151 Publications (Page 2 of 7)
p-Type transition-metal doping of large-area MoS2 thin films grown by chemical vapor deposition.
Xu, E ZXu, E. Z.Liu, H. M.Liu, H MPark, K.Park, KLi, ZLi, Z.Losovyj, Y.Losovyj, YStarr, MStarr, M.Werbianskyj, MWerbianskyj, M.Fertig, H AFertig, H. A.Zhang, S X and Zhang, S. X.
Nanoscale, March 1, 2017. | Journal Article
Robust pinning of magnetic moments in pyrochlore iridates
Yang, WCZhu, WKZhou, HDLing, LChoi, ESLee, MLosovyj, YLu, Chi-Ken and Zhang, Sx
Phys. Rev. B, vol. 96, pp. 094437. | Journal Article
Robust pinning of magnetic moments in pyrochlore iridates
Yang, WCZhu, WKZhou, HDLing, LChoi, ESLee, MLosovyj, YLu, Chi-Ken and Zhang, Sx
(pp. 094437)
Strain-induced structural defects and their effects on the electrochemical performances of silicon core/germanium shell nanowire heterostructures
Lin, Yung-ChenKim, DongheunLi, ZhenNguyen, Binh-MinhLi, NanZhang, Shixiong and Yoo, Jinkyoung
(pp. 1213–1220). Royal Society of Chemistry
Strain-induced structural defects and their effects on the electrochemical performances of silicon core/germanium shell nanowire heterostructures.
Lin, Yung-ChenLin, Yung-ChenKim, DongheunKim, DongheunLi, ZhenLi, ZhenNguyen, Binh-MinhNguyen, Binh-MinhLi, NanLi, NanZhang, ShixiongZhang, ShixiongYoo, Jinkyoung and Yoo, Jinkyoung
Nanoscale, January 4, 2017. | Journal Article
Surface magnetism in topological crystalline insulators
Reja, SahinurReja, SahinurFertig, H. AFertig, H ABrey, LBrey, LZhang, Shixiong and Zhang, Shixiong
Physical Review. B, Covering Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 96, (no. 20), Nov 15, 2017. | Journal Article
Surface Magnetism in Topological Crystalline Insulators
Reja, SahinurFertig, HABrey, L and Zhang, Shixiong
Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications 96, 201111 (2017). | Journal Article
Surface Magnetism in Topological Crystalline Insulators
Reja, SahinurFertig, HABrey, L and Zhang, Shixiong
Surface oxidation and thermoelectric properties of indium-doped tin telluride nanowires
Li, ZXu, EZLosovyj, YLi, NSwartzentruber, BSinitsyn, NYoo, JKJia, QX and Zhang, Sx
Nanoscale, 2017,9, 13014-13024. | Journal Article
Surface oxidation and thermoelectric properties of indium-doped tin telluride nanowires
Li, ZXu, EZLosovyj, YLi, NSwartzentruber, BSinitsyn, NYoo, JKJia, QX and Zhang, Sx
Surface oxidation and thermoelectric properties of indium-doped tin telluride nanowiresElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c7nr04934j
Li, ZhenLi, ZhenXu, EnzhiXu, EnzhiLosovyj, YaroslavLosovyj, YaroslavLi, NanLi, NanChen, AipingChen, AipingSwartzentruber, BrianSwartzentruber, BrianSinitsyn, NikolaiSinitsyn, NikolaiYoo, JinkyoungYoo, JinkyoungJia, QuanxiJia, QuanxiZhang, Shixiong and Zhang, Shixiong
(no. 35), pp. 1324, 20170914. | Journal Article
The application of S-transformation and M-2DPCA in I.C. Engine fault diagnosis
Zhang, ShixiongCai, Yanping and Mu, Weijie
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1834, (no. 1), 20170428. | Journal Article
Enhanced thermoelectric properties of topological crystalline insulator PbSnTe nanowires grown by vapor transport
