366 Publications (Page 2 of 15)
Cover Feature: Anion‐Binding Macrocycles Operate Beyond the Electrostatic Regime: Interaction Distances Matter (Chem. Eur. J. 54/2018)
Sengupta, ArkajyotiSengupta, ArkajyotiLiu, YunLiu, YunFlood, Amar HFlood, Amar HRaghavachari, Krishnan and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Chemistry – A European Journal, vol. 24, (no. 54), pp. 14292, September 25, 2018. | Journal Article
Electronic Energies Are Not Enough: An Ion Mobility-Aided, Quantum Chemical Benchmark Analysis of H + GPGG Conformers
Beckett, DanielBeckett, DanielEl-Baba, Tarick JEl-Baba, Tarick JClemmer, David EClemmer, David ERaghavachari, Krishnan and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Journal of chemical theory and computation, vol. 14, (no. 10), pp. 5418, 2018-Sep-21. | Journal Article
Fragment-Based Approaches for Supramolecular Interaction Energies: Applications to Foldamers and Their Complexes with Anions
Debnath, SibaliSengupta, ArkajyotiJose, K V Jovan and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Journal of chemical theory and computation, vol. 14, (no. 12), pp. 6239, 2018-Dec-11. | Journal Article
Host–Host Interactions Control Self‐assembly and Switching of Triple and Double Decker Stacks of Tricarbazole Macrocycles Co‐assembled with anti‐Electrostatic Bisulfate Dimers
Dobscha, James RDobscha, James RDobscha, James RDebnath, SibaliDebnath, SibaliDebnath, SibaliFadler, Rachel EFadler, Rachel EFadler, Rachel EFatila, Elisabeth MFatila, Elisabeth MFatila, Elisabeth MPink, MarenPink, MarenPink, MarenRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanFlood, Amar HFlood, Amar H and Flood, Amar H
Chemistry – A European Journal, vol. 24, (no. 39), pp. 9852, July 11, 2018. | Journal Article
Hydrogen evolution from water reactions with molybdenum sulfide cluster anions
Topolski, Josey ETopolski, Josey EGupta, Ankur KGupta, Ankur KNickson, Kathleen ANickson, Kathleen ARaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanJarrold, Caroline Chick and Jarrold, Caroline Chick
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 434, pp. 201, November 2018. | Journal Article
Insight into ethylene interactions with molybdenum suboxide cluster anions from photoelectron spectra of chemifragments
Schaugaard, RichardSchaugaard, RichardTopolski, JoseyTopolski, JoseyRay, ManishaRay, ManishaRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanJarrold, Caroline and Jarrold, Caroline
Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 148, (no. 5), 2018-02-07. | Journal Article
Mechanistic Role of Two-State Reactivity in a Molecular MoS 2 Edge-Site Analogue for Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis
Schaugaard, RichardSchaugaard, RichardJarrold, Caroline ChickJarrold, Caroline ChickRaghavachari, Krishnan and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Inorganic chemistry, vol. 57, (no. 15), pp. 9167, 2018-Aug-06. | Journal Article
Molybdenum Oxide Cluster Anion Reactions with C.sub.2H.sub.4 and H.sub.2O: Cooperativity and Chemifragmentation
Ray, ManishaRay, ManishaSchaugaard, RichardSchaugaard, RichardTopolski, JoseyTopolski, JoseyKafader, JaredKafader, JaredRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanJarrold, Caroline and Jarrold, Caroline
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 122, (no. 1), pp. 41, 20180111. | Journal Article
Redox "Innocence" of Re(I) in Electrochemical CO 2 Reduction Catalyzed by Nanographene-Re Complexes
Schaugaard, Richard NRaghavachari, Krishnan and Li, Liang-Shi
Inorganic chemistry, 2018-Aug-20. | Journal Article
Redox “Innocence” of Re(I) in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Catalyzed by Nanographene–Re Complexes
Schaugaard, Richard NSchaugaard, Richard NRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanLi, Liang-shi and Li, Liang Shi
Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 57, (no. 17), pp. 10556, 2018-09-04. | Journal Article
Reductive defluorination of graphite monofluoride by weak, non-nucleophilic reductants reveals low-lying electron-accepting sites
Liu, YijunLiu, YijunLiu, YijunNoffke, Benjamin WNoffke, Benjamin WNoffke, Benjamin WGao, XinfengGao, XinfengGao, XinfengLozovyj, YaroslavLozovyj, YaroslavLozovyj, YaroslavCui, YiCui, YiCui, YiFu, YongzhuFu, YongzhuFu, YongzhuRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanSiedle, Allen RSiedle, Allen RSiedle, Allen RLi, Liang-ShiLi, Liang Shi and Li, Liang-Shi
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, vol. 20, (no. 21), pp. 14290, 2018-May-30. | Journal Article
Reductive defluorination of graphite monofluoride by weak, non-nucleophilic reductants reveals low-lying electron-accepting sitesElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details, supplementary results, and theoretical calculations. See DOI: 10.1039/c8cp00384j
Liu, YijunLiu, YijunNoffke, Benjamin WNoffke, Benjamin WGao, XinfengGao, XinfengLozovyj, YaroslavLozovyj, YaroslavCui, YiCui, YiFu, YongzhuFu, YongzhuRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanSiedle, Allen RSiedle, Allen RLi, Liang-shi and Li, Liang-shi
(no. 21), pp. 1429, 20180530. | Journal Article
Theoretical Study of Protein-Ligand Interactions Using the Molecules-in-Molecules Fragmentation-Based Method
Thapa, BishnuThapa, BishnuBeckett, DanielBeckett, DanielErickson, JonErickson, JonRaghavachari, Krishnan and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Journal of chemical theory and computation, vol. 14, (no. 10), pp. 5155, 2018-Oct-09. | Journal Article
Anion Binding in Solution: Beyond the Electrostatic Regime
Liu, YunLiu, YunSengupta, ArkajyotiSengupta, ArkajyotiRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanFlood, Amar H and Flood, Amar H
Chem, vol. 3, (no. 3), pp. 427, 2017-09-14. | Journal Article
Bond Activation and Hydrogen Evolution from Water through Reactions with M 3 S 4 (M = Mo, W) and W 3 S 3 Anionic Clusters
Kumar, Corrine ASaha, Arjun and Raghavachari, Krishnan
The journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 121, (no. 8), pp. 1760, 2017-Mar-02. | Journal Article
Charge redistribution in QM:QM ONIOM model systems: a constrained density functional theory approach
Beckett, DanielKrukau, Aliaksandr and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Molecular Physics, vol. 115, (no. 21-22), pp. 2822, 11/17/2017. | Journal Article
Fragment-Based Approach for the Evaluation of NMR Chemical Shifts for Large Biomolecules Incorporating the Effects of the Solvent Environment
Jose, K V Jovan and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Journal of chemical theory and computation, vol. 13, (no. 3), pp. 1158, 2017-Mar-14. | Journal Article
Hidden complexities in the reaction of H2O2 and HNO revealed by ab initio quantum chemical investigations
Beckett, DanielBeckett, DanielEdelmann, MarcEdelmann, MarcRaff, Jonathan DRaff, Jonathan DRaghavachari, Krishnan and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 19, (no. 43), pp. 29560, 2017-00-00. | Journal Article
Hidden complexities in the reaction of H2O2 and HNO revealed by ab initio quantum chemical investigationsElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c7cp05883g
Beckett, DanielBeckett, DanielEdelmann, MarcEdelmann, MarcRaff, Jonathan DRaff, Jonathan DRaghavachari, Krishnan and Raghavachari, Krishnan
(no. 43), pp. 2956, 20171108. | Journal Article
Molybdenum Oxide Cluster Anion Reactions with C 2 H 4 and H 2 O: Cooperativity and Chemifragmentation
Ray, ManishaRay, ManishaSchaugaard, Richard NSchaugaard, Richard NTopolski, Josey ETopolski, Josey EKafader, Jared OttoKafader, Jared OttoRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanJarrold, Caroline Chick and Jarrold, Caroline Chick
The journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 122, (no. 1), 2017-Dec-04. | Journal Article
Solving the Density Functional Conundrum: Elimination of Systematic Errors To Derive Accurate Reaction Enthalpies of Complex Organic Reactions
Sengupta, Arkajyoti and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Organic letters, vol. 19, (no. 10), pp. 2579, 2017-05-19. | Journal Article
Temperature-Programmed Desorption (TPD) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) Study Comparing the Adsorption of Ethyl Halides on the Si(100) Surface
Zhao, JingNoffke, Benjamin WRaghavachari, Krishnan and Teplyakov, Andrew V
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 121, (no. 13), pp. 7213, 2017-04-06. | Journal Article
Well-Defined Nanographene-Rhenium Complex as an Efficient Electrocatalyst and Photocatalyst for Selective CO 2 Reduction
Qiao, XiaoxiaoLi, QiqiSchaugaard, Richard NNoffke, Benjamin WLiu, YijunLi, DongpingLiu, LuRaghavachari, Krishnan and Li, Liang-Shi
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 139, (no. 11), pp. 3934, 2017-03-22. | Journal Article
Well-Defined Nanographene–Rhenium Complex as an Efficient Electrocatalyst and Photocatalyst for Selective CO2 Reduction
Qiao, XiaoxiaoQiao, XiaoxiaoLi, QiqiLi, QiqiSchaugaard, Richard NSchaugaard, Richard NNoffke, Benjamin WNoffke, Benjamin WLiu, YijunLiu, YijunLi, DongpingLi, DongpingLiu, LuLiu, LuRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanLi, Liang-shi and Li, Liang Shi
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 139, (no. 11), pp. 3937, 2017-03-22. | Journal Article
A Grotthuss-like proton shuttle in the anomalous C 2 H 3 + carbocation: energetic and vibrational properties for isotopologues
Li, JunjieLi, JunjiePacheco, Alexander BPacheco, Alexander BRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanIyengar, Srinivasan S and Iyengar, Srinivasan S
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, vol. 18, (no. 42), pp. 29395, 2016-Oct-26. | Journal Article