151 Publications (Page 5 of 7)
INOR 498-In vitro cellular labeling of magnetic nanotubes for magnetic resonance imaging
Bai, XiaSon, Sang JunZhang, ShixiongLiu, WeiJordan, Elaine KFrank, Joseph AVenkatesan, Thirumalai and Lee, Sang Bok. | Conference Proceeding
Synthesis of superparamagnetic nanotubes as MRI contrast agents and for cell labeling
Bai, XiaBai, XiaSon, Sang JSon, Sang JunZhang, ShixiongZhang, ShixiongLiu, WeiLiu, WeiJordan, Elaine KJordan, Elaine KFrank, Joseph AFrank, Joseph AVenkatesan, ThirumalaiVenkatesan, ThirumalaiBok Lee, Sang and Lee, Sang B
Nanomedicine (London, England), vol. 3, (no. 2), pp. 174, 2008-April-01. | Journal Article
Synthesis of superparamagnetic nanotubes as MRI contrast agents and for cell labeling
Bai, XiaSon, Sang JunZhang, ShixiongLiu, WeiJordan, Elaine KFrank, Joseph AVenkatesan, Thirumalai and Lee, Sang Bok
(pp. 163–174). Future Medicine
Synthesis of superparamagnetic nanotubes as MRI contrast agents and for cell labeling
Bai, XiaSon, Sang JunZhang, ShixiongLiu, WeiJordan, Elaine KFrank, Joseph AVenkatesan, Thirumalai and Lee, Sang Bok
Nanomedicine, vol. 3, pp. 163–174. | Journal Article
Anomalous Hall Effect in Superparamagnetic Co-(La, Sr) TiO _ {3} Thin Films
Zhang, ShixiongYu, WeiqiangOgale, Satish BShinde, Sanjay RKundaliya, Darshan CHiggins, Joshua SSahu, RanjanGreene, Richard LVenkatesan, ThirumalaiTse, Wangkong and others
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, vol. 52. | Journal Article
Anomalous Hall Effect in Superparamagnetic Co-(La, Sr) TiO _ {3} Thin Films
Zhang, ShixiongYu, WeiqiangOgale, Satish BShinde, Sanjay RKundaliya, Darshan CHiggins, Joshua SSahu, RanjanGreene, Richard LVenkatesan, ThirumalaiTse, Wangkong and others
Growth parameter-property phase diagram for pulsed laser deposited transparent oxide conductor anatase Nb: Ti O 2
Zhang, SxDhar, SYu, WXu, HOgale, SB and Venkatesan, T
(pp. 112113). AIP
Growth parameter-property phase diagram for pulsed laser deposited transparent oxide conductor anatase Nb: Ti O 2
Zhang, SxDhar, SYu, WXu, HOgale, SB and Venkatesan, T
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 91, pp. 112113. | Journal Article
Magnetism and anomalous Hall effect in Co-(La, Sr) Ti O 3
Zhang, SxYu, WOgale, SBShinde, SRKundaliya, DCTse, Wang-KongYoung, SYHiggins, JSSalamanca-Riba, LGHerrera, M and others
Physical Review B, vol. 76, pp. 085323. | Journal Article
Magnetism and anomalous Hall effect in Co-(La, Sr) Ti O 3
Zhang, SxYu, WOgale, SBShinde, SRKundaliya, DCTse, Wang-KongYoung, SYHiggins, JSSalamanca-Riba, LGHerrera, M and others
(pp. 085323). APS
Niobium doped TiO 2: Intrinsic transparent metallic anatase versus highly resistive rutile phase
Zhang, SxKundaliya, DCYu, WDhar, SYoung, SYSalamanca-Riba, LGOgale, SBVispute, RD and Venkatesan, T
(pp. 013701). AIP
Niobium doped TiO 2: Intrinsic transparent metallic anatase versus highly resistive rutile phase
Zhang, SxKundaliya, DCYu, WDhar, SYoung, SYSalamanca-Riba, LGOgale, SBVispute, RD and Venkatesan, T
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 102, pp. 013701. | Journal Article
