3 Publications
Skeletal muscle metabolic responses to physical activity are muscle type specific in a rat model of chronic kidney disease
Avin, Keith GAvin, Keith GAvin, Keith GHughes, Meghan CHughes, Meghan CHughes, Meghan CChen, Neal XChen, Neal XChen, Neal XSrinivasan, ShruthiO'Neill, Kalisha DEvan, Andrew PEvan, Andrew PEvan, Andrew PBacallao, Robert LBacallao, Robert LBacallao, Robert LSchulte, Michael LSchulte, Michael LSchulte, Michael LMoorthi, Ranjani NMoorthi, Ranjani NMoorthi, Ranjani NGisch, Debora LGisch, Debora LGisch, Debora LPerry, Christopher GPerry, Christopher G RPerry, Christopher GMoe, Sharon MMoe, Sharon MMoe, Sharon M and O'Connell, Thomas M
Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group), vol. 11, (no. 1), 2021. | Journal Article
Beta Cell Imaging—From Pre-Clinical Validation to First in Man Testing
Demine, StephaneDemine, StephaneSchulte, Michael LSchulte, Michael LTerrito, Paul RTerrito, Paul REizirik, Decio L and Eizirik, Decio L
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 21, (no. 19), 2020. | Journal Article
Pharmacological blockade of ASCT2-dependent glutamine transport leads to antitumor efficacy in preclinical models
Schulte, Michael LSchulte, Michael LSchulte, Michael LFu, AllieFu, AllieFu, AllieZhao, PingZhao, PingZhao, PingLi, JunLi, JunLi, JunGeng, LingGeng, LingGeng, LingSmith, Shannon TSmith, Shannon TSmith, Shannon TKondo, JumpeiKondo, JumpeiKondo, JumpeiCoffey, Robert JCoffey, Robert JCoffey, Robert JJohnson, Marc OJohnson, Marc OJohnson, Marc ORathmell, Jeffrey CRathmell, Jeffrey CRathmell, Jeffrey CSharick, Joe TSharick, Joe TSharick, Joe TSkala, Melissa CSkala, Melissa CSkala, Melissa CSmith, Jarrod ASmith, Jarrod ASmith, Jarrod ABerlin, JordanBerlin, JordanBerlin, JordanWashington, M KWashington, M KWashington, M KNickels, Michael LNickels, Michael LNickels, Michael LManning, H CManning, H C and Manning, H C
Nature Medicine, vol. 24, (no. 2), pp. 194-202, Feb 2018. | Journal Article