17 Publications
Is a HIP Always a HIP? The Case of Learning Communities
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. | Journal Article
An Overlooked Factor? How Religion and Spirituality Influence Students’ Perception of the Campus Environment
Journal of College and Character. | Journal Article
Information Literacy’s Influence on Undergraduates’ Learning and Development: Results from a Large Multi-institutional Study
Fosnacht, Kevin
College & Research Libraries, vol. 81, (no. 2), 2020-00-00. | Journal Article
Religious Intolerance on Campus: A Multi-Institution Study
Journal of College and Character. | Journal Article
The Relationship of First-Year Residence Hall Roommate Assignment Policy with Interactional Diversity and Perceptions of the Campus Environment
Fosnacht, KevinGonyea, Robert M and Graham, Polly A
The Journal of Higher Education. | Journal Article
How Valid is Grit in the Postsecondary Context? A Construct and Concurrent Validity Analysis
Fosnacht, KevinCopridge, Keeley and Sarraf, Shimon A.
Research in Higher Education, vol. 60, pp. 803–822. | Journal Article
First-Year Students’ Time Use in College: A Latent Profile Analysis
Fosnacht, KevinFosnacht, KevinMcCormick, Alexander C.Mc Cormick, AlexanderLerma, Rosemarie and Lerma, Rosemarie
Research in Higher Education, vol. 59, pp. 958–978. | Journal Article
Looking Across High-Impact Practices: First-Year Student Democratic Awareness and Democratic Participation
Weiss, H Anne and Fosnacht, Kevin
Journal of The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, vol. 30, pp. 45–64. | Journal Article
The Dependability of the Updated NSSE: A Generalizability Study.
Fosnacht, KevinFosnacht, KevinGonyea, Robert M and Gonyea, Robert M
Research & Practice in Assessment, vol. 13, pp. 62–73. | Journal Article
The Role of Religion and Institution Type in Seniors’ Perceptions of the Religious and Spiritual Campus Climate
Journal of College and Character. | Journal Article
Frequency of first-year student interactions with advisors
Fosnacht, KevinFosnacht, KevinMcCormick, Alexander CMc Cormick, Alexander CNailos, Jennifer NNailos, Jennifer NRibera, Amy K and Ribera, Amy K
NACADA Journal, vol. 37, pp. 74–86. | Journal Article
How Important are High Response Rates for College Surveys?
Fosnacht, KevinFosnacht, KevinSarraf, ShimonSarraf, ShimonHowe, ElijahHowe, ElijahPeck, Leah K and Peck, Leah K.
The Review of Higher Education, vol. 40, pp. 245–265. | Journal Article
Promoting Democratic Engagement During College: Looking Beyond Service-Learning
Howe, Elijah C. and Fosnacht, Kevin
Journal of College and Character, vol. 18, pp. 155–170. | Journal Article
Is “Race-Neutral” Really Race-Neutral?: Disparate Impact towards Underrepresented Minorities in Post-209 UC System Admissions
Santos, José LSantos, José L.Cabrera, Nolan LCabrera, Nolan L.Fosnacht, Kevin J and Fosnacht, Kevin J.
The Journal of Higher Education, vol. 81, pp. 605–631. | Journal Article
Impact of the Environment: How Does Attending a Hispanic-Serving Institution Influence the Engagement of Baccalaureate-Seeking Latina/o Students?
Fosnacht, K. and Nailos, J. N.
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. | Journal Article
Information literacy and NSSE: Introducing the Experiences with Information Literacy Module
College & Research Libraries News. | Journal Article
Identifying Patterns of Doctoral Attrition Across Academic Fields
James, A.Fosnacht, K.J.Stolzenberg, E.B. and Thirumalai, D.
(pp. 827–837). Elsevier BV