Characterization of Interfaces and Defects on the Atomic Scale with the Conjuction of Stem Z-Contrast Imaging and Eels
Fu, LFBrowning, NDKundaliya, DCZhang, SxRamadan, WVenkatesan, T and Ogale, SB
(pp. 171–186). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Characterization of Interfaces and Defects on the Atomic Scale with the Conjuction of Stem Z-Contrast Imaging and Eels
Fu, LFBrowning, NDKundaliya, DCZhang, SxRamadan, WVenkatesan, T and Ogale, SB
Interfaces in Heterogeneous Ceramic Systems: Ceramic Transactions Series, Volume 191, pp. 171–186. | Journal Article
Characterization of Interfaces and Defects on the Atomic Scale with the Conjunction of STEM Z-Contrast Imaging and EELS
Fu, FBrowning, NDKundaliya, DCZhang, SxRamadan, WVenkatesan, T and Ogale, SB
CERAMIC TRANSACTIONS, vol. 191, pp. 171. | Journal Article
Characterization of Interfaces and Defects on the Atomic Scale with the Conjunction of STEM Z-Contrast Imaging and EELS
Fu, FBrowning, NDKundaliya, DCZhang, SxRamadan, WVenkatesan, T and Ogale, SB
(pp. 171). American Ceramic Society; 1998
Consequences of niobium doping for the ferromagnetism and microstructure of anatase Co: TiO 2 films
Zhang, SxOgale, SBFu, LFDhar, SKundaliya, DCRamadan, WBrowning, ND and Venkatesan, T
(pp. 012513). AIP
Consequences of niobium doping for the ferromagnetism and microstructure of anatase Co: TiO 2 films
Zhang, SxOgale, SBFu, LFDhar, SKundaliya, DCRamadan, WBrowning, ND and Venkatesan, T
Applied physics letters, vol. 88, pp. 012513. | Journal Article
Defects in Co-doped and (Co, Nb)-doped Ti O 2 ferromagnetic thin films
Fu, LFBrowning, NDZhang, SxOgale, SBKundaliya, DC and Venkatesan, T
(pp. 123910). AIP
Defects in Co-doped and (Co, Nb)-doped Ti O 2 ferromagnetic thin films
Fu, LFBrowning, NDZhang, SxOgale, SBKundaliya, DC and Venkatesan, T
Journal of applied physics, vol. 100, pp. 123910. | Journal Article
Magnetic properties of “two electron” doped manganites: CaMn 1- x W x O 3 (0.05≤ x≤ 0.20)
Pi, LiZhang, ShixiongTong, WeiTan, Shun and Zhang, Yuheng
Solid state communications, vol. 139, pp. 460–464. | Journal Article
Magnetic properties of “two electron” doped manganites: CaMn 1- x W x O 3 (0.05≤ x≤ 0.20)
Pi, LiZhang, ShixiongTong, WeiTan, Shun and Zhang, Yuheng
(pp. 460–464). Elsevier
Magnetic properties of "two electron" doped manganites: CaMn.sub.1-x W.sub.x O.sub.3 ( 0.05 [less than or equal to] x [less than or equal to] 0.20 )
Pi, LiZhang, ShixiongTong, WeiTan, Shun and Zhang, Yuheng
Solid State Communications, vol. 139, (no. 9), pp. 460, 20060901. | Journal Article
Negligible Magnetism in transition metal (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) doped Nb: SrTiO3
Zhang, ShixiongOgale, SatishRamadan, WegdanDhar, SankarKundaliya, DarshanVenkatesan, ThirumalaiFu, Lianfeng and Browning, Nigel
Negligible Magnetism in transition metal (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) doped Nb: SrTiO3
Zhang, ShixiongOgale, SatishRamadan, WegdanDhar, SankarKundaliya, DarshanVenkatesan, ThirumalaiFu, Lianfeng and Browning, Nigel
Bulletin of the American Physical Society. | Journal Article