Xu, EnzhiXu, EnzhiLi, ZhenLi, ZhenAcosta, Jaime AvilésLi, NanLi, NanSwartzentruber, BrianSwartzentruber, BrianZheng, ShiJianZheng, ShiJianSinitsyn, NikolaiSinitsyn, NikolaiHtoon, HanWang, JianWang, JianZhang, Shixiong and Zhang, Shixiong
Nano Research, vol. 9, (no. 3), pp. 820-830, Mar 2016. | Journal Article
Enhanced thermoelectric properties of topological crystalline insulator PbSnTe nanowires grown by vapor transport
Xu, EnzhiLi, ZhenAcosta, Jaime AvilésLi, NanSwartzentruber, BrianZheng, ShiJianSinitsyn, NikolaiHtoon, HanWang, Jian and Zhang, Shixiong
(pp. 820–830). Springer
Epitaxial thin films of pyrochlore iridate Bi_{2+x}Ir_{2-y}O_{7-delta}: structure, defects and transport properties
Yang, WencaoYang, W. C.Xie, Y. T.Xie, YuantaoZhu, W. K.Zhu, WenkaPark, KyungwhaPark, K.Chen, AipingChen, A. P.Losovyj, Y.Losovyj, YaroslavLi, Z.Li, ZhenLiu, HaomingLiu, H. M.Starr, MatthewStarr, M.Acosta, Jaime AAcosta, J. A.Tao, ChenggangTao, C. G.Li, N.Li, NanJia, QuanxiJia, Q. X.Heremans, J. J.Heremans, Jean JZhang, S. X. and Zhang, Shixiong
2016-08-30. | Journal Article
Magnetic order and spin-orbit coupled Mott state in double perovskite (La _ {1-x} Sr _x ) _2 CuIrO _6
Zhu, WKTung, J-CTong, WLing, LStarr, MWang, JMYang, WCLosovyj, YZhou, HDWang, YQ and others
Magnetic order and spin-orbit coupled Mott state in double perovskite (La _ {1-x} Sr _x ) _2 CuIrO _6
Zhu, WKTung, J-CTong, WLing, LStarr, MWang, JMYang, WCLosovyj, YZhou, HDWang, YQ and others
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.07763. | Journal Article
Diameter dependent thermoelectric properties of individual SnTe nanowires
Xu, EZLi, ZMartinez, JASinitsyn, NHtoon, HLi, NanSwartzentruber, BHollingsworth, JAWang, Jian and Zhang, Sx
(pp. 2869–2876). Royal Society of Chemistry
Diameter dependent thermoelectric properties of individual SnTe nanowires.
Xu, E ZXu, E. Z.Li, Z.Li, ZMartinez, J AMartinez, J. A.Sinitsyn, NSinitsyn, N.Htoon, H.Htoon, HLi, NanLi, NanSwartzentruber, B.Swartzentruber, BHollingsworth, J AHollingsworth, J. A.Wang, JianWang, JianZhang, S. X. and Zhang, S X
Nanoscale, vol. 7, (no. 7), pp. 2869-2876, February 21, 2015. | Journal Article
Strong ferromagnetism induced by canted antiferromagnetic order in double perovskite iridates (La 1- x Sr x) 2 ZnIrO 6
Zhu, WKLu, Chi-KenTong, WWang, JMZhou, HD and Zhang, Sx
(pp. 144408). APS
Strong ferromagnetism induced by canted antiferromagnetic order in double perovskite iridates (La 1- x Sr x) 2 ZnIrO 6
Zhu, WKLu, Chi-KenTong, WWang, JMZhou, HD and Zhang, Sx
Physical Review B, vol. 91, pp. 144408. | Journal Article
Bottom up synthesis of topological crystalline insulator SnTe nanostructures with controlled facets and morphologies
Li, ZhenShao, ShuaiLi, NanMcCall, KyleWang, Jian and Zhang, Shixiong
Bottom up synthesis of topological crystalline insulator SnTe nanostructures with controlled facets and morphologies
Li, ZhenShao, ShuaiLi, NanMcCall, KyleWang, Jian and Zhang, Shixiong. | Conference Proceeding
Enhanced weak ferromagnetism and conductivity in hole-doped pyrochlore iridate Y 2 Ir 2 O 7
Zhu, WKWang, MSeradjeh, BYang, Fengyuan and Zhang, Sx
(pp. 054419). APS
Enhanced weak ferromagnetism and conductivity in hole-doped pyrochlore iridate Y 2 Ir 2 O 7
Zhu, WKWang, MSeradjeh, BYang, Fengyuan and Zhang, Sx
Physical Review B, vol. 90, pp. 054419. | Journal Article