117 Publications (Page 1 of 5)
Amalgam: Impact on oral health and the environment must be supported by science
Araujo, Marcelo W.BLipman, Ruth D and Platt, Jeffrey A
The Journal of the American Dental Association, vol. 150, (no. 10), pp. 815, October 2019. | Journal Article
Bleaching of simulated stained-remineralized caries lesions in vitro
Al-Angari, SarahAl-Angari, SarahAl-Angari, SarahAl-Angari, SarahAl-Angari, Sarah SLippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyEckert, GeorgeEckert, GeorgeEckert, GeorgeEckert, GeorgeEckert, George JGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosLi, YimingLi, YimingLi, YimingLi, YimingLi, YimingHara, Anderson THara, AndersonHara, AndersonHara, Anderson and Hara, Anderson
Clinical Oral Investigations, vol. 23, (no. 4), pp. 1792, 20190410. | Journal Article
Dental bleaching efficacy and impact on demineralization susceptibility of simulated stained-remineralized caries lesions
Al-Angari, Sarah S.Al-Angari, Sarah SAl-Angari, Sarah SAl-Angari, Sarah SLippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankPlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey A.Platt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey AEckert, George JEckert, George JEckert, George JEckert, George J.González-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosLi, YimingLi, YimingLi, YimingLi, YimingHara, Anderson THara, Anderson THara, Anderson T and Hara, Anderson T.
Journal of Dentistry, vol. 81, pp. 63, February 2019. | Journal Article
Fluoride Release from Two High-Viscosity Glass Ionomers after Exposure to Fluoride Slurry and Varnish
Nassar, Hani M and Platt, Jeffrey A
Materials (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 12, (no. 22), pp. 3760, 2019-Nov-15. | Journal Article
Impact of surface micromorphology and demineralization severity on enamel loss measurements by cross-polarization optical coherence tomography
Alghilan, Maryam AAlghilan, Maryam AAlghilan, Maryam AAlghilan, Maryam A.Alghilan, Maryam ALippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankPlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey A.Platt, Jeffrey AEckert, George JEckert, George JEckert, George JEckert, George JEckert, George J.González-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosFried, DanielFried, DanielFried, DanielFried, DanielFried, DanielHara, Anderson THara, Anderson T.Hara, Anderson THara, Anderson T and Hara, Anderson T
Journal of Dentistry, vol. 81, pp. 58, February 2019. | Journal Article
Influence of cavosurface angle on the stress concentration and gaps formation in class V resin composite restorations
Correia, Ayla Macyelle de OliveiraPereira, Victoria Elisa MacielBresciani, EduardoPlatt, Jeffrey ABorges, Alexandre Luiz Souto and Caneppele, Taciana Marco Ferraz
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, vol. 97, pp. 277, 2019-May-22. | Journal Article
In vitro longitudinal evaluation of enamel wear by cross-polarization optical coherence tomography
Alghilan, Maryam AAlghilan, Maryam AAlghilan, Maryam AAlghilan, Maryam ALippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankLippert, FrankPlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey AEckert, George JEckert, George JEckert, George JEckert, George JGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosGonzález-Cabezas, CarlosFried, DanielFried, DanielFried, DanielFried, DanielHara, Anderson THara, Anderson THara, Anderson T and Hara, Anderson T
Dental Materials, vol. 35, (no. 10), Oct 2019. | Journal Article
Polymerization pattern characterization within a resin-based composite cured using different curing units at two distances
Al-Zain, AfnanEckert, GeorgeLukic, HenryMegremis, Spiro and Platt, Jeffrey
Clinical Oral Investigations, vol. 23, (no. 11), pp. 4010, 20191100. | Journal Article
Degree of conversion and cross-link density within a resin-matrix composite
Al-Zain, Afnan OEckert, George JLukic, HenryMegremis, Spiro J and Platt, Jeffrey A
Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials, vol. 106, (no. 4), pp. 1504, 2018-05-00. | Journal Article
Doxycycline-loaded nanotube-modified adhesives inhibit MMP in a dose-dependent fashion
Palasuk, J.Palasuk, JadesadaPalasuk, JadesadaWindsor, LWindsor, L.J.Windsor, LPlatt, J.A.Platt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyLvov, YuriLvov, Y.Lvov, YuriGeraldeli, SauloGeraldeli, SauloGeraldeli, S.Bottino, MarcoBottino, M.C. and Bottino, Marco
Clinical Oral Investigations, vol. 22, (no. 3), pp. 1252, 20180400. | Journal Article
Polymerization shrinkage stresses in different restorative techniques for non-carious cervical lesions
Correia, Ayla Macyelle de OliveiraTribst, João Paulo MendesMatos, Felipe de SouzaPlatt, Jeffrey ACaneppele, Taciana Marco Ferraz and Borges, Alexandre Luiz Souto
Journal of dentistry, vol. 76, pp. 74, 2018-09-00. | Journal Article
The influence of delayed light curing on the degree of conversion and polymerization contraction stress in dual-cured resin luting agents
Labban, NawafIskandar, MounirPlatt, Jeffrey AAndres, Carl JLevon, John AHovijitra, Suteera and Brown, David T
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, vol. 32, (no. 5), pp. 526, 3/4/2018. | Journal Article
Variation in composite degree of conversion and microflexural strength for different curing lights and surface locations
Eshmawi, Yousef TAl-Zain, Afnan OEckert, George J and Platt, Jeffrey A
The Journal of the American Dental Association, vol. 149, (no. 10), pp. 902, October 2018. | Journal Article
Effects of air-abrasion pressure on the resin bond strength to zirconia: a combined cyclic loading and thermocycling aging study
Al-Shehri, Eman ZEckert, GeorgeAl-Zain, Afnan OSabrah, Alaa HAl-Angari, Sarah SAl Dehailan, LailaEckert, George JÖzcan, MutluPlatt, Jeffrey A and Bottino, Marco C
Restorative dentistry & endodontics, vol. 42, (no. 3), pp. 215, 2017-Aug. | Journal Article
Effects of Simulated Gastric Juice on CAD/CAM Resin Composites—Morphological and Mechanical Evaluations
Backer, A.D.Backer, Adriana DBacker, Adriana DBacker, A.D.Münchow, E.A.Münchow, Eliseu AMünchow, Eliseu AMünchow, E.A.Eckert, George JEckert, G.J.Eckert, G.J.Eckert, George JHara, Anderson THara, Anderson THara, A.T.Hara, A.T.Platt, Jeffrey APlatt, J.A.Platt, Jeffrey APlatt, J.A.Bottino, M.C.Bottino, Marco CBottino, M.C. and Bottino, Marco C
Journal of Prosthodontics, vol. 26, (no. 5), pp. 431, July 2017. | Journal Article
The Effect of Fluoride Varnish on Enamel Shear Bond Strength of Pit and Fissure Sealants
Frazer, Rebecca AFrazer, Rebecca AFrazer, Rebecca APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey ASanders, Brian JSanders, Brian JSanders, Brian JYepes, Juan FYepes, Juan FYepes, Juan FJones, James EJones, James E and Jones, James E
Pediatric dentistry, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 155, 2017-Mar-15. | Journal Article
A Systematic Review of Recall Regimen and Maintenance Regimen of Patients with Dental Restorations. Part 1: Tooth‐Borne Restorations
Bidra, Avinash SBidra, Avinash SBidra, Avinash SDaubert, Diane MDaubert, Diane MDaubert, Diane MGarcia, Lily TGarcia, Lily TGarcia, Lily TGauthier, Marissa FGauthier, Marissa FGauthier, Marissa FKosinski, Timothy FKosinski, Timothy FKosinski, Timothy FNenn, Conrad ANenn, Conrad ANenn, Conrad AOlsen, John AOlsen, John AOlsen, John APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey AWingrove, Susan SWingrove, Susan SWingrove, Susan SChandler, Nancy DealChandler, Nancy DealChandler, Nancy DealCurtis, Donald ACurtis, Donald A and Curtis, Donald A
Journal of Prosthodontics, vol. 25, (no. S1), pp. S15, January 2016. | Journal Article
A Systematic Review of Recall Regimen and Maintenance Regimen of Patients with Dental Restorations. Part 2: Implant‐Borne Restorations
Bidra, Avinash SBidra, Avinash SBidra, Avinash SDaubert, Diane MDaubert, Diane MDaubert, Diane MGarcia, Lily TGarcia, Lily TGarcia, Lily TGauthier, Marissa FGauthier, Marissa FGauthier, Marissa FKosinski, Timothy FKosinski, Timothy FKosinski, Timothy FNenn, Conrad ANenn, Conrad ANenn, Conrad AOlsen, John AOlsen, John AOlsen, John APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey AWingrove, Susan SWingrove, Susan SWingrove, Susan SChandler, Nancy DealChandler, Nancy DealChandler, Nancy DealCurtis, Donald ACurtis, Donald A and Curtis, Donald A
Journal of Prosthodontics, vol. 25, (no. S1), pp. S31, January 2016. | Journal Article
Clinical practice guidelines for recall and maintenance of patients with tooth-borne and implant-borne dental restorations
Bidra, Avinash SBidra, Avinash SBidra, Avinash SDaubert, Diane MDaubert, Diane MDaubert, Diane MGarcia, Lily TGarcia, Lily TGarcia, Lily TKosinski, Timothy FKosinski, Timothy FKosinski, Timothy FNenn, Conrad ANenn, Conrad ANenn, Conrad AOlsen, John AOlsen, John AOlsen, John APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey AWingrove, Susan SWingrove, Susan SWingrove, Susan SChandler, Nancy DealChandler, Nancy DealChandler, Nancy DealCurtis, Donald ACurtis, Donald A and Curtis, Donald A
General dentistry, vol. 64, (no. 1), pp. 14, 2016 Jan-Feb. | Journal Article
Clinical practice guidelines for recall and maintenance of patients with tooth-borne and implant-borne dental restorations
Bidra, AvinashBidra, AvinashBidra, Avinash SDaubert, Diane MDaubert, DianeDaubert, DianeGarcia, LilyGarcia, LilyGarcia, Lily TKosinski, Timothy FKosinski, TimothyKosinski, TimothyNenn, ConradNenn, Conrad ANenn, ConradOlsen, JohnOlsen, JohnOlsen, John APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, JeffreyPlatt, JeffreyWingrove, Susan SWingrove, SusanWingrove, SusanChandler, NancyChandler, Nancy DealChandler, NancyCurtis, DonaldCurtis, Donald A and Curtis, Donald
The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA), vol. 147, (no. 1), pp. 74, 2016. | Journal Article
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Recall and Maintenance of Patients with Tooth‐Borne and Implant‐Borne Dental Restorations
Bidra, Avinash SBidra, Avinash SBidra, Avinash SDaubert, Diane MDaubert, Diane MDaubert, Diane MGarcia, Lily TGarcia, Lily TGarcia, Lily TKosinski, Timothy FKosinski, Timothy FKosinski, Timothy FNenn, Conrad ANenn, Conrad ANenn, Conrad AOlsen, John AOlsen, John AOlsen, John APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey AWingrove, Susan SWingrove, Susan SWingrove, Susan SChandler, Nancy DealChandler, Nancy DealChandler, Nancy DealCurtis, Donald ACurtis, Donald A and Curtis, Donald A
Journal of Prosthodontics, vol. 25, (no. S1), pp. S40, January 2016. | Journal Article
Optimizing light-cured composite through variations in camphorquinone and butylhydroxytoluene concentrations
Nassar, HaniNassar, H.Chu, Tien-MinChu, T. M.Platt, Jeffrey and Platt, J.
Brazilian oral research, vol. 30, (no. 1), 2016-May-20. | Journal Article
Reducing postoperative sensitivity associated with composite dentistry
Platt, Jeffrey
Dental Economics, vol. 106, (no. 11), pp. 71, 20161101. | Journal Article
A new look
Platt, Jeffrey A
Operative dentistry, vol. 40, (no. 1), pp. 1, 2015 Jan-Feb. | Journal Article
A novel three‐dimensional scaffold for regenerative endodontics: materials and biological characterizations
Bottino, M.C.Bottino, Marco CBottino, Marco CBottino, Marco CYassen, G.H.Yassen, Ghaeth HYassen, Ghaeth HYassen, Ghaeth HPlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, Jeffrey APlatt, J.A.Labban, NawafLabban, NawafLabban, NawafLabban, N.Windsor, L.J.Windsor, L. JackWindsor, L. JackWindsor, L. JackSpolnik, Kenneth JSpolnik, Kenneth JSpolnik, Kenneth JSpolnik, K.J.Bressiani, Ana H. ABressiani, Ana H. ABressiani, A.H.A. and Bressiani, Ana H. A
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 9, (no. 11), pp. E123, November 2015. | Journal Article