6 Grants
Discovering the Secrets of Regeneration: a Comparative Strategy
Chernoff, Ellen A
Indiana 21 St Century Research And Technology Fund, $332,000, 2004 -- 2007
DARPA SBIR II (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), subcontract through The Technical Basis, LLC, San Diego California.
Chernoff, Ellen A
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, $70,000, 2003 -- 2004
A Center of Excellence in Regenerative Biology and Medicine
Chernoff, Ellen A
Indiana 21 St Century Research And Technology Fund, $879,338, 2000 -- 2003
Partnerships for Innovation: A Center of Excellence in Regenerative Biology
Neff, AntonStocum, DavidChernoff, EllenRhodes, Simon and Mescher, Anthony
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Engineering, Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (ID: 0093092), $600,000USD, 10/01/2000 -- 03/31/2004
Regenerative Biology and Medicine: A Search for Regeneration-Stimulating Molecules
Chernoff, Ellen A
Eli Lilly And Company, $161,000, 1999 -- 2003
Extracellular Material and Neurite Outgrowth
Chernoff, Ellen
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Biological Sciences, Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (ID: 8308443), $118,000USD, 10/15/1983 -- 03/31/1986