97 Publications (Page 2 of 4)
Fostering perspective-taking in history students through board games
Stiso, C.Ryan, Z.Danish, J. and Robinson, E.
(pp. 1165-1172)
Increasing students? social engagement during COVID-19 with Net.Create: collaborative social network analysis to map historical pandemics during a pandemic
Craig, K.Craig, KalaniHumburg, MeganHumburg, M.Danish, Joshua A.Danish, J.A.Szostalo, MaksymilianSzostalo, M.Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.Hmelo-Silver, C.E.McCranie, A. and McCranie, Ann
Information and Learning Science, vol. 121, pp. 533-547. | Journal Article
Learning in embodied activity framework: a sociocultural framework for embodied cognition
Danish, Joshua AEnyedy, NoelSaleh, Asmalina and Humburg, Megan
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, vol. 15, (no. 1), pp. 87, 2020-03-00. | Journal Article
On activities and affordances for mobile learning
Danish, JoshuaDanish, JoshuaHmelo-Silver, Cindy E and Hmelo Silver, Cindy E
Contemporary Educational Psychology, vol. 60, pp. 101829, January 2020. | Journal Article
Representing modeling relationships in systems: Student use of arrows
Moreland, M.Vickery, M.Ryan, Z.Danish, J.Hmelo-Silver, C.Murphy, D.Av-Shalom, N.Duncan, R.G. and Chinn, C.
(pp. 1773-1774)
Tracing bodies through liminal blends in a mixed reality learning environment
Keifert, DanielleLee, ChristineEnyedy, NoelDahn, MaggieLindberg, Lindsay and Danish, Joshua
International Journal of Science Education, pp. 1–23. | Journal Article
What, how, and why do elementary teachers think about using representations in their science teaching?
Danish, J.Stiso, C.Nicholas, C.Hmelo-Silver, C.Rogers, M.P. and Francis, D.C.
(pp. 1934-1941)
Examining how scientific modeling emerges through collective embodied play
Tu, X.Danish, J.Georgen, C.Humburg, M.Davis, B. and Enyedy, N.
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL, vol. 2, pp. 676-679. | Conference Proceeding
Exploring disciplinary boundaries in early elementary students? developing practices
Peppler, K.Danish, J. and Thompson, N.
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL, vol. 1, pp. 408-415. | Conference Proceeding
Mediating collaboration in history with network analysis
Bae, H.Craig, K.Danish, J.Hmelo-Silver, C.E.Uttamchandani, S. and Szostalo, M.
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL, vol. 2, pp. 949-950. | Conference Proceeding
Personal embodiment, social enactment: Collaborative learning with body technology
Fields, D.A.Lee, V.R.Litts, B.K.Mortensen, C.K.Ching, C.C.Danish, J.A.Humburg, M.Davis, B.Tu, X.Lui, D.Shaw, M.Jayathirtha, G.Kafai, Y.Lindberg, L.Lindgren, R.Planey, J.Morphew, J.Taylor, K.H.Bell, A.Riesland, E.Hays, M.Silvis, D.Dubovi, I.Hall, R. and Enyedy, N.
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL, vol. 2, pp. 798-805. | Conference Proceeding
The power of a network analysis tool for collaborative learning
Bae, H.Craig, K.Danish, J.Hmelo-Silver, C.E.Uttamchandani, S.Szostalo, M. and McCranie, A.
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL, vol. 2, pp. 1025-1028. | Conference Proceeding
When words are not enough: What student gestures and embodied responses tell us about understanding science through dance
Lindberg, L.Keifert, D.Enyedy, N. and Danish, J.
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL, vol. 2, pp. 953-954. | Conference Proceeding
Affordances of digital, textile and living media for designing and learning biology in k-12 education
Kafai, Y.B.Kafai, Y.B.Horn, M.Horn, M.Danish, J.Danish, J.Humburg, M.Humburg, M.Tu, X.Tu, X.Davis, B.Davis, B.Georgen, C.Georgen, C.Enyedy, N.Enyedy, N.Bumbacher, E.Bumbacher, E.Blikstein, P.Blikstein, P.Washington, P.Washington, P.Riedel-Kruse, I.Riedel-Kruse, I.Clegg, T.Clegg, T.Byrne, V.Byrne, V.Norooz, L.Norooz, L.Kang, S.Kang, S.Froehlich, J.Froehlich, J.Walker, J.T.Walker, J.T.Lui, D.Lui, D.Anderson, E.Anderson, E.Kafai, Y.B. and Kafai, Y.B.
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS, vol. 2, pp. 1275-1282. | Journal Article
-Book chapter-
Danish, J.A. and Gresalfi, M.
In Cognitive and sociocultural perspectives on learning: Tensions and synergy in the learning sciences. (pp. 34-43). 2018
Comparing first-and third-person perspectives in early elementary learning of honeybee systems
Corrigan, S.Peppler, K.Thompson, N.Danish, J. and Moczek, A.
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS, vol. 1, pp. 512-519. | Journal Article
How teachers use instructional improvisation to organize science discourse and learning in a mixed reality environment
Dahn, M.Enyedy, N. and Danish, J.
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS, vol. 1, pp. 72-79. | Journal Article
Indoor positioning technology and enhanced engagement in early elementary systems thinking and science learning
Peppler, K.Thompson, N.Danish, J.Moczek, A. and Han, S.
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS, vol. 2, pp. 1077-1080. | Journal Article
In the hive: Designing for emergence when teaching complex systems in early childhood
Peppler, K.Thompson, N.Danish, J. and Moczek, A.
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS, vol. 1, pp. 584-591. | Journal Article
Investigating multiple dimensions of student engagement with embodied science learning
Humburg, M. and Danish, J.
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS, vol. 3, pp. 1723-1724. | Journal Article
Moving forward: In search of synergy across diverse views on the role of physical movement in design for stem education
Abrahamson, D.Abrahamson, D.Andrade, A.Andrade, A.Bakker, A.Bakker, A.Nathan, M.J.Nathan, M.J.Walkington, C.Walkington, C.Lindgren, R.Lindgren, R.Brown, D.E.Brown, D.E.Zohar, A.R.Zohar, A.R.Levy, S.T.Levy, S.T.Danish, J.A.Danish, J.A.Maltese, A.V.Maltese, A.V.Enyedy, N.Enyedy, N.Humburg, M.Humburg, M.Saleh, A.Saleh, A.Dahn, M.Dahn, M.Lee, C.Lee, C.Tu, X.Tu, X.Davis, B.Davis, B.Georgen, C.Georgen, C.Lindwall, O. and Lindwall, O.
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS, vol. 2, pp. 1243-1250. | Journal Article
The structures of embodied play activities and their impact on students? exploration of the particulate nature of matter
Davis, B.Tu, X.Danish, J.A. and Enyedy, N.
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS, vol. 3, pp. 1763-1764. | Journal Article
Tracing bodies through liminal blends during play-based inquiry in a mixed-reality environment
Keifert, D.Enyedy, N.Dahn, M.Lee, C.Lindberg, L. and Danish, J.
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS, vol. 3, pp. 1431-1432. | Journal Article
Agency, Embodiment, & Affect During Play in a Mixed-Reality Learning Environment
Keifert, DanielleLee, ChristineDahn, MaggieIllum, RandyDeLiema, DavidEnyedy, Noel and Danish, Joshua
ACM Press. | Conference Proceeding
A Measurement Model of Gestures in an Embodied Learning Environment: Accounting for Temporal Dependencies
Andrade, AlejandroDanish, Joshua and Maltest, Adam
Journal of Learning Analytics, vol. 4, (no. 3), pp. 45, 2017-12-03. | Journal Article