasuk, J.Palasuk, JadesadaPalasuk, JadesadaKamocki, KrzysztofKamocki, Krzysztof, DDS, MD, PhDKamocki, Krzysztof, DDS, MD, PhDKamocki, K.Hippenmeyer, LaurenHippenmeyer, LaurenHippenmeyer, L.Hippenmeyer, LaurenPlatt, J.A.Platt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, Jeffrey ASpolnik, Kenneth JSpolnik, KennethSpolnik, KennethSpolnik, K.J.Gregory, Richard L., PhDGregory, R.L.Gregory, Richard L., PhDGregory, Richard LBottino, Marco CBottino, Marco C., DDS, MSc, PhDBottino, M.C. and Bottino, Marco C., DDS, MSc, PhD
Journal of Endodontics, vol. 40, (no. 11), pp. 1884, 2014. | Journal Article
Dentin Bond Strength of a Fluoride-Releasing Adhesive System Submitted to pH-Cycling
Costa, Ana RosaCorrer-Sobrinho, LourençoAmbrosano, Glaucia Maria BoviSinhoreti, Mario Alexandre CoelhoBorges, Gilberto AntonioPlatt, Jeffrey A and Puppin-Rontani, Regina Maria
Brazilian Dental Journal, vol. 25, (no. 6), pp. 478, 2014-12-00. | Journal Article
Effects of two combinations of triple antibiotic paste used in endodontic regeneration on root microhardness and chemical structure of radicular dentine
T. Prather, BlakeT. Prather, BlakePrather, Blake TEhrlich, YgalEhrlich, YgalEhrlich, YgalSpolnik, KennethSpolnik, KennethSpolnik, KennethPlatt, Jeffrey AA. Platt, JeffreyA. Platt, JeffreyH. Yassen, GhaethYassen, Ghaeth H and H. Yassen, Ghaeth
Journal of oral science, vol. 56, (no. 4), pp. 245, 2014-Dec. | Journal Article
Erratum to: A novel approach to evaluate the effect of medicaments used in endodontic regeneration on root canal surface indentation
Yassen, GhaethYassen, GhaethYassen, GhaethYassen, Ghaeth H.Chu, Tien Min G.Chu, Tien-MinChu, Tien-MinChu, Tien-minGallant, MaximeGallant, MaximeGallant, MaximeGallant, Maxime A.Allen, MatthewAllen, MatthewAllen, MatthewAllen, Matthew R.Vail, MychelVail, MychelVail, Mychel M.Vail, MychelMurray, PeterMurray, Peter E.Murray, PeterMurray, PeterPlatt, Jeffrey A.Platt, JeffreyPlatt, Jeffrey and Platt, Jeffrey
Clinical Oral Investigations, vol. 18, (no. 6), pp. 1577, 20140700. | Journal Article
Important compositional characteristics in the clinical use of adhesive systems
Miyazaki, MasashiTsujimoto, AkimasaTsubota, KeishiTakamizawa, ToshikiKurokawa, Hiroyasu and Platt, Jeffrey A
Journal of oral science, vol. 56, (no. 1), pp. 1, 2014-Mar. | Journal Article
Influence of zirconia surface treatment on veneering porcelain shear bond strength after cyclic loading
Nishigori, AtsushiNishigori, A.Yoshida, T.Yoshida, Takamitsu, DDS, PhDBottino, Marco C., DDS, PhDBottino, M.C.Platt, Jeffrey and Platt, J.A.
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, vol. 112, (no. 6), pp. 1398, 2014. | Journal Article
Light Curing Explored in Halifax
Platt, Jeffrey A and Price, Richard B
Operative dentistry, vol. 39, (no. 6), pp. 563, 2014 Nov-Dec. | Journal Article
New blood
Platt, Jeffrey A
Operative dentistry, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 112, 2014 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article
Physicomechanical properties of a zinc-reinforced glass ionomer restorative material.
Al-Angari, Sarah SAl-Angari, Sarah SAl-Angari, S.S.Hara, Anderson THara, Anderson THara, A.T.Chu, Tien-MinChu, Tien-MinChu, T. M.Platt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, J.Eckert, GeorgeEckert, GeorgeEckert, G.Cook, N BlaineCook, N.B. and Cook, N Blaine
Journal of oral science, vol. 56, (no. 1), pp. 11-16, March 2014. | Journal Article
The direct cytotoxic effects of medicaments used in endodontic regeneration on human dental pulp cells
Labban, NawafLabban, NawafYassen, Ghaeth HYassen, Ghaeth HWindsor, L. JackWindsor, L. JackPlatt, Jeffrey A and Platt, Jeffrey A
Dental Traumatology, vol. 30, (no. 6), pp. 434, December 2014. | Journal Article
The success of stainless steel crowns placed with the Hall technique
Ludwig, KevinLudwig, KevinLudwig, KevinLudwig, K.H.Fontana, Margherita, DDS, PhDFontana, M.Fontana, Margherita, DDS, PhDFontana, Margherita, DDS, PhDVinson, La QuiaVinson, LaQuiaVinson, L.A.Vinson, LaQuiaPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, J.A.Platt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyDean, JeffreyDean, J.A.Dean, Jeffrey and Dean, Jeffrey
The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA), vol. 145, (no. 12), pp. 1253, 2014. | Journal Article