297 Publications (Page 3 of 12)
Circulating [alpha]Klotho influences phosphate handling by controlling FGF23 production
Smith, Rosamund CSmith, RosamundO'Bryan, LindaO'Bryan, Linda MFarrow, Emily GFarrow, EmilySummers, LeliaSummers, Lelia JClinkenbeard, Erica LClinkenbeard, EricaRoberts, JessicaRoberts, Jessica LCass, Taryn ACass, TarynSaha, JoySaha, JoyBroderick, CarolBroderick, CarolMa, Y.Ma, Y. LZeng, QingZeng, Qing QKharitonenkov, AlexeiKharitonenkov, AlexeiWilson, Jonathan MWilson, JonathanGuo, QianxuGuo, QianxuSun, HaijunSun, HaijunAllen, Matthew RAllen, MatthewBurr, DavidBurr, David BBreyer, MatthewBreyer, Matthew DWhite, Kenneth and White, Kenneth E
Journal of Clinical Investigation, vol. 122, (no. 12), pp. 4710, 20121201. | Journal Article
Circulating αKlotho influences phosphate handling by controlling FGF23 production
Smith, Rosamund CSmith, Rosamund CO'Bryan, Linda MO'Bryan, Linda MFarrow, Emily GFarrow, Emily GSummers, Lelia JSummers, Lelia JClinkenbeard, Erica LClinkenbeard, Erica LRoberts, Jessica LRoberts, Jessica LCass, Taryn ACass, Taryn ASaha, JoySaha, JoyBroderick, CarolBroderick, CarolMa, Y LindaMa, Y LZeng, Qing QiangZeng, Qing QKharitonenkov, AlexeiKharitonenkov, AlexeiWilson, Jonathan MWilson, Jonathan MGuo, QianxuGuo, QianxuSun, HaijunSun, HaijunAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RBurr, David BBurr, David BBreyer, Matthew DBreyer, Matthew DWhite, Kenneth E and White, Kenneth E
The Journal of clinical investigation, vol. 122, (no. 12), pp. 4715, 2012-Dec. | Journal Article
Impaired visual size-discrimination in children with movement disorders
Gori, MonicaTinelli, FrancescaSandini, GiulioCioni, Giovanni and Burr, David
Neuropsychologia, vol. 50, (no. 8), pp. 1843, July 2012. | Journal Article
Microcrack density and nanomechanical properties in the subchondral region of the immature piglet femoral head following ischemic osteonecrosis
Aruwajoye, Olumide OAruwajoye, OlumidePatel, MihirPatel, Mihir KAllen, Matthew RAllen, MatthewBurr, DavidBurr, David BAswath, PraneshAswath, Pranesh BKim, Harry K and Kim, Harry
Bone, vol. 52, (no. 2), pp. 639, 2012. | Journal Article
Musical training generalises across modalities and reveals efficient and adaptive mechanisms for judging temporal intervals
Aagten-Murphy, DavidCappagli, Giulia and Burr, David
Seeing and Perceiving, vol. 25, pp. 13, 20120000. | Journal Article
Resolution of inflammation induces osteoblast function and regulates the Wnt signaling pathway.
Matzelle, Melissa MGallant, MaximeCondon, Keith WWalsh, NicoleManning, Catherine AStein, Gary SLian, Jane BBurr, David B and Gravallese, Ellen M
Arthritis and rheumatism, vol. 64, (no. 5), pp. 1540-50, 2012/May. | Journal Article
Spatiotopic perceptual maps in humans: evidence from motion adaptation
Turi, Marco and Burr, David
Proceedings: Biological Sciences, vol. 279, (no. 1740), pp. 3097, 20120807. | Journal Article
Three years of alendronate treatment does not continue to decrease microstructural stresses and strains associated with trabecular microdamage initiation beyond those at 1 year
Green, JODiab, T.Allen, Matthew RVidakovic, BraniBurr, David B and Guldberg, Robert E
Osteoporosis International, vol. 23, (no. 9), pp. 2313-2320, 2012. | Journal Article
Atypical Subtrochanteric and Diaphyseal Femoral Fractures: Report of a Task Force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
Shane, E.Shane, E.Shane, ElizabethBurr, D.Burr, D.Burr, David BEbeling, P.R.Ebeling, P.R.Ebeling, Peter REbeling, Peter RAbrahamsen, B.Abrahamsen, BoAbrahamsen, B.Abrahamsen, B.Adler, R.A.Adler, RAAdler, Robert AAdler, R.A.Brown, Thomas DBrown, T.D.Brown, T.D.Brown, Thomas DCheung, A.M.Cheung, Angela MCheung, A.M.Cheung, AMCosman, FeliciaCosman, F.Cosman, F.Cosman, F.Curtis, J.R.Curtis, J. RCurtis, Jeffrey RCurtis, J.R.Dell, RichardDell, R.Dell, R.Dell, R.othersDempster, D.Dempster, D.Dempster, D.Einhorn, TAEinhorn, T.A.Einhorn, T.A.Genant, H.K.Genant, H.K.Genant, Harry KGeusens, P.Geusens, P.Geusens, P.al., etKlaushofer, K.Klaushofer, K.Koval, K.Koval, K.Lane, J.M.Lane, J.M.McKiernan, F.McKiernan, F.McKinney, R.McKinney, R.Ng, A.Ng, A.Nieves, J.Nieves, J.O’Keefe, R.O’Keefe, R.Papapoulos, S.Papapoulos, S.Sen, H.T.Sen, H.T.Van Der Meulen, M.C.H.Van Der Meulen, M.C.H.Weinstein, R.S.Weinstein, R.S.Whyte, M. and Whyte, M.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 26, (no. 8), pp. p. 1987, 2011. | Journal Article
Bisphosphonate effects on bone turnover, microdamage, and mechanical properties: What we think we know and what we know that we don't know
Allen, Matthew R and Burr, David B
Bone, vol. 49, (no. 1), pp. 56-65, 2011. | Journal Article
Bisphosphonates do not alter the rate of secondary mineralization.
Fuchs, RobynFaillace, Meghan EAllen, Matthew RPhipps, Roger JMiller, Lisa and Burr, David B
Bone, vol. 49, (no. 4), pp. 701-5, 2011/Oct. | Journal Article
Charles Hall Turner 1961–2010
Robling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GBurr, David B and Burr, David B
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 26, (no. 1), pp. 2, January 2011. | Journal Article
Compromised osseous healing of dental extraction sites in zoledronic acid-treated dogs
Allen, Matthew RKubek, DJBurr, David BRuggiero, SL and Chu, T Mg
Osteoporosis International, vol. 22, (no. 2), pp. 693-702, 2011. | Journal Article
Contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography of fatigue microdamage accumulation in human cortical bone.
Landrigan, Matthew DLi, JiliangTurnbull, Travis LBurr, David BNiebur, Glen L and Roeder, Ryan K
Bone, vol. 48, (no. 3), pp. 443-50, 2011/Mar/1. | Journal Article
Cross-Sensory Facilitation Reveals Neural Interactions between Visual and Tactile Motion in Humans
Gori, MonicaMazzilli, GiacomoSandini, Giulio and Burr, David
Frontiers in psychology, vol. 2, pp. 55, 2011-00-00. | Journal Article
Effects of the Combination Treatment of Raloxifene and Alendronate on the Biomechanical Properties of Vertebral Bone
Diab, T.Wang, J.Reinwald, SusanGuldberg, Robert E and Burr, David B
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 26, (no. 2), pp. 270-276, 2011. | Journal Article
Greater magnitude of turnover suppression occurs earlier after treatment initiation with risedronate than alendronate.
Allen, Matthew RTurek, John JPhipps, Roger J and Burr, David B
Bone, vol. 49, (no. 1), pp. 128-32, 2011/Jul. | Journal Article
Increased strontium uptake in trabecular bone of ovariectomized calcium-deficient rats treated with strontium ranelate or strontium chloride.
Pemmer, BernhardHofstaetter, Jochen GMeirer, FlorianSmolek, StephanWobrauschek, PeterSimon, RolfFuchs, RobynAllen, Matthew RCondon, Keith WReinwald, SusanPhipps, Roger JBurr, David BPaschalis, Eleftherios PKlaushofer, KlausStreli, Christina and Roschger, Paul
Journal of synchrotron radiation, vol. 18, (no. Pt 6), pp. 835-41, 2011/Nov. | Journal Article
Spatiotopic Visual Maps Revealed by Saccadic Adaptation in Humans
Zimmermann, EckartBurr, David and Morrone, Maria Concetta
Current Biology, vol. 21, (no. 16), pp. 1384, 2011-08-23. | Journal Article
Visual Perception: More Than Meets the Eye
Burr, David
Current Biology, vol. 21, (no. 4), pp. R161, 2011-02-22. | Journal Article
Why bones bend but don't break.
Burr, David B
Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions, vol. 11, (no. 4), pp. 270-85, 2011/Dec. | Journal Article
Atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femoral fractures: report of a task force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
Shane, ElizabethE, ShaneShane, E.Burr, David BD, BurrBurr, D.PR, EbelingEbeling, P.R.Ebeling, Peter REbeling, PeterB, AbrahamsenAbrahamsen, B.Abrahamsen, BoAdler, R.A.Adler, Robert AAdler, Robert ARA, AdlerBrown, Thomas DBrown, Thomas DTD, BrownBrown, T.D.AM, CheungCheung, A.M.Cheung, Angela MCheung, Angela MCosman, FeliciaF, CosmanCosman, F.Curtis, Jeffrey RJR, CurtisCurtis, Jeffrey RCurtis, J.R.R, DellDell, R.Dell, RichardDempster, DavidDempster, D.D, DempsterothersEinhorn, T.A.TA, EinhornEinhorn, Thomas AGenant, H.K.Genant, Harry KHK, GenantP, GeusensGeusens, PietGeusens, P.Bone, American SocietyKlaushofer, K.Klaushofer, KlausKoval, K.Research, MineralKoval, KennethLane, Joseph MLane, J.M.McKiernan, FergusMcKiernan, F.McKinney, R.Mc Kinney, RossNg, AlvinNg, A.Nieves, J.Nieves, JeriO'keefe, Regis JO’Keefe, R.Papapoulos, S.Papapoulos, SocratesSen, H.T.Sen, Howe TVan Der Meulen, MarjoleinVan Der Meulen, M.C.Weinstein, Robert SWeinstein, R.S.Whyte, M. and Whyte, Michael
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 25, (no. 11), pp. 2267-94, 2010/Nov. | Journal Article
Bisphosphonates do not inhibit periosteal bone formation in estrogen deficient animals and allow enhanced bone modeling in response to mechanical loading.
Feher, AnthonyKoivunemi, AndrewKoivunemi, MarkFuchs, RobynBurr, David BPhipps, Roger JReinwald, Susan and Allen, Matthew R
Bone, vol. 46, (no. 1), pp. 203-7, 2010/Jan. | Journal Article
Bisphosphonate treatment modifies canine bone mineral and matrix properties and their heterogeneity
Gourion-Arsiquaud, SamuelAllen, Matthew RBurr, David BVashishth, Deepak DTang, Simon Y and Boskey, Adele L
Bone, vol. 46, (no. 3), pp. 666-672, 2010. | Journal Article
Brief communication: Bone remodeling rates in Pleistocene humans are not slower than the rates observed in modern populations: A reexamination of Abbott et al. (1996)
Streeter, Margaret AStreeter, MargaretStout, SamStout, SamTrinkaus, ErikTrinkaus, ErikBurr, David and Burr, David
American journal of physical anthropology, vol. 141, (no. 2), pp. NA, 2010-Feb. | Journal Article