64 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
Heritability of EEG coherence in a large sib-pair population.
Chorlian, David BTang, YongqiangRangaswamy, MadhaviO'connor, Sean JRohrbaugh, John WTaylor, Robert and Porjesz, Bernice
Biological psychology, vol. 75, (no. 3), pp. 260-6, 2007/Jul. | Journal Article
Heterogeneous effects of alcohol on dopamine release in the striatum: a PET study.
Yoder, Karmen KConstantinescu, Cristian CKareken, David ANormandin, MarcCheng, Tee-EanO'connor, Sean J and Morris, Evan D
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, vol. 31, (no. 6), pp. 965-73, 2007/Jun. | Journal Article
A Cholinergic Receptor Gene (CHRM2) Affects Event-related Oscillations
Jones, Kevin APorjesz, BerniceAlmasy, LauraBierut, Laura JDick, Danielle MarieGoate, AlisonHinrichs, TonyRice, John PWang, Jen CBauer, Lance OCrowe, RaymondForoud, Tatiana MHesselbrock, Victor MKuperman, SamuelNurnberger Jr., J.Nurnberger, John INurnberger Jr, JohnO’Connor, S.J.O'connor, Sean JRohrbaugh, John WSchuckit, Marc ATischfield, Jay AEdenberg, Howard J and Begleiter, Henri
Behavior Genetics, vol. 36, (no. 5), pp. 627-639, 2006. | Journal Article
Evoked gamma band response in male adolescent subjects at high risk for alcoholism during a visual oddball task.
Padmanabhapillai, AjayanTang, YongqiangRanganathan, MohiniRangaswamy, MadhaviJones, Kevin AChorlian, David BKamarajan, ChellaStimus, ArthurKuperman, SamuelRohrbaugh, John WO'connor, Sean JBauer, Lance OSchuckit, Marc ABegleiter, Henri and Porjesz, Bernice
International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology, vol. 62, (no. 2), pp. 262-71, 2006/Nov. | Journal Article
Ordinary differential equation models for ethanol pharmacokinetic based on anatomy and physiology.
Han, Jae-JoonPlawecki, Martin HDoerschuk, Peter CRamchandani, Vijay A and O'connor, Sean J
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, vol. 1, pp. 5033-6, 2006. | Journal Article
Patterns of regional brain activity in alcohol-dependent subjects.
Hayden, Elizabeth PWiegand, Ryan EMeyer, Eric TBauer, Lance OO'connor, Sean JNurnberger, John IChorlian, David BPorjesz, Bernice and Begleiter, Henri
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, vol. 30, (no. 12), pp. 1986-91, 2006/Dec. | Journal Article
Statistical signal processing for an implantable ethanol biosensor.
Han, Jae-JoonDoerschuk, Peter CGelfand, Saul B and O'connor, Sean J
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, vol. 1, pp. 3704-7, 2006. | Journal Article
Studying alcohol elimination using the alcohol clamp method.
Ramchandani, Vijay A and O'connor, Sean J
Alcohol research & health : the journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, vol. 29, (no. 4), pp. 286-90, 2006. | Journal Article
The alcohol clamp: applications, challenges, and new directions--an RSA 2004 symposium summary.
Ramchandani, Vijay AO'connor, Sean JNeumark, YehudaZimmermann, Ulrich SMorzorati, Sandra L and de Wit, Harriet
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, vol. 30, (no. 1), pp. 155-64, 2006/Jan. | Journal Article
Dopamine D(2) receptor availability is associated with subjective responses to alcohol.
Yoder, Karmen KKareken, David ASeyoum, Regat AO'connor, Sean JO'connor, Sean JWang, ChunzhiZheng, Qi HuangMock, Bruce and Morris, Evan D
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, vol. 29, (no. 6), pp. 965-70, 2005/Jun. | Journal Article
A family study of alcohol dependence: coaggregation of multiple disorders in relatives of alcohol-dependent probands.
Nurnberger Jr., J.I.Nurnberger, John INURNBERGER, John IWiegand, RyanWIEGAND, RyanBucholz, Kathleen KBIERUT, LauraO'connor, Sean JO’Connor, S.HINRICHS, Anthony LKUPERMAN, SamuelMeyer, Eric TReich, TheodoreHESSELBROCK, VictorRice, John PPORJESZ, BerniceSchuckit, Marc ABUCHOLZ, KathleenO'CONNOR, SeanKing, LucyMEYER, Eric TPetti, TheodoreREICH, TheodoreBierut, Laura JHinrichs, TonyRICE, JohnSCHUCKIT, MarcKuperman, SamuelHesselbrock, Victor MKING, LucyPETTI, Theodore and Porjesz, Bernice
Archives of general psychiatry. , vol. 61, (no. 12), pp. 1246-56, 2004/Dec. | Journal Article
Alcohol dehydrogenase polymorphisms influence alcohol-elimination rates in a male Jewish population.
Neumark, Yehuda DFriedlander, YehielDurst, RonenLeitersdorf, EranJaffe, DenaRamchandani, Vijay AO'connor, Sean JCarr, Lucinda G and Li, T K
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, vol. 28, (no. 1), pp. 10-4, 2004/Jan. | Journal Article
Alcohol-related olfactory cues activate the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area in high-risk drinkers: preliminary findings.
Kareken, David AKareken, David AKareken, David AClaus, Eric DClaus, Eric DClaus, Eric DSabri, MeravSabri, MeravSabri, MeravDzemidzic, MarioDzemidzic, MarioDzemidzic, MarioKosobud, Ann E KKosobud, Ann EKosobud, Ann E. KRadnovich, Alexander JRadnovich, Alexander JRadnovich, Alexander JHector, DwightHector, DwightHector, DwightRamchandani, Vijay ARamchandani, Vijay ARamchandani, Vijay AO'Connor, Sean JO'connor, Sean JO'Connor, Sean JLowe, MarkLowe, MarkLowe, MarkLi, Ting-KaiLi, Ting-Kai and Li, Ting‐Kai
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. , vol. 28, (no. 4), pp. 550-7, 2004/Apr. | Journal Article
Linkage and linkage disequilibrium of evoked EEG oscillations with CHRM2 receptor gene polymorphisms: implications for human brain dynamics and cognition.
Jones, Kevin APorjesz, BerniceAlmasy, LauraBierut, Laura JGoate, AlisonWang, Jen CDick, Danielle MHinrichs, AnthonyKwon, Jennifer MRice, John PRohrbaugh, John WStock, HeatherWu, WilliamBauer, Lance OChorlian, David BCrowe, Raymond REdenberg, Howard JForoud, TatianaHesselbrock, Victor MKuperman, SamuelNurnberger, JohnNurnberger Jr, JohnO'connor, Sean JSchuckit, Marc AStimus, Arthur TTischfield, Jay AReich, Theodore and Begleiter, Henri
International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology, vol. 53, (no. 2), pp. 75-90, 2004/Jul. | Journal Article
Resting EEG in offspring of male alcoholics: beta frequencies
Rangaswamy, M.Porjesz, B.Chorlian, DBWang, K.Jones, KAKuperman, SamuelRohrbaugh, John WO'connor, Sean JO’Connor, S.J.Bauer, Lance OReich, Theodore and Begleiter, Henri
International Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 51, (no. 3), pp. 239-251, 2004. | Journal Article
Variations in GABRA2, encoding the alpha 2 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor, are associated with alcohol dependence and with brain oscillations.
Edenberg, Howard JDick, Danielle MXuei, XiaolingTian, HuijunAlmasy, LauraBauer, Lance OCrowe, Raymond RGoate, AlisonHesselbrock, Victor MJones, KevinKwon, Jennifer MLi, Ting-KaiNurnberger, John INurnberger Jr., J.I.O'connor, Sean JO’Connor, S.J.Reich, TheodoreRice, JohnSchuckit, Marc APorjesz, BerniceForoud, Tatiana and Begleiter, Henri
American journal of human genetics, vol. 74, (no. 4), pp. 705-14, 2004/Apr. | Journal Article
Theta power in the EEG of alcoholics.
Rangaswamy, MadhaviPorjesz, BerniceChorlian, David BChoi, KeewhanJones, Kevin AWang, KongmingRohrbaugh, John WO'connor, Sean JO’Connor, S.Kuperman, SamReich, Theodore and Begleiter, Henri
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, vol. 27, (no. 4), pp. 607-15, 2003/Apr. | Journal Article
Beta power in the EEG of alcoholics.
Rangaswamy, MadhaviPorjesz, BerniceChorlian, David BWang, KongmingJones, Kevin ABauer, Lance ORohrbaugh, John WO’Connor, S.J.O'connor, Sean JKuperman, SamuelReich, Theodore and Begleiter, Henri
Biological psychiatry, vol. 52, (no. 8), pp. 831-42, 2002/Oct/15. | Journal Article
Linkage and linkage disequilibrium mapping of ERP and EEG phenotypes.
Porjesz, BerniceBegleiter, HenriWang, KongmingAlmasy, LauraChorlian, David BStimus, Arthur TKuperman, SamuelO'connor, Sean JO’Connor, S.J.Rohrbaugh, John WBauer, Lance OEdenberg, Howard JGoate, AlisonRice, John P and Reich, Theodore
Biological psychology, vol. 61, (no. 1-2), pp. 229-48, 2002/Oct. | Journal Article
Linkage disequilibrium between the beta frequency of the human EEG and a GABAA receptor gene locus.
Porjesz, BerniceAlmasy, LauraEdenberg, Howard JWang, KongmingChorlian, David BForoud, Tatiana MGoate, AlisonRice, John PO'connor, Sean JRohrbaugh, John WKuperman, SamuelBauer, Lance OCrowe, Raymond RSchuckit, Marc AHesselbrock, Victor MConneally, P. MTischfield, Jay ALi, Ting KaiReich, Theodore and Begleiter, Henri
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 99, (no. 6), pp. 3729-33, 2002/Mar/19. | Journal Article
Maintaining steady state arterial alcohol levels in rats by using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model
Jerrells, T. RMorzorati, SandraRamchandani, Vijay ALi, T-K and O'connor, Sean J
Alcohol, vol. 28, (no. 3), pp. 189-195, 2002. | Journal Article
Recent drinking history: association with family history of alcoholism and the acute response to alcohol during a 60 mg% clamp.
Ramchandani, Vijay AFlury, LeahMorzorati, Sandra LKareken, David ABlekher, Tanya MForoud, Tatiana MLi, Ting Kai and O'connor, Sean J
Journal of studies on alcohol, vol. 63, (no. 6), pp. 734-44, 2002/Nov. | Journal Article
Genetics of Event-Related Brain Potentials in Response to a Semantic Priming Paradigm in Families with a History of Alcoholism
Almasy, L.Porjesz, B.Blangero, J.Goate, AlisonEdenberg, Howard JChorlian, DBKuperman, SamuelO'connor, Sean JO’Connor, S.J.Rohrbaugh, John WBauer, Lance OForoud, Tatiana MRice, John PReich, Theodore and Begleiter, Henri
American Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 68, (no. 1), pp. 128-135, 2001. | Journal Article
Frontal P300 decrements, alcohol dependence, and antisocial personality disorder.
Costa, LBauer, Lance OKuperman, SamuelPorjesz, BO'connor, Sean JO’Connor, S.Hesselbrock, Victor MRohrbaugh, J and Begleiter, H
Biological psychiatry, vol. 47, (no. 12), pp. 1064-71, 2000/Jun/15. | Journal Article
PBPK modeling as a basis for achieving a steady BrAC of 60 +/- 5 mg% within ten minutes.
O'connor, Sean JRamchandani, Vijay A and Li, T K
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, vol. 24, (no. 4), pp. 426-7, 2000/Apr. | Journal Article