8 Grants
RI: Small: An Ensemble of Neuromechanical Models of C. elegans Locomotion
Beer, Randall
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr, Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems (ID: 1524647), $492,189USD, 09/01/2015 -- 08/31/2018
RI: Small: BCSP: The Whole Worm: A Brain-Body-Environment Model of Nematode Chemotaxis
Beer, Randall
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (ID: 1216739), $489,440USD, 10/01/2012 -- 09/30/2015
IGERT: The Dynamics of Brain-Body-Environment Systems in Behavior and Cognition
Sporns, OlafBeer, RandallSmith, Linda and Goldstone, Robert
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education & Human Resources, Division of Graduate Education (ID: 0903495), $2,489,120USD, 08/15/2009 -- 07/31/2014
RI: Small: The Dynamics of Information Flow in Embodied Cognitive Systems
Beer, Randall
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (ID: 0916409), $443,211USD, 07/15/2009 -- 06/30/2013
BITS: Reconfigurable and Multifunctional Behavioral Pattern Generators
Chiel, HillelBeer, RandallBranicky, Michael and Harrison, Reid
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (ID: 0130773), $399,033USD, 09/15/2002 -- 08/31/2005
CRCNS: Dynamics and Plasticity of a Neuromechanical System
Chiel, HillelBeer, Randall and Branicky, Michael
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Biological Sciences, Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (ID: 0218386), $800,000USD, 08/15/2002 -- 10/31/2006
CRCNS: Dynamics and Plasticity of a Neuromechanical System
Chiel, HillelBeer, Randall and Branicky, Michael
National Science Foundation (NSF) (ID: 0218386), $800,000USD, 08/15/2002 -- 10/31/2006
Learning and Intelligent Systems: Agile Procedural Learning Systems
Ritzmann, RoyNewman, WyattBeer, Randall and Branicky, Michael
National Science Foundation (NSF) (ID: 9720309), $775,000USD, 10/01/1997 -- 06/30/